Saturday, July 2, 2011

What a Blessed Week!

Receiving the Scholarship from First Hawaiian Bank to use at the Guam Contractors Association Trades Academy on Thursday was an awesome experience.  I received one of thirteen, $1000 Scholarships to use on my craft skills courses.  I could use the scholarship funds on any of the courses that's offered at the GCA TA.  However, I choose to use on it on the Program Management Course.  By completing that course, I'll be able to round out myself in the management area and use that course to compliment my Safety Career as a Safety Manager.  it's really such a great feeling knowing I was one of thirteen who were awarded the scholarship.

On Wednesday, I took the Industrial Electrical Assessment exam at the GCA Trades Academy's Training Facility in Barrigada.  Three questions into the test, I was wondering if this was the correct electrical exam that I was supposed to take.  Many of the questions threw me off.  There were questions on heat trace, transformers, conduit bending on rigid pipes, high voltage, and other questions that I didn't know or recognize from my electrical experience as an Electrician. 

I would need a 70% to pass the Industrial Electrical Assessment Exam for the NCCER.   When I finally answered the 100th question with 10 minutes to spare on the two hour exam.  I was elated.  I didn't realize how hard NCCER's Assessment exams were.  When the proctor came by to my computer station to log off the site and have me check my scores.  I asked her if there was another electrical exam or if this was the only one.  The proctor informed that there is a Commercial Electrical Exam.  Then and there, I realized that I had taken the wrong exam.  No wonder the questions were not familiar.  I'm a low voltage electrician, not a high voltage electrician. 

When the proctor reviewed my score results.  I was really surprised to see that I scored a 66%.  As hard as I thought the exam was, I thought I bombed the exam with a really low score between 20 to 30%.  66 is 4 points from passing.  I don't know the Industrial Electrical Field. At least I didn't think I knew it.   As I have mentioned earlier, I am a low voltage electrician.  So I was really surprised to see how high my low score was.  I'm not upset for not passing.  I'm really happy that I scored 4 points from 70%.  God is telling me not to underestimate myself and what I know.  What a learning lesson.  Awesome. 

On Friday, I watched one of my safety instructors, Samoan Joe, teach the 16 member class in Traffic Flaggers Safety at the OSH Solutions Training Center.  With keen interest of a child watching something really interesting for the first time, I observed Joe's teaching style and interaction with the students.  That day, I was a student again.  I was more interested in his teaching and presentation style more than the Traffic Safety Course.

In order for me to be one of the best Safety Instructor's on island.  I have to observe the best and learn their techniques.  I know that through practice and teaching more courses.  The experience will come to help build up my own techniques.

Today, was my first class in teaching Respirator Training.  I worked on my own slides by taking material from the OSHA 30 hour, OSHA 500, and USACE EM 385-1-1 slide presentations.  Although, I have rehearsed the presentation.  I messed up on some of the information I put out to the participants today.  I only knew that after I re-read my rehearsal notes.  At least, I know where to improve for my next class. 

I also worked on my Aerial Lift Safety Training slide presentation this afternoon.  This is for tomorrow's morning training at 0830.  I'm glad the slide presentations are getting easier to put together.  Especially when I combine materials from the different OSHA and USACE Standards. 

Have a great 4th of July weekend!


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