Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Prosecution Botched Up. Move On Already.

It's amazing how many people are really angry over the verdict that the jury gave out in the Casey Anthony Case.  We cannot blame the jury.  They followed their instructions from the judge to the letter. 

This case was tried in the public by all the mainstream media outlets.  It was already tried by public opinion.  Yet, many of us were not in the courtroom or were part of the jury that saw the evidence that was presented by the prosecution.  Even the prosecutor admitted today, that not all the evidence was presented.  He stated, "If only the jury saw what he saw...".  What?  Are you telling me that not all the evidence was presented at trial?  Someone dropped the ball. 

The prosecution team didn't present the case fully.  Or, they would have won.  It's as simple as that.  The prosecution relied on circumstancial evidence to try to convict Casey Anthony.  They didn't have any facts or hardcore evidence that linked Casey to Caylee's murder.  All the experts the prosecution brought in to testify was discredited by the defense.  Like the OJ prosecution team, this team was overzealous.  They went for the Hail Mary play and lost. 

The Defense Lawyer did his best to discredit any, if not all, the prosecution's witnesses and experts.  He effectively use diversionary tactics to throw the jury off the prosecution strategy.  Some people in the media are saying he's not that effective.  Well, he got his client acquitted in a Death Penalty case.  I would say that's pretty effective. 

Even with all that is said and done.  Many people will continue to blame the jury.  Everyone is entitled to their opinions.  Just remember we were not in that Jury Room.  We were not privy to the evidence that they were shown.  The jury acquitted Casey Anthony of the charges in this case. 

I believe there are more than one person involved in Calyee's death.  I believe Casey knows more than she's telling.  She'll end up with a big windfall from all this.  Why?  Because the same people that are crying foul are stupid enough to go buy the book and/or watch the movie. 

As the saying goes, Everyone loves to watch a train wreck.  I wonder how many people wasted their lives watching this case daily.  Amazing what people will do to put their lives on hold for something that doesn't involve them.  Stephen King is right.  No wonder he makes millions on Horror Books and Movies. 


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