Thursday, July 28, 2011


I love watching storms.  They bring the hard rain, gusts of winds, thunder and lighting.  Sweeping across the landscape.  It tears down the weak around it, changing things that are not strong enough to withstand its force. 

Sometimes living here on Guahan in the middle of Typhoon Alley, you learn to appreciate the storms that come our way.  Other times, you just deal with it and move forward to rebuild.  Here on the ranch, the storms help cull out the weak.  I walk through the ranch after the storm passes and find livestock or poultry that didn't make it.  Fruit trees that I thought were strong before, later falls to hard driving rain.  It's God's cleansing on our land.  What we think is beautiful on the outside.   Doesn't mean it's necessarily strong on the inside.  So storms do our cleansing for us. 

After a storm, we move forward to rebuild.  We clean up the debris, dispose of carcasses, prune back fruit trees, straighten fence lines, re-manage breeding lines, and Thank God that all is still well.

Our lives are the same way.  We need storms to strengthen us, to show us our weaknesses, take account of our actions, seek forgiveness, rebuild, dispose of our past, and restrengthen our relationship with God. 

However, I don't like the storms that come unexpectedly.  So we continue to pray against those storms that do us and our island harm.  Contradicting, huh?   We let God decide what will happen. 


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