Sunday, July 24, 2011


Today's generation will be in a world of hurt if the WROL ever hits our country.  It amazes me when I see teens complain that their cell phones don't work.  Or they throw a tantrum because something is taking to long. 

A friend of mine was telling a class that he and his family were on their way to Samoa to bury their dead, Victims from the Tsunami.  One of the nephews was upset because their plane was delayed.  My friend took his nephew aside and explained that what is 30 more minutes, when their ancestors used to paddle to Hawaii it took 3 months. 

Kids, teens, young adults complain that the microwave takes to long.  I'm bewildered that 3 minutes is to long to pop a bag of popcorn.  Back in the day, and it wasn't to long ago, when my grandparents and uncles had to cut then a tree, to get wood for the fireplace.  Cut the log, into manageable burning material for the outside kitchen.  Then light the fire with a match if that is what you had.  God forbid you didn't have one of those.  You'll end up rubbing to different types of sticks together to get enough embers to start up a fire. 

Another one is that it takes to long to drive anywhere on this island.  Are you kidding me?  Really??  During World War II, the Japanese Army forced my people to march from Yigo to Manengon, Yona in a day.  That's forced know walking?! 

Here's one on food.  People get tired of waiting for their food to get cooked by someone else other than themselves.  Since my personal experience participating in Desert Shield and Desert Storm.  I've rarely ever complained about food taking to long to prep/cook.  After I returned to the world from that sandbox.  Eating MRE's and those micro dinners for 8 months, anything is good.  Have you tried eating microwaveable dinners in the desert with no microwave oven to heat them up in?  They should try going to Europe and see how fast their going to get their meals.  If they've ever killed their own food, dressed, hauled back to their house, cleaned it, butchered the carcass, aged the meat,  They'll understand how long it took for someone and their families, back in the day, to eat. 

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