Thursday, July 28, 2011

My pineapple should be getting ripe soon.


I love watching storms.  They bring the hard rain, gusts of winds, thunder and lighting.  Sweeping across the landscape.  It tears down the weak around it, changing things that are not strong enough to withstand its force. 

Sometimes living here on Guahan in the middle of Typhoon Alley, you learn to appreciate the storms that come our way.  Other times, you just deal with it and move forward to rebuild.  Here on the ranch, the storms help cull out the weak.  I walk through the ranch after the storm passes and find livestock or poultry that didn't make it.  Fruit trees that I thought were strong before, later falls to hard driving rain.  It's God's cleansing on our land.  What we think is beautiful on the outside.   Doesn't mean it's necessarily strong on the inside.  So storms do our cleansing for us. 

After a storm, we move forward to rebuild.  We clean up the debris, dispose of carcasses, prune back fruit trees, straighten fence lines, re-manage breeding lines, and Thank God that all is still well.

Our lives are the same way.  We need storms to strengthen us, to show us our weaknesses, take account of our actions, seek forgiveness, rebuild, dispose of our past, and restrengthen our relationship with God. 

However, I don't like the storms that come unexpectedly.  So we continue to pray against those storms that do us and our island harm.  Contradicting, huh?   We let God decide what will happen. 


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Home Owners Associations

If you're going to invest in a home controlled by a Home Oweners Association.  Please read the fine print.  It's really stupid to invest in something that you can't control.  I prefer to live in the country if I ever returned to the U.S. Mainland. 

I guess the affordability of the home outweighs your rights as a citizen.  So suck it up if you invest in one. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bumped off my OSHA 2264 Course.

I asserted myself into my training program last year when I started taking my Core Classes at GCA Trades Academy under the Guam Transportation Training Program.  I took it upon myself to find the available classes that I needed to finish the course.  I decided that I will not be the other students who will wait by the phone to find out their next class.  I went and looked for the classes I needed to finsh. 

During that time, I got to know Lori and Debbie at GCA Trades Academy.  I worked with them to get booked in the next available Core and Safety classes.  I know I was a pain to Debbie and Lori for always calling to make sure there was another class available before I finished the current class that I was in.  I appreciate both of them so much for being accommodating to me.  I also got to know Desiree, Chantel, Francine, and Ann Marie at Guam Contractor's Association.  I did the same thing to them.  Always calling on a weekly basis to get myself on the next Safety Class.  They all made it possible to insure I was in the next class.  Even if the safety course was full, I was placed on standby.  In the event that someone maybe a no show or cancellation, I would just move right on in.  I am so grateful to all of the ladies for helping me out to succeed in my endeavors. 

I can't believe that I was on top of the list to take this course tomorrow.  Only to be bumped off by students who are not even on the GCA Trades Academy List.  A whole other list was turned in to GCA Trades.  So those students can catch up.  Now, I'm told that I have to wait for the next course because the class is filled. 

I wonder of those students, who bumped me off, even have OSHA 511-General Industry Standards, a prerequisite for the OSHA 2264 Permit Required Confined Space Entry. 


Sunday, July 24, 2011


Today's generation will be in a world of hurt if the WROL ever hits our country.  It amazes me when I see teens complain that their cell phones don't work.  Or they throw a tantrum because something is taking to long. 

A friend of mine was telling a class that he and his family were on their way to Samoa to bury their dead, Victims from the Tsunami.  One of the nephews was upset because their plane was delayed.  My friend took his nephew aside and explained that what is 30 more minutes, when their ancestors used to paddle to Hawaii it took 3 months. 

Kids, teens, young adults complain that the microwave takes to long.  I'm bewildered that 3 minutes is to long to pop a bag of popcorn.  Back in the day, and it wasn't to long ago, when my grandparents and uncles had to cut then a tree, to get wood for the fireplace.  Cut the log, into manageable burning material for the outside kitchen.  Then light the fire with a match if that is what you had.  God forbid you didn't have one of those.  You'll end up rubbing to different types of sticks together to get enough embers to start up a fire. 

Another one is that it takes to long to drive anywhere on this island.  Are you kidding me?  Really??  During World War II, the Japanese Army forced my people to march from Yigo to Manengon, Yona in a day.  That's forced know walking?! 

Here's one on food.  People get tired of waiting for their food to get cooked by someone else other than themselves.  Since my personal experience participating in Desert Shield and Desert Storm.  I've rarely ever complained about food taking to long to prep/cook.  After I returned to the world from that sandbox.  Eating MRE's and those micro dinners for 8 months, anything is good.  Have you tried eating microwaveable dinners in the desert with no microwave oven to heat them up in?  They should try going to Europe and see how fast their going to get their meals.  If they've ever killed their own food, dressed, hauled back to their house, cleaned it, butchered the carcass, aged the meat,  They'll understand how long it took for someone and their families, back in the day, to eat. 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Veteran's Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation Issue???

My appointment to the VA Benefits office to talk to a VocRehab Counselor was surprising, insightful, stressful and very upsetting.  It's like being on Cloud 9 and then you're falling.  To be told years ago, in 2000, that you're eligible and now 10 years later you're not eligible is a blindsided punch.  I don't know who to believe anymore. 

It seems several employees didn't follow systematic procedures.  Being one of over 60 Veterans to start all over is not doing well with me at the moment.  I do understand that someone didn't follow procedure and things have to be done to correct it. 

I and other veterans were assured that we will not be penalized for a VA Employees mistake.  Yet, if we're not eligible under the new rules.  VA taking back all the equipment that was given to us is still penalizing.  I feel that since I've been in the system since 2000.  That I should be grandfathered. 

However, this counselor wants us to work together to make this right.  I'll do that one last time.  A big part of me is yelling at me to go see a lawyer about this mess.  I will, if I do receive a denial letter. 

Just when I thought it was good to trust the VA again, this happens. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

67th Guahan Liberation

While majority of the island celebrated Guahan's 67th Liberation today down in Hagatna our capitol with marching units, floats, and lots of chaotic fun.  I chose to spend it down at the Guae Ranch this year.  Unfortunately not all the boyz were down there.  I met up with Primo James and his primo.  Tye came down later.  Although, I ran into him at the feed store earlier.  I guess the plan for a big barbecue that was talked about months ago fell through. 

However, I decided to make the best of it with my niece/goddaughter, Arissa.  When we got to the Kantit.  Primo Ted was nowhere to be found.  We did find the bbq grill smoking.  So I threw in more coconuts and wood to get it going again.  I took the fish I caught via Psychic Fishing and defrosted it in water.  While Arissa sat and read her book, I walked around to see what Ted's been doing. 

It looks like he's been busy farming again.  The last time I was at the kantit was a couple of months ago picking lemai.  The grass was not that well cut.  It was as tall as I was.  But Tye mentioned that he has been going down and cleaning up.  At the northern end of the kantit, Ted's contractors were busy digging out a huge hole on the opposite side of the goat pen.  They even have marshalled materials ready to build Ted's roof to his ranch house. 

Primo James showed up as I finished checking on the binadu in their pen.  We started talking about what has been going on with us.  He thought I had left to the Philippines.  Not until September, I replied.  We talked about various topics:  the reunification of the Marianas Islands, Liberation, War Reparations, and Free Association.  I admit, James, got me interested in Free Association.  I'm gonna research it more and compare it to Commonwealth/incorporated territory. 

We both agreed, if the USA can pay Billions of dollars in rent to the South Koreans, Japanese, Italian, and German governments for military bases in their countries.  I'm pretty sure they'll pay $6 Billion Dollars in rent per year for 3 military bases on Guahan.  Also, giving Billions in aide to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.  why not Guahan?  There is a disparity here and were an American Territory. (will blog on this more later)

Anyway, after our talk, I cleaned the fish after they defrosted, added wood to the fire, had Arissa help me prep the fish, and then put it on the fire.  It was a nice quiet afternoon, enjoying the strong cool breeze coming off the Pacific Ocean. 


Blogging from my cellphone.

Playing with my Phone at the moment. Actually, blogging from the phone. It is not easy doing this with such a small screen and typing with one finger. At least it works is what matters. The plus side would be that auto spell checker. Which is blessing and curse at the same time.

ESTA. ..

Wow, checking out my blog page from my phone. I wonder if this phone can cook as well.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Guahan's BMW

BMW's are common here on the islands, especially on Guahan and the Northern Marianas Islands being in Typhoon Alley.  From what I've heard, It's safe to say that most typhoons on Guahan bring out the BMW's. Depending on when the typhoon hits and how long it lasts determines the intensity of the BMW.  No, it doesn't mean driving your expensive Beamer in the typhoon. Although, a Beamer is a type of BMW.  But that's not the BMW that I'm talking about. 

BMW's happen when it's cold from the passing Thunder Storm and/or Typhoon and a couple wants to keep warm.  The other side of the coin is that they're bored and there is nothing else to do during a long typhoon. 

I have driven Beamer's in Germany while I was stationed there during my tour of duty with the military.  There really pretty good cars.  I have yet to experience an actual BMW during a typhoon.  Mostly because our house is full of family members and every room is occupied.  Also, I'm mostly up with the boys and keeping an eye on the passing storm. 

Most of the Primos who experience BMW's, are those guys who don't come out to help during the storm.  I've always wondered where in the world did they find the time.  This storm is just teasing us.  No big deal about it. 

If you haven't figured out what a BMW is.  It is not a German Car.  It's a slang we use here on the island and stands for "Baby Making Weather".  You normally see the blessing from those consequences 9 months later. 


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bout with this "Flu?".

This past Sunday, I came down with a fever.  By the afternoon, I was sweating profusely and my temp was at 102.  Following old home remedies helped with some meds.  I thought it was over the next day.  My temperature hovered around 100.  I figured I had some type of flu. 

This flu was not a full blown one that really hurts.  For some reason this was mild but taxing: slight fever, tight chest, body pains, and coughs.  I could still move around during the day, but at night.  I just felt exhausted. 

The heat from the house didn't help.  When it rained the last couple of nights.  It was great.  The house cooled down.  Raindrops coming through my window felt really good against my skin.  I slept good. 

Today, I feel a lot better than the last couple of days.  But I'm not 100% yet.  I'd rather have a full blown flu than this mild one.  At least, I know how I'm actually feeling day to day and know my limitations.  This mild flu plays with my mind.  I'm thinking I'm good during the day...But at night, I'm paying the price. 

I don't know if it's the recognition on Sunday that started me taking meds, eating lots of fruits, and drinking at least a gallon of water that waived off the extreme parts of this flu.  I've been hearing  a lot of people don't feel good this week.  I'm wondering if this is an actual flu or something else. 

I'm better now.  Still resting for the next day or two. 


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Did some cleaning up around the ranch, trimming back dead limbs, and brush. Cutting down vines. Harvested a bunch of bananas. Really sweet and organic.

Hoping my house cools down so I can sleep. Send the rain and make it rain hard.

Scaffold Fall Protection Violation.

I saw this guy working on a scaffold with no fall harness tied in.  Trigger for Fall Protection on Scaffolds erection and dismantling is 6 feet.  I'm going to use this picture for my Fall Protection and Scaffold Safety Training.   This picture was taken at the Pacific Tyre Parking lot in Dededo. 

Dollar Plus Rip.

I was at Pacific Tyre-Dededo around noon getting a quote to get my car an oil change. The lady there quoted me $25.33 for the change.  I went home to do some more work on the computer and for lunch.  Returning over an hour later, I brought the exact amount of funds needed for the service.  However, the same lady told me the price is $26+. 

I was short over a dollar.  At first, I was upset.  Why rip me off over a dollar?  Why not more?   What was hilarious was when another customer walked in and asked how much was an oil change?  The other sales person told him $19.99.  I just shook my head and walked out to get some much needed fresh air.  The next time I need service at Pacific Tyre.  I'm going to where Chelu Jeff is working at, downtown Tamuning.  At least there I'll know I'll get a fair deal. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Parenting Across the Sea.

This picture is from Frenz crying over the scooter. 

I was on video chat with Rhoda and our kids this afternoon.  For some reason the microphone was not working again on their side.  Frenz was trying to talk to me.  But I couldn't hear him.  Although, he could hear me.   I could see Rhoda, then Larraine, and Frenz.  I just went along with the situation and acted like I could hear everyone even though the microphone was not working properly.  I could see Frenz talking on the microphone.  It was really frustrating not hearing them. 

Next thing I know  Frenz is crying and is visibly upset.  Rhoda starts typing on chat that Frenz was trying to tell me that his mommy and sister, Larraine, were telling him not to pull the microphone and that they're "fighting" him. 

I felt really bad at that moment.  Because my boy was asking for my help and I couldn't do anything.  I could only encourage him to stop crying and to smile.  He was in the wrong for pulling on the microphone.  But he doesn't understand that for his age.  After a few minutes of coaxing him to stop crying and smile, he did.  Later, he and Larraine ran outside to ride their bike and scooter as if nothing happened. 

Aiii adai, parenting from over 1000 miles away is not easy.  Rhoda is doing a great job raising the kids without me there.  I am hoping that I will be there in a couple of weeks. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Prosecution Botched Up. Move On Already.

It's amazing how many people are really angry over the verdict that the jury gave out in the Casey Anthony Case.  We cannot blame the jury.  They followed their instructions from the judge to the letter. 

This case was tried in the public by all the mainstream media outlets.  It was already tried by public opinion.  Yet, many of us were not in the courtroom or were part of the jury that saw the evidence that was presented by the prosecution.  Even the prosecutor admitted today, that not all the evidence was presented.  He stated, "If only the jury saw what he saw...".  What?  Are you telling me that not all the evidence was presented at trial?  Someone dropped the ball. 

The prosecution team didn't present the case fully.  Or, they would have won.  It's as simple as that.  The prosecution relied on circumstancial evidence to try to convict Casey Anthony.  They didn't have any facts or hardcore evidence that linked Casey to Caylee's murder.  All the experts the prosecution brought in to testify was discredited by the defense.  Like the OJ prosecution team, this team was overzealous.  They went for the Hail Mary play and lost. 

The Defense Lawyer did his best to discredit any, if not all, the prosecution's witnesses and experts.  He effectively use diversionary tactics to throw the jury off the prosecution strategy.  Some people in the media are saying he's not that effective.  Well, he got his client acquitted in a Death Penalty case.  I would say that's pretty effective. 

Even with all that is said and done.  Many people will continue to blame the jury.  Everyone is entitled to their opinions.  Just remember we were not in that Jury Room.  We were not privy to the evidence that they were shown.  The jury acquitted Casey Anthony of the charges in this case. 

I believe there are more than one person involved in Calyee's death.  I believe Casey knows more than she's telling.  She'll end up with a big windfall from all this.  Why?  Because the same people that are crying foul are stupid enough to go buy the book and/or watch the movie. 

As the saying goes, Everyone loves to watch a train wreck.  I wonder how many people wasted their lives watching this case daily.  Amazing what people will do to put their lives on hold for something that doesn't involve them.  Stephen King is right.  No wonder he makes millions on Horror Books and Movies. 


Working the new phone.

It's been a couple days since I bought this new cellphone, the Motorola Devour.  It has a nice aluminum body.  The Qwerty board is big and nice.  So far the phone has worked the way I wanted it to work.  I can send and receive calls, check my inbox for important messages, and able to network. 

I didn't want to get a full-blown droid phone and not like it.  The Devour would be the step before that, if I ever decide to take that step.  The touch screen is a nice size.  It's a lot bigger than my last phone.  It's not as bulky as I thought it would be.

I'm not really into the apps.   I do have gmail and facebook.  But since I have the notification feature fixed to get updates from both those accounts.  I rarely go there with the exception of the first two days after I got the phone.  I was still trying to figure this thing out. 

The battery lasts the whole day.  I have to remember to recharge it before I hit the sack at night.  It also charges up pretty fast. 


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Larraine and Frenz's Reaction.


Larraine found out that I had watched Transformers 3 yesterday with her Ate Arissa.  I also invested in a new phone for my work/business.  I thought she would take it well.  But I could feel her sadness that I didn't take her with me.  I guess my neni girl felt that I left her out. 

I have every intention of having fun with her and her brother when I go home to Cagayan De Oro in a few months.  It's not easy seeing, feeling her disappointment a thousand miles away.  She was more upset with the elders in the family teasing her.  That didn't go to well.

Normally, she would have great comebacks.  But, after our chat last night.  I knew she wasn't in the mood.  Larraine did try to negotiate a compromise earlier.  I give her credit for that.  She wants a touch screen phone just like mine.  Unfortunately, Rhoda and I don't believe she's ready for one.  She did want pizza.  The last time we had pizza back in the Philippines was when I was last there, more than 2 years ago.  I could manage to send extra funds next time so that Larraine and her brother can enjoy a slice of pizza with their mommy.  Knowing my boy Frenz, he'll probably eat a small pizza all to himself.  Larraine and her mommy, on the other hand, can share a small pizza just for them. 

Larraine is very patient.  Rhoda and I are blessed that she understands our priorities within the house. 


We found out why my boy Raphael Frenz's enjoys bread at 1500 everyday.  It seems that Larraine would use the money for her baon to buy her baby brother bread everyday after school on her way home.  No wonder Larraine has asked me for an increase on her baon allowance. 

So everyday, Monday to Friday, at around 1400.  Frenz would jump on the wooden couch in the living room and look out the window waiting for his Ate Larraine.  Everytime a bicycle or motorela would stop in front of the house, he would shout, "Ate!".  He did this everyday when Larraine was in school.  He eagerly waited for his pan (bread). 

Unfortunately, yesterday, Larraine had a test and a school event which kept her late from returning home at the appointed time.  Frenz was patiently waiting at his usual lookout spot in the living room, peering out the window.  Rhoda informed me that he was worried why his ate was taking long.  But he waited on his usual spot.

When Rhoda got ready to leave the house to do an errand.  Frenz assumed that he would be going with his mommy to pickup Larraine.  According to Rhoda, Frenz through a fit and was terribly upset that he could not go, and was screaming as she left the house. 

Before going home, Rhoda bought some fruits for the kids to eat.  At the house, when she opened the door.  Frenz came running towards her with a morsel of bread in his mouth.  He was in a happy mood.  His Ate Larraine had finally come home earlier and brought his bread.   He looked into the bag that his mommy was carrying and laughed really hard seeing the fruits inside.  He knew it was for him and his sister. 

I love it when my children are happy. 


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Discipline and Smiles.

Today, while video chatting with Rhoda and Frenz.  I watched as Frenz got a stern lecture for messing with the headphone wires.  The expression on his face was not the smiley go happy boy seconds earlier.  His pouting really caught my attention.  Seconds later, he jumped up and hugged his mommy.  I guess he was hoping that would quell his mommy's anger.  After he hugged his mommy, he sat down but he was still visibly upset.

So I tried to cheer him up.  Sending Smiley faces on chat and telling him to smile.  Frenz continued to pout.  Then I enthusiastically encouraged him to kiss his mommy and say, sorry.  He did, he got up and kissed his mommy on her cheek and said something.  Rhoda responded.  Then my boy sat down and was all smiles.

It's always great to see my kids laughing and smiling.  We continued our chat. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Charlie Doe gave birth to 5 newborn kits this afternoon. That brings my Rabbitry to 22 meat rabbits.

What a Blessed Week!

Receiving the Scholarship from First Hawaiian Bank to use at the Guam Contractors Association Trades Academy on Thursday was an awesome experience.  I received one of thirteen, $1000 Scholarships to use on my craft skills courses.  I could use the scholarship funds on any of the courses that's offered at the GCA TA.  However, I choose to use on it on the Program Management Course.  By completing that course, I'll be able to round out myself in the management area and use that course to compliment my Safety Career as a Safety Manager.  it's really such a great feeling knowing I was one of thirteen who were awarded the scholarship.

On Wednesday, I took the Industrial Electrical Assessment exam at the GCA Trades Academy's Training Facility in Barrigada.  Three questions into the test, I was wondering if this was the correct electrical exam that I was supposed to take.  Many of the questions threw me off.  There were questions on heat trace, transformers, conduit bending on rigid pipes, high voltage, and other questions that I didn't know or recognize from my electrical experience as an Electrician. 

I would need a 70% to pass the Industrial Electrical Assessment Exam for the NCCER.   When I finally answered the 100th question with 10 minutes to spare on the two hour exam.  I was elated.  I didn't realize how hard NCCER's Assessment exams were.  When the proctor came by to my computer station to log off the site and have me check my scores.  I asked her if there was another electrical exam or if this was the only one.  The proctor informed that there is a Commercial Electrical Exam.  Then and there, I realized that I had taken the wrong exam.  No wonder the questions were not familiar.  I'm a low voltage electrician, not a high voltage electrician. 

When the proctor reviewed my score results.  I was really surprised to see that I scored a 66%.  As hard as I thought the exam was, I thought I bombed the exam with a really low score between 20 to 30%.  66 is 4 points from passing.  I don't know the Industrial Electrical Field. At least I didn't think I knew it.   As I have mentioned earlier, I am a low voltage electrician.  So I was really surprised to see how high my low score was.  I'm not upset for not passing.  I'm really happy that I scored 4 points from 70%.  God is telling me not to underestimate myself and what I know.  What a learning lesson.  Awesome. 

On Friday, I watched one of my safety instructors, Samoan Joe, teach the 16 member class in Traffic Flaggers Safety at the OSH Solutions Training Center.  With keen interest of a child watching something really interesting for the first time, I observed Joe's teaching style and interaction with the students.  That day, I was a student again.  I was more interested in his teaching and presentation style more than the Traffic Safety Course.

In order for me to be one of the best Safety Instructor's on island.  I have to observe the best and learn their techniques.  I know that through practice and teaching more courses.  The experience will come to help build up my own techniques.

Today, was my first class in teaching Respirator Training.  I worked on my own slides by taking material from the OSHA 30 hour, OSHA 500, and USACE EM 385-1-1 slide presentations.  Although, I have rehearsed the presentation.  I messed up on some of the information I put out to the participants today.  I only knew that after I re-read my rehearsal notes.  At least, I know where to improve for my next class. 

I also worked on my Aerial Lift Safety Training slide presentation this afternoon.  This is for tomorrow's morning training at 0830.  I'm glad the slide presentations are getting easier to put together.  Especially when I combine materials from the different OSHA and USACE Standards. 

Have a great 4th of July weekend!