Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Events.

I ended my vacation from the TV ministry today.  I only had one Sunday break.  For some reason, it's just not easy being away from the camera while I am still on island.  It was fun...though. 

After Morning Celebration Service, I was supposed to go to the Liberato Family Reunion.  I didn't make it.  On the way, I stopped by the gas station to get a drink.  I met up with one of the boyz from the Guae Ranch, Primo Ted's place.  I was told they were barbecuing and fishing down there at the Bottom Lands.  Barbecuing and Fishing...Hmmm...I decided I'll go check it out.  See the boyz, since it's been a long while since I've seen most of them. 

Ted's Ocean side ranch is still the most relaxing place on this island.  Once you step out of the car, the salt air just refreshes your body.  Without fail, the boyz were barbecuing.  Primo Ted was underneath the canopy chilling out.  Primo Ron had just made kelaguen Salmon.   I arrived at the correct time to indulge in that delicacy.  Ken was manning the grill barbecuing.  I met his older brother John, who was helping with the grill.  Cora was there with her two kids.  Her husband John, my nephew...was in the jungle with Jarvis hunting for Binadu (deer).  I met Pat when he walked in from the point.  He was out fishing.  Ryan drove up after me.  He brought a bottle of red wine.  Later, John and Jarvis walked back into the ranch with their weapons shouldered.  Primo James and Joe showed up later.  Also, JR and Rose. 

We chowed down on the fish, which was freshly caught that morning.  Ken and his brother John cooked up some Gollai Appan Aga, Banana cooked in Coconut Milk.  They also cooked some Chorizo Pakpak, fried fish, bbq banana, and the Kelaguen Salmon (Ron made that).  Food at the ranch is always good. 

I learned that JR had a heart attack a month ago.  Primo Ted was trying to get a hold of me to let me know.  I apologized that I was really busy with my class schedule at the Trades Academy.  If I knew that JR was in the hospital.  I would have gone to see him.  It was great seeing most everyone.  JR leaves next week with Rose to the Philippines for a thorough medical check-up.  He seemed fine to me. 

It as funny when everyone there thought I was in the Philippines the last couple of months.  I wish I was if I didn't have my Safety Classes at the Trades Academy and ISOM Classes with the Church.  John lost a lot of weight.  But he's still the same mellow fighter.  Yeah, he trains with one of the MMA groups. 

After I did some catching up and eating some really good ranch bbq.  I headed out to make it to the Evening Service at the Church.  I decided to go home first to freshen up and change out of my smoke-filled clothes.  As I passed Smithbridge Quarry, my right tire blew out.  It's a good thing that I was only a quarter mile from the house.  You could smell the burnt tire casing as I parked the car in the driveway.   I didn't make it to the evening service. 

I'll have to put on the spare tomorrow morning.  Gotta find the tire wrench first. 


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