Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bad Start of the Day with Two MisCommo's... But, fellowshipping with Family, Really Helped.

Today, was a really challenging day.  Since, the moment I woke up...things just wasn't going right.  A lot of it had to do with lack of, or no communication.  If today was a test.  I don't know if I passed. 

This morning I had a really important appointment, a job interview.  I applied with this company thru the internet in late January.  Two weeks ago, I received an email from them giving me my interview date, for today.  After weeks of sending them copies of my certificates and updated resumes.  I thought I was good to go.  This was a mainland company coming here for one of the buildup projects. 

So I got up to get ready, walked outside to the kitchen and looked out the window.  I noticed my  car was gone.  Nobody in the house but me.  I didn't know where everyone went.  I figured my mom and step-dad must have borrowed the car to do an errand or something.  It was 0845.   At 0930, I called the company to let them know that I will not be able to make it to my interview at 1000.  I asked to reschedule.  I was told they will consider it.  A few minutes later, my mom walks into the house and asks if I'm going anywhere.  She let my step-dad use the car because his car was not working. 

The whole day I tried to think positive.  I watched videos to make me laugh.  Tried to see the bigger picture than this event.  I am not sure of what will happen now.  I finally got a hold of the person coordinating the interviews.  I'm not happy with what he told me.  He assured me that my application will be back on the waiting list.  Sad...all because of no communication. 

On the Spiritual side, I want to believe that God has something better for me.  One of the other big companies: Black Construction, Hawaiian Rock, Chugach, Watts...someone with these companies will pick me up.  Back to

I thought I'd get some encouragement from Bible Study tonight.  After I fed my animals, then got myself ready.  I drove to the residence that usually hosted the Bible Study on Wednesday evenings.  I got their 30 minutes early.  Which was okay for me...I needed time to calm down.  However, 5 minutes after 7pm.  I realized there must not be Bible Study tonight, or else the back door would have been opened and the other members would be there.  So I left. 

I don't get it.  If there was a change in venue or no meeting.  How come I wasn't notified?  We're on facebook.  They have my email.  Another miss event for the day.

Not knowing where to go, I stopped by Mickey D's (McDonald's) at NCTAMS.  I was disappointed at the whole day. 

After dinner, I decided to check in on my Barcinas family on Swamp Road.  I haven't seen Inas and Jeff in a long time.  I was glad they were home.  Seeing my niece Lizzie was great too.  She has grown tall since I've last seen her.  My bro, Jeff, is doing okay at work.  He and Lizzie are really close.

I told Lizzie that her grandma is going to hit the ceiling when she gets home next month.  I just laughed (quietly to myself) at what I saw.  But, I know Liz is going to be really upset when she gets back from Hawaii.  I told Jeff that he needs to invest in some paint soon. 

Anyway, Inas has moved from Safety Officer to HVAC with the company.  The former company I used to work in, with Inas.

I guess Inas was surprised that I moved fast in the safety field and that I'm teaching at the Trades Academy.  I figured that Primo Don would have told him.  Since Don and I meet up at the Safety Trainings a lot.  I am glad that I concluded my day with some good conversation with my Barcinas Family.  I knew they would help lift my spirits.  Thank God for them.  I would have still been upset at the day. 

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