Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ranch Update: Pinned my Arm.

I worked the ranch this morning, harvested 4 bunches of bananas, and checked the water points at the South paddock.  Discovered lots of deer tracks around the water points.  It's a good sign that the herd is taking advantage of the free water.  No sign of wild pigs though. 

This afternoon, I cleaned around the trunk of the Mango Tree, burned some leaves to smoke it, trying to entice it to flower.  It's behind schedule.  I am still hoping that I'll get some Vietnamese Mangoes this year.

While cutting my 3rd banana tree this morning.  It fell on the wall on the North Paddock.  I tried to dislodge by trying to carry it off the wall.  Bad move.  As soon as I dislodge it.  The trunk pinned my arm against some canopy pipes leaning on the wall.  It was heavy to carry, especially at a standing position with no leverage.  I was able to move my right shoulder underneath the trunk and lift up with my legs to get some room to remove my right arm.

I'm glad that I'm still doing CrossFit.  Although it is not as challenging as I would like to do it.  The customize WOD's are still helping me keep active.  I do need to raise the bar and do more of the WOD's.  But the strength training really helped me with lifting that banana trunk this morning. 

I still have to do more.  One day at a time...Ranch work is never done.


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