Thursday, April 21, 2011

Guam Contractor's Association Monthly Luncheon.

Attended the Guam Contractor's Association's monthly luncheon today at the Sheraton Resort.  Lots of members.  I met Ann Marie in the parking lot and walked to the luncheon together.  Ann Marie was the Administrative Assistant at GCA until a couple of days ago.  She is one of the partners to OSH Solutions.  I am one of her Safety Trainers.  I know, I have my own safety company.  But I do need the experience.  And, OSH Solutions has a great team of Safety Instructors. 

I was there for the award's presentation.  I received my Certificate from the National Center for Construction Education and Research for the Instructor Course that I attended in January 2011. There was 6 of us who received our certificates: Debbie, Tim, Xenon, Mike, Ann Marie, and myself. 

The event was very well organized, food was okay, lots of people, and really good speech from the main speaker, Mike Ghiglione.  He's with the Center of Micronesian Empowerment (CME).  They help groups of young adults from the outer islands of Micronesia by supporting them here on Guam.  While those groups of students learn a trade at GCA's Trade Academy.  I'll be teaching a group of CME clients next Monday in Hand and Power Tools. 

I met up with Bro. Tony from church.  He congratulated me as I was walking back to my seat.  It was good to see him there at the luncheon.  I learned he's with Pacific Trucking.  I'll be needing their services soon.  I have a container that needs moving. 

I will definitely join the GCA as a member.  Gotta find that membership kit Francine gave me when I was in the office a couple of weeks ago, and turn it in. 


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