Sunday, April 3, 2011

SAFETY CLASSES: Theirs and mine.

Last Saturday, 4 out of 8 students passed my Basic Safety Class.  One had tested out the first day during the Pre-Test.  The other 3 scored higher than their previous scores on the pretest.  Only 1 is going into the Safety Field.  That's the one who tested out the first day.  The others, well, they are going into different fields in the Construction Industry.  I hope they do well in their chosen fields.  I know I'll be seeing them at their job sites sometime down the road. 

I received my OSHA 510 Construction Standards Certificate yesterdaay via email.  It's cool.  That's going on the "Love Me" Binder right after the OSHA 511 General Industry Certificate.  I'm still waiting for the Certificate for the OSHA 501 Instructor Course for General Industry.  I should be getting the certificate soon for the US Army Corps of Engineers EM 385-1-1 Safety Course, that I attended last month.  Also waiting for the Certificates for completing the Core, Field Safety, Safety Technology, and Instructor's Training Course. 

This week is the OSHA 500 Instructor Course for the Construction Industry.  I have already chose my topic for my presentation:  Hand Tools and Power Tools, 29 CFR 1926 Subpart I.  I did the Electrical Safety during the OSHA 501 Instructor Course of General Industry in February.  I did pretty well during that presentation.  I should have done better.  Since then, I've been practicing on this new topic.  I know the material.  I tweaked the slide presentation a little to my taste.  Okay, I did change it a lot to my taste and to the potential audience. 

This time, I will present first on the first day of student presentations.  I'm not going to wait until the last day.  That hurt me more than helped me.  It's a good thing I knew how to do presentations with my military experience.  Without that behind me, I would have bombed it.  I passed...that's good enough.  A whole new week, with new adventures. 


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