Saturday, April 30, 2011

Finished my Major Safety Courses.

I'm now done with all my major Safety Courses.  I finished my last major Safety Trainer Course yesterday, EM 385-1-1, 40-hour USACE Safety Course.

I give all credit to God for providing the scholarship and time for me to take all the available major Safety Courses.  I am so grateful and thankful for His Abundant Blessings.  I am thankful to my wife, children, siblings, mom and step-dad, church family, and certain relatives for their encouragement, prayers, understanding, and support, so that I can undertake this endeavor.

I prayed a lot while on this journey.  It seemed a lot of Core classes were out of reach or scheduled months away when I started classes in October 2010 at the GCA Trades Academy.  But, all of a sudden classes opened up and were made available, after I prayed to go full-time.  I didn't have to follow the "Circle of Training" put out by the Trades Academy.  I was given permission to move from part-time student, and go full-time and jump around the circle to finish faster.  I was able to finish all Nine Modules of the Core Curricula in 2 months.   I started in October 2010 and finished December 2010. 

Normally, I'm supposed to wait and finish my Core classes before I start into my Skills classes.  Again, I prayed first, then asked and was given permission to take my Safety classes.  While, I was still taking my Core classes.  I started with Safety Technology in December, finished in mid January.  Then I started Field Safety in late January and finished in mid February.  My classes were backwards.  I was supposed to take Field Safety first, then Safety Technology.  But, it all worked out in the end. 

The same thing happened with the OSHA numbered classes.  In a regulated world, I am supposed to take the OSHA 30-hour training before I take the OSHA 510 or 511 courses.  However, for some reason, I started with the OSHA 511 General Industry Standard Course in December 2010, and took the OSHA 30-hour in January 2011.  But, I wasn't working for a construction company and learned later that the the OSHA 511 didn't have a prerequisite.  The next month in February, I completed the OSHA 501 Trainer for General Industry, followed by OSHA 510 in March, and OSHA 500 in April.  The major OSHA numbered classes fell into place right after the other.  The USACE 40-hour Safety Course followed in late March, and I did the Trainer course this past week.   I completed every course that I participated in. 

In between the Major Courses, I took some minor ones with OSH Solutions.  These were specific topics in the OSHA General Industry and Construction Standards,  but were more in depth.

These are the Courses that I prioritize to take getting into the Safety Industry. 
  1. Core Curricula, NCCER
  2. Field Safety, NCCER
  3. Safety Technology, NCCER
  4. OSHA 30-hour Hazard Recognition Course
  5. OSHA 511 General Industry Standards
  6. OSHA 510 Construction Standards
  7. NAVFAC 40-hour Safety Course, USACE EM 385-1-1
The first 2 courses can get me a good job as a Site Safety Health Officer (SSHO) with several top notch construction companies on island.  Although, I could have started as a SSHO.  And, get credentialed as a Site Safety Supervisor (STS)  with the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) I set my career/education goals higher; To become a Safety Manager and Trainer, and credentialed as a  Construction Health Safety Technician (CHST) with BCSP and World Safety Organization (WSO).

These are the Major Trainer Courses a that I prioritized to take to become a safety trainer.  
  1. OSHA 501 Trainer Course for General Industry*
  2. OSHA 500 Trainer Course for Construction Industry*
  3. Instructor Course, NCCER. *
  4. NAVFAC Trainer Course, USACE EM 385-1-1*
* Prerequisites Required.

Some safety supervisors have stated to me to get as many safety courses and safety trainer courses while I am on Guam Transportation Training Program scholarship.  I did as they suggested.  Now the safety courses, that I have completed, puts me at a greater advantage then my peers who don't have trainer credentials. 

My ultimate goal is to become a Safety Manager credentialed as a Certified Safety Professional and Certified Safety Manager.  I'll have to finish my last two years of college to degree in Tropical Agriculture.  Since, I've already invested 2 years in that degree at the University of Guam.  I might as well finish it.  I will get my Masters in Safety Management.  The second part is the hardest and requires a lot of patience.  I have to have 10 consecutive years as a safety officer.  I've already started that this year as a Safety Instructor for NCCER's Core Curricula at the GCA Trades Academy.  I'm working on my paperwork to get certified to teach Field Safety. 

What am I going to do now?  I'm going into training full-time with OSH Solutions and GCA Trades Academy.  Hopefully soon with Chabot Las Pacitas Community College District.  I'll start taking some minor OSHA numbered classes on a monthly basis.  And, I'll continue building up my company, Matua Consultants, and ranch, Matua Ranch


What happens if Trump decides to run as an Independent?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Discovered two deer's nesting area on the ranch. Close to my fly pens. I'm pretty sure it belongs to a doe and her fawn.

Awesome Presentation.

Great presentation today.  I did my 2nd presentation for the 40-hour USACE Safety Course.  My topic was on Tree Maintenance and Removal, Section 31 of the EM 385-1-1.  I was relaxed.  I've years of experience felling trees here on the island ranch.  Walking around in front of participants and down the center aisle really helps slow me down.  Summarizing the power point slides really helped.  I knew the topic.  I wasn't rushed today. 

Walking around really helps set the rhythm for the presentation.  One of the student safeties, who is also one of my group mates with GTTP, mentioned to me that I did great.  I was relaxed, great eye contact, lots of personal experiences, knowledgeable of the topic, I was in my element, and focused. 

I was able to meet more with some of the participants during lunch.  I met up with Sis. Shirley and Sis. Elaine at the restaurant at the Fiesta Resort, our presentation lunch room.  Food was great today too.  The Brownies were awesome, today, and yesterday. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Did pretty Good, BUT...

My first Demolition Presentation for the EM 385-1-1 Safety Course went well.  BUT...I have to remember "NO NAMES".  I had to cover 29 slides for this presentation.  I did that within 30 minutes.  Pretty fast.  I allocated some time for Questions and Answers.  But for some reason.  I mentioned a certain Construction Company and the name of a contractor.  I have to remember no names.  Don't mention any company's name or person's name during any of my presentations. 

Safety Trainers have to remain neutral.  Some people may get offended.  So I have to avoid that at all costs.  But according to my evaluator.  I did good.  I was loud enough, kept the presentation smooth, and allowed for questions. 

I only had one question in regards to explosive demolitions.  I'll find out from Tony, what NAVFAC stance is on that.  Even though I already know what the answer would be.  

Even though I'm not taking this course.  I"m still learning from the other instructors.  Each instructor has their own unique way of teaching.  I'm still learning the different techniques in regards to delivery. 

BUT, I have to remember, "NO NAMES!". 


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ranch Update: Pinned my Arm.

I worked the ranch this morning, harvested 4 bunches of bananas, and checked the water points at the South paddock.  Discovered lots of deer tracks around the water points.  It's a good sign that the herd is taking advantage of the free water.  No sign of wild pigs though. 

This afternoon, I cleaned around the trunk of the Mango Tree, burned some leaves to smoke it, trying to entice it to flower.  It's behind schedule.  I am still hoping that I'll get some Vietnamese Mangoes this year.

While cutting my 3rd banana tree this morning.  It fell on the wall on the North Paddock.  I tried to dislodge by trying to carry it off the wall.  Bad move.  As soon as I dislodge it.  The trunk pinned my arm against some canopy pipes leaning on the wall.  It was heavy to carry, especially at a standing position with no leverage.  I was able to move my right shoulder underneath the trunk and lift up with my legs to get some room to remove my right arm.

I'm glad that I'm still doing CrossFit.  Although it is not as challenging as I would like to do it.  The customize WOD's are still helping me keep active.  I do need to raise the bar and do more of the WOD's.  But the strength training really helped me with lifting that banana trunk this morning. 

I still have to do more.  One day at a time...Ranch work is never done.


Worked the ranch this morning. Harvested 4 bunches of Saba Cooking Banana. Lots of deer tracks around the South Paddock, around the water points. I'm glad for my Crossfit Training. Got my right armed pinned on a fallen banana trunk and some canopy pipes along the fence wall. That trunk was heavy! blog about that later.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Doing What I Have To Do.

I went to the GCA Trades Office this morning to sign my contract for the next course.  I was to early.  My contract wasn't ready.  But, I was asked if I wanted another class to teach on Saturdays.  I jumped at it.  It was a Basic Rigging course.  So I was asked if I can come back after lunch to sign both contracts. 

I went and ran some errands and had a quick lunch.  Tumon Bay looked inviting.  I didn't want to waste gas driving around, especially now that gas on island is $4.53/gal.   I went back to the Guam Contractor's Office and just waited for about 30 minutes until the contracts were done down the hall at the Trades Academy office. 

For some reason, I correctly guessed the time when it was done.  In fact, as I walked into the Trades Academy office the contracts were coming out of the printer.  Debbie told me that it would only be the Hand and Power Tools Course.  The Saturday Basic Rigging Class wasn't a go.  Well, One is better than none.  I signed the contract and picked up the instructor's kit.  I looked it over and it was all good to go, even with the tests, performance evaluations, and instructor evaluations. 

I'll be really busy next week.  I will be teaching Mondays and Wednesdays in the morning at the GCA Trades Academy Barrigada Campus.  I am also supposed to be in class for the OSHA Confined Space Course at the GCA conference room at the same time frame for those two mornings.  The OSHA Confined Space Course is 3 days long, Monday through Wednesday, 0800 to 1700.  I'll be there for the first hour Monday and Wednesday, than leave at the top of the hour at 0900 and head up to the Trades Campus to conduct my Hands and Power Tools Class.  At 1200, I head back down to the GCA Conference room and participate in the Confined Space Course again.

I have to do this both on Monday and Wednesday.  I can always do homework and read the materials from the course.  I cleared this plan with the Trades Registrar, Lori, and she said it was okay.  BUT, I have to audit the next Confined Space Course in a couple of months.  Anything to get this course underneath the GTTP Scholarship. 

To top it off, I'll be teaching the Demolition Section, of the USACE EM 385-1-1 40-hour Safety Course, that Wednesday afternoon at 1600.  I'm cutting it really close.  Well, when I want something really bad, I will do whatever I can to get it.  At least, I'll have some breathing room to teach the Tree Maintenance and Removal Section the next day, Thursday, after lunch.

Guam Contractor's Association Monthly Luncheon.

Attended the Guam Contractor's Association's monthly luncheon today at the Sheraton Resort.  Lots of members.  I met Ann Marie in the parking lot and walked to the luncheon together.  Ann Marie was the Administrative Assistant at GCA until a couple of days ago.  She is one of the partners to OSH Solutions.  I am one of her Safety Trainers.  I know, I have my own safety company.  But I do need the experience.  And, OSH Solutions has a great team of Safety Instructors. 

I was there for the award's presentation.  I received my Certificate from the National Center for Construction Education and Research for the Instructor Course that I attended in January 2011. There was 6 of us who received our certificates: Debbie, Tim, Xenon, Mike, Ann Marie, and myself. 

The event was very well organized, food was okay, lots of people, and really good speech from the main speaker, Mike Ghiglione.  He's with the Center of Micronesian Empowerment (CME).  They help groups of young adults from the outer islands of Micronesia by supporting them here on Guam.  While those groups of students learn a trade at GCA's Trade Academy.  I'll be teaching a group of CME clients next Monday in Hand and Power Tools. 

I met up with Bro. Tony from church.  He congratulated me as I was walking back to my seat.  It was good to see him there at the luncheon.  I learned he's with Pacific Trucking.  I'll be needing their services soon.  I have a container that needs moving. 

I will definitely join the GCA as a member.  Gotta find that membership kit Francine gave me when I was in the office a couple of weeks ago, and turn it in. 


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gleaning Personal Information in Public Venues.

It's amazing the personal information that I pick up just standing in line at any public venue.  A lot of it is quite entertaining. 

Today, While standing in line at the U.S Post Office in Barrigada.  I learned that this guy, who was several people in front speaking loudly into his cellphone.  I was able to glean that he is here on vacation.  He recently got a tattoo on both his legs.  Not quite done, most likely at the beginnings stages of the tattoo process.  He has a nephew in Oregon.  His grandmother will be traveling to Vancouver, Washington, and he will be wiring her over $400. 

Three people back from him, A lady was talking to her high school daughter.  The daughter was at a local hotel with friends enjoying their Easter Break.  Apparently this mom, got her daughter a room for her and five of her girlfriends.  Wow, really nice mom, huh. 

There were a lot more people giving out lots of valuable information on their cellphones.  Not just at the post office, but also at banks, Department of Revenue and Taxation, fast food restaurants, even at supermarkets. 

It's really amazing how much information I was able to glean from one person or several people, from just a few feet away.  These people have no idea how much personal information they are freely giving out in public areas. 

If I were a deviant.  I would have made over $1000 today, just on 3 people.  The daughter at the hotel, the mom gave her the pin number to the bank card the daughter had.  I guess the daughter forgot the pin number.  But thanks to today's technology, she was able to call her mom and get it from her over the cellphone. 

The guy with the traveling grandmother, practically told me what bank he was going to and how much he was taking out from his account to wire. 

Last week while I was filing my tax papers.  This young lady was talking on the phone with her significant other.  Apparently, this guy who was sitting along the wall was staring at her.  She turned to him and scolded him for being rude listening to her conversation.  The guy in turn told her off, telling her that if she didn't want people to listen to her private life.  She shouldn't be broadcasting it loudly while talking on her cellphone.  Several people in line laughed at the guys comment, which upset the young lady even more. 

It's truly amazing how much information people give out over the sound of their voice while talking on their cellphones.

While a student studying Kajukenbo in Germany, my instructor always drilled it into our heads to be aware of what we are doing in public and what other people are doing around us.  Giving out personal information in public even though it was meant for the recipient on the other end of the cellphone conversation, is asking for trouble. 


Full Plate Next Week.

Picked up my schedule today.  I have a full plate next week.  I'll be teaching Hand tools and Power tools starting next week Monday and Wednesday from 0930 to 1200 for the next 3 weeks.  That same Monday, I'm supposed to be in class for OSHA Confined Space 3-day course.  Both Events are conflicting. 

This afternoon, I went into the Trades Academy to drop the Confined Space Course.  Only to learn that the next class in November will not be covered by the Transportation Program.  As much as I don't want to be overloaded.  I don't have much a choice.  I'll have to talk to the instructor for the Confined Spaces Course to see if I can miss the morning portion of those two days.  I'm pretty much versed on the General Industry Standard. 

That same week is the US Army Corps of Engineers EM 385-1-1 40-hour Safety Course.  I will be teaching the Demolition Section on Wednesday afternoon, and Tree Maintenance and Removal Section on Thursday after lunch. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Events.

I ended my vacation from the TV ministry today.  I only had one Sunday break.  For some reason, it's just not easy being away from the camera while I am still on island.  It was fun...though. 

After Morning Celebration Service, I was supposed to go to the Liberato Family Reunion.  I didn't make it.  On the way, I stopped by the gas station to get a drink.  I met up with one of the boyz from the Guae Ranch, Primo Ted's place.  I was told they were barbecuing and fishing down there at the Bottom Lands.  Barbecuing and Fishing...Hmmm...I decided I'll go check it out.  See the boyz, since it's been a long while since I've seen most of them. 

Ted's Ocean side ranch is still the most relaxing place on this island.  Once you step out of the car, the salt air just refreshes your body.  Without fail, the boyz were barbecuing.  Primo Ted was underneath the canopy chilling out.  Primo Ron had just made kelaguen Salmon.   I arrived at the correct time to indulge in that delicacy.  Ken was manning the grill barbecuing.  I met his older brother John, who was helping with the grill.  Cora was there with her two kids.  Her husband John, my nephew...was in the jungle with Jarvis hunting for Binadu (deer).  I met Pat when he walked in from the point.  He was out fishing.  Ryan drove up after me.  He brought a bottle of red wine.  Later, John and Jarvis walked back into the ranch with their weapons shouldered.  Primo James and Joe showed up later.  Also, JR and Rose. 

We chowed down on the fish, which was freshly caught that morning.  Ken and his brother John cooked up some Gollai Appan Aga, Banana cooked in Coconut Milk.  They also cooked some Chorizo Pakpak, fried fish, bbq banana, and the Kelaguen Salmon (Ron made that).  Food at the ranch is always good. 

I learned that JR had a heart attack a month ago.  Primo Ted was trying to get a hold of me to let me know.  I apologized that I was really busy with my class schedule at the Trades Academy.  If I knew that JR was in the hospital.  I would have gone to see him.  It was great seeing most everyone.  JR leaves next week with Rose to the Philippines for a thorough medical check-up.  He seemed fine to me. 

It as funny when everyone there thought I was in the Philippines the last couple of months.  I wish I was if I didn't have my Safety Classes at the Trades Academy and ISOM Classes with the Church.  John lost a lot of weight.  But he's still the same mellow fighter.  Yeah, he trains with one of the MMA groups. 

After I did some catching up and eating some really good ranch bbq.  I headed out to make it to the Evening Service at the Church.  I decided to go home first to freshen up and change out of my smoke-filled clothes.  As I passed Smithbridge Quarry, my right tire blew out.  It's a good thing that I was only a quarter mile from the house.  You could smell the burnt tire casing as I parked the car in the driveway.   I didn't make it to the evening service. 

I'll have to put on the spare tomorrow morning.  Gotta find the tire wrench first. 


Friday, April 15, 2011

Bewildered in Kanada...

I had an appointment today at the VA monthly BP check up.  On the way back from there, I decided to take a leisurely drive through Kanada, Barrigada.  Lots of changes along the Kanada-Toto Loop.  So many changes and new traffic signs that I got bewildered.  I took a right when I should have taken a left.  But that Stop Sign on the Loop through me off. 

As I drove up the road and saw the San Ramon Chapel, It didn't occur to me that I had taken the wrong turn.  i kept slowly driving enjoying the scenery and new homes.  The last time I was in this part of Barrigada village was in the early 2000's, a long time ago.  When I got to Taitano Street.  I realized that I was driving the wrong way.  Even getting out of there back to where I had just come from.  I got turned around again.

Finally, I made it back down the road where the Stop Sign through me off.  Why in the world would they put a stop sign on the main village road?  It should be on the road, Chapel Road, that I was coming down from...where it used to be years ago. 

I was glad to get back on the main highway. 


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Guahan's Self-Determination Plebiscite. (A Straw Poll)

Since Governor Calvo brought the Guam First Commission to meet for the first time a couple of days ago.  Guahan's Self-Determination Status was brought up. He stated at the meeting that he wants to have the Self-Determination Plebiscite by 2012.  I all for moving forward.  I however don't agree that only Chamorros should be able to vote.  The polls should be open to everyone who calls Guahan there home.  Our population is diverse.  Like the U.S. Mainland, Guahan or Guam whatever name you want to go by, we are the melting pot of Oceania. 

I am not only Chamorro.  I am also Filipino.  But, I do know I have Spanish, German, and Chinese blood running in my veins.  Yet, I understand both sides of the aisle.  WE could have two ballots at the voting polls to satisfy everyone's right to vote.  We could have the ballots color coded for both groups of for Chamorros, and another for the rest of the Guamanians.  This way everyone has a voice. 

I will not support a Chamorro-only vote.  That will leave many of my family and friends without a voice.  How do you judge the blood percentage of a Chamorro resident?  How much percentage is required? 

Bad case of insomnia tonight, it's 0430. Prayed for family and friends since I couldn't sleep. Since, I am still up might as well catch a movie on HULU.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bad Start of the Day with Two MisCommo's... But, fellowshipping with Family, Really Helped.

Today, was a really challenging day.  Since, the moment I woke up...things just wasn't going right.  A lot of it had to do with lack of, or no communication.  If today was a test.  I don't know if I passed. 

This morning I had a really important appointment, a job interview.  I applied with this company thru the internet in late January.  Two weeks ago, I received an email from them giving me my interview date, for today.  After weeks of sending them copies of my certificates and updated resumes.  I thought I was good to go.  This was a mainland company coming here for one of the buildup projects. 

So I got up to get ready, walked outside to the kitchen and looked out the window.  I noticed my  car was gone.  Nobody in the house but me.  I didn't know where everyone went.  I figured my mom and step-dad must have borrowed the car to do an errand or something.  It was 0845.   At 0930, I called the company to let them know that I will not be able to make it to my interview at 1000.  I asked to reschedule.  I was told they will consider it.  A few minutes later, my mom walks into the house and asks if I'm going anywhere.  She let my step-dad use the car because his car was not working. 

The whole day I tried to think positive.  I watched videos to make me laugh.  Tried to see the bigger picture than this event.  I am not sure of what will happen now.  I finally got a hold of the person coordinating the interviews.  I'm not happy with what he told me.  He assured me that my application will be back on the waiting list.  Sad...all because of no communication. 

On the Spiritual side, I want to believe that God has something better for me.  One of the other big companies: Black Construction, Hawaiian Rock, Chugach, Watts...someone with these companies will pick me up.  Back to

I thought I'd get some encouragement from Bible Study tonight.  After I fed my animals, then got myself ready.  I drove to the residence that usually hosted the Bible Study on Wednesday evenings.  I got their 30 minutes early.  Which was okay for me...I needed time to calm down.  However, 5 minutes after 7pm.  I realized there must not be Bible Study tonight, or else the back door would have been opened and the other members would be there.  So I left. 

I don't get it.  If there was a change in venue or no meeting.  How come I wasn't notified?  We're on facebook.  They have my email.  Another miss event for the day.

Not knowing where to go, I stopped by Mickey D's (McDonald's) at NCTAMS.  I was disappointed at the whole day. 

After dinner, I decided to check in on my Barcinas family on Swamp Road.  I haven't seen Inas and Jeff in a long time.  I was glad they were home.  Seeing my niece Lizzie was great too.  She has grown tall since I've last seen her.  My bro, Jeff, is doing okay at work.  He and Lizzie are really close.

I told Lizzie that her grandma is going to hit the ceiling when she gets home next month.  I just laughed (quietly to myself) at what I saw.  But, I know Liz is going to be really upset when she gets back from Hawaii.  I told Jeff that he needs to invest in some paint soon. 

Anyway, Inas has moved from Safety Officer to HVAC with the company.  The former company I used to work in, with Inas.

I guess Inas was surprised that I moved fast in the safety field and that I'm teaching at the Trades Academy.  I figured that Primo Don would have told him.  Since Don and I meet up at the Safety Trainings a lot.  I am glad that I concluded my day with some good conversation with my Barcinas Family.  I knew they would help lift my spirits.  Thank God for them.  I would have still been upset at the day. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Done with the errands, turned in my tax forms before the deadline. feel really good about that. first time in a long time. usually had to get an extension. got my package, read my blog...still laughing at those knuckleheads in the mainland. :)

Change Guam to Hawaii...Yes, it works!

I enjoy shopping via the internet.  It's fast.  Prices are a lot lower than on the island.  Plus, the customer service is a whole lot better.  It's practically nonexistent if you're just filling in boxes and then heading to the cashier, which calculates everything for you. 

Many times while trying to shop on line, even to get a catalog, Guam is no where to be found on the State Drop down box.  The ignorant marketing and sales divisions at these companies do not realize that Guam is an unincorporated territory of the USA.  They say we are a foreign country.  Really?!  Trying to school them via email or long distance telephone call doesn't get you anywhere.  One agent even told me that the reason why they don't send out packages to Guam is that they pay more in shipping via the USPS.  Hello?!  Guam and Hawaii are on the same shipping zone from the U.S. Mainland.  And, I'm the one that is paying for the shipping, not the company.  Sometimes I want to reach through the monitor or the phone line and grab their throat and squeeze some common sense into them.  Aiii adai, I digress. 

We'll I have done this numerous times already.  I gave up on trying to educate them about Guam's history in relation to the USA.  I just prey on their stupidity.  I take advantage of it.  They want to be ignorant, then so be it. 

Here's what I do.  When you want a product really bad because you need it.  And the company doesn't have Guam on the State Drop Down Boxes, and they tell you they can't ship to a foreign country.  Fret not!  Just go back and use "Hawaii" in the state box. 

Enter your address normally, except when you get to the state box since Guam is not listed, Use "Hawaii".  The next step is the most important.  Enter your correct zip code on Guam.  If you don't know by now.  The automated USPS reads the zip code off the parcel and directs your package to the island.  All of Guam's mail stops in Hawaii anyway to be sorted and then sent out.  I use to own a mail service store.  Insider information really helps out. 

NOTE:  If Guam is ON the state drop down List, that means they ship to us here on the island already.  OR, if it's not on the state drop down list, but it is on the foreign country list and the do ship to foreign countries.  That means they ship to us too. 

I hope this helps you in your internet shopping. 


Monday, April 11, 2011

100% New Boonie Puppies.

The pups are a couple of weeks old.  There are 6 of them.  I thought the snake got one of them soon after they were born.  But Duchess has been very protective of them.  She's killed two snakes already.  She won't eat them.  So I end up giving the dead snakes to Stormie, Duchess's dam. 

Today, I was able to check 4 of the 6.  Of those 4, one is female and 3 are males.  There are two - Black on white, One - White on Brown, one - Brown on White, and the two pure blacks that I couldn't get to.  The Brown on White has a more chocolate color on  him.  From their sizes, the female Black on White is the runt.  The Brown on White is one of the more aggressive pups.  The pure Blacks are also the same size as the male Brown on White. 

I haven't picked out names yet.  I'll have to wait.  I need replacement dogs for the ones, I've lost last year and previous years.  So far they've stayed in the makeshift den underneath the back porch.  They are getting used to my voice and whistle.  The big male Brown and White starts growling when I do that.  When he came close to me.  I picked him up.  He didn't squirm or yelp. 

They are 100% Boonie pups.  Although, I can pretty much trace the dam's line.  I don't know who the stud is.  We just noticed Duchess pregnant one day.  On the dam's line, the pups have Rottweiler, Pit Bull, Alaskan, and German Shepard mix.  Their Dam, Duchess, is a really good ranch dog.  So I'm hoping that those traits are also with this litter of pups. 

As soon as they're able to, I'm going to start feeding them snake.  That's how I got their dam and granddam started as good snake dogs.  Duchess and Stormie can smell those Brown Tree snakes a good distance off.  The two of them alone have killed more 9 footer snakes than any dog I know of.  The snake Duchess killed a couple of days ago was 3 feet long. 

They're ready for their first training later this week.  I'm going to have to catch and pen a hen with her chicks.  One by one, the puppies will be placed in the pen with the hen and her chicks.  This training will insure that these pups don't go after any of my poultry. 

Anyway, I'll post some pics tomorrow. 


Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Beautiful Sunday Morning at the Ranch.

I'm writing this post under the shade of my mango tree.  Having a laptop is pretty cool.  I didn't realize how strong my wifi reception is from the base, inside the house.  I'm glad it's password protected. 

Anyway, it is nice and cool outside.  My dogs are barking at a strange dog across the street.  The neighbor next door is burning.  I don't mind it.  The smoke will help my trees fruit more.  Debating if I should cut the grass this morning. 

This my first of four breaks.  I need sometime away from the ministry.  I don't want to have anything happen, that happened before.  In other words, I don't want to hate what I enjoy doing.  I enjoy working as the cameraman for Delta Camera.  I've been thinking about this for months.  My initial vacation time away from the ministry would have been when I took my vacation to go to the Philippines to be with my family.  However, with all my class schedules at GCA Trades Academy and my ISOM classes with the church, the last couple of months.  My trip kept getting postponed.  So my vacation has not happened.  It's planned for late June or early July this year.  My last class with Trades is in June, as well as the last Trimester with ISOM.  After that last ISOM class, I am popping smoke and taking the first flight out of here.  BUT, for now, I have to take this break. 

It's amazing how the sun comes up in the ranch.  I've truly missed waking up early in the morning and watching the sun come up while I'm doing my morning ranch checks.  With all the hectic class schedules, that morning chore fell to the wayside, until today.  Since I started my classes, I did my ranch checks after I got home from my classes.  It doesn't have the same feeling.  I usually rush to feed the animals before sunset.  Then I would hit the books or do research on the internet.

I watched this morning as the guinea fowl went looking for bugs among the pasture grass.  The feral chickens would follow them.  The smell of fresh ocean air that comes through in the breeze just tingles my nose.  The rabbits running around in their cages, trying to get my attention.  The new pups underneath the back porch getting up from the morning breakfast, growling, at my voice. 

It's taking me awhile to finish this post.  It's almost lunch time.  I keep getting distracted with my animals.  I am glad I prayed and made the decision to do this much needed break.  I am free for the next two weeks, nothing on my schedule.  It's ranch work for now. 

My next course instruction is on the 25th of March, on Hand Tools and Power Tools.  I'm trying to reschedule that with the Trade's Main Office to the next week on the 2nd of May.  I have a scheduling conflict that day of the 25th.  I have an OSHA Elective Course - Confined Spaces, which I want to take.  I've been on that list since January. 

I'll be back operating Delta Camera on May 8th. 


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Completed my Major OSHA Classes.

Today, I finished my last major OSHA numbered class.  I passed the performance and written test for the OSHA 500 Instructor Training Course for Construction Industry.  It has been a long and challenging road since I started this adventure trek last October 2010. 

I can start my training classes for the 10 and 30 hour hazard recognition and awareness.  Once, I receive my certificates for the OSHA 500 and 501.  Patiently waiting.

What am I going to do now?  We'll I'm now working on the OSHA Elective courses.  I have Confined Spaces Training Course at the end of the month.  I'm on the list for Excavations and Trenching.  That's been postponed once already.  Waiting on the Trades Academy to reschedule that course.  I am hoping to get on the USACE's EM 385-1-1 Trainer Course, in May. 

I'm glad it's over for the major courses. 

I'll be taking my Professional Certification Exam in the next couple of months with the Board of Certified Safety Professionals and World Safety Organization.  I plan on taking the Certified Health and Safety Technician Exam.


My Wonderful Amazing Children.

I receive a message from Rhoda the other night that our son, Frenz, couldn't sleep.  It was midnight in the Philippines.  2 AM, here on Guam.  I was asleep by then.  According to Rhoda, Frenz kept pointing to the laptop and crying, and saying, Daddy. repeatedly. 

What timing for Rhoda.  I felt bad when I saw the message just before my class started.  My boy really enjoys chatting with me during Video Call on YM.  He gets really excited.  Frenz also tries to type words.  And of course I would reply back to him, typing too.  Watching him on cam and seeing his excitement when a message would get on screen for him.  He loves to yell out, WOOO HOOO!  I guess, he got that from me.  Because I do it. 

There was also the time a couple of nights before where he would sing to me in is Babyish language.  Frenz is so amazing.  

He's already competing for attention with Larraine.  No matter what he does to his sister to irritate her.  Larraine still loves her baby brother.  She would also protect him.  Those two kids of mine are lovable. 

Larraine's teacher lied to her and to Rhoda.  That teacher told us that Larraine received top honors in the class for the semester.  However, yesterday was the Recognition Day for the Class.  Rhoda told me what had happened. Larraine was not mentioned as a Honor Student. I told Rhoda, it's okay.  Larraine is a Honor Student to us.  At least, we didn't buy her Honor Certificate with cases of floor wax or toilet paper. 

I am going to make my daughter Larraine a Honor Certificate, a really nice one.

That teacher is blessed that I am not there in the Phiilippines.  Should I ever bump into her in the Divisoria or Ket Kai Mall.  God help me that I just walk away. 

Anyone hurts my children.  You will deal with me.  And, I will decide when to stop. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

SAFETY CLASSES: Theirs and mine.

Last Saturday, 4 out of 8 students passed my Basic Safety Class.  One had tested out the first day during the Pre-Test.  The other 3 scored higher than their previous scores on the pretest.  Only 1 is going into the Safety Field.  That's the one who tested out the first day.  The others, well, they are going into different fields in the Construction Industry.  I hope they do well in their chosen fields.  I know I'll be seeing them at their job sites sometime down the road. 

I received my OSHA 510 Construction Standards Certificate yesterdaay via email.  It's cool.  That's going on the "Love Me" Binder right after the OSHA 511 General Industry Certificate.  I'm still waiting for the Certificate for the OSHA 501 Instructor Course for General Industry.  I should be getting the certificate soon for the US Army Corps of Engineers EM 385-1-1 Safety Course, that I attended last month.  Also waiting for the Certificates for completing the Core, Field Safety, Safety Technology, and Instructor's Training Course. 

This week is the OSHA 500 Instructor Course for the Construction Industry.  I have already chose my topic for my presentation:  Hand Tools and Power Tools, 29 CFR 1926 Subpart I.  I did the Electrical Safety during the OSHA 501 Instructor Course of General Industry in February.  I did pretty well during that presentation.  I should have done better.  Since then, I've been practicing on this new topic.  I know the material.  I tweaked the slide presentation a little to my taste.  Okay, I did change it a lot to my taste and to the potential audience. 

This time, I will present first on the first day of student presentations.  I'm not going to wait until the last day.  That hurt me more than helped me.  It's a good thing I knew how to do presentations with my military experience.  Without that behind me, I would have bombed it.  I passed...that's good enough.  A whole new week, with new adventures. 


OSHA 500 Instructor Course this week. My presentation topic is Hand Tools and Power Tools. I'm pretty much done with my slide presentation. I just need to add one more slide. Before I go on Tuesday morning. LOL... Class hasn't started and I'm already claiming my topic, and when I'm going to present. I will nail this one!