Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Made it home, for Christmas...and New Years! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Home is where you hang your hat.  In my case, I have multiple homes.  There is the one in Guahan where I live, work, and ranch.  Then my home in Cagayan De Oro with Rhoda and our two beautiful children, Larraine and Frenz.  

The flights from Guam to Manila and Manila to Cagayan De Oro were without event; Normal flight, great PAL service, as always.  It was my layover in Manila that was an adventure.  I arrived at Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 2.  Caught the Inter Terminal Transit to Terminal 3 for my connecting flight.  However, I had to wait more than 12+ hours to get on that connecting flight.  

To keep me busy I explored Terminal 3.  It's a new terminal, 3 stories tall, lots of escalators, restaurants, really clean toilet facilities.  I had dinner at Shakey's located on the third floor. The five piece chicken dinner with mojo's was good.  The root beer tower was great.  It's been awhile since I've had real root beer.  Yes, I downed that whole tower of root beer.  Then it was off to Seattle's Best Coffee for some really good chiller coffee.  While I was there, I took advantage of their WIFI service.  Now if you ever do go there.  Make sure you sit on the tables along the wall.  You'll be able to use their outlets to recharge your phone or laptops while enjoying their drinks or food.  

Then it was off to the Japanese Spa. I took the package deal: full body massage, rest, and shower.  I've only had a couple of body massages in my time.  But going through this body massage was really different.  As soon as I stripped down to my undies and laid on the table face down.  I had the sudden urge to pass gas.  It was hard mental and physical work keeping that gas in, while going through deep penetrating massage on my lower back, buttocks, and legs.  The masseuse was telling me to relax because I was so tense.  Of course, I was tense.  I was holding back to prevent any leakage of personal  methane gas to pass.  I did not want to just let it go.  My back blast area was not clear.  The young lady was in the line of fire.  But as soon as she left the small room to get more oil.  I let it RIIIIPPPP!  I was hoping for a silencer.  But what passed scared even me, it was really loud like something exploded.  The other masseuse in the next room asked, "Sir, excuse me, Po.  Are you okay"?  I replied, "I'm now relaxed".  

Flying into the new airport at Cagayan De Oro was new for me.  I had a window seat, so I was able to see he scenery as it passed.  The runway didn't have the potholes that the old terminal had.  The new terminal is situated on a plateau along the coastline.  Really nice modern facility.  

After I got my bags, I exited the departure area.  Who do I spot standing on the rails of the barrier as I came out the door.  My favorite daughter!  She saw me, caught my smile and ran to the other side to fetch me.  What a sight for sore eyes?!  As I waited along the side walk, Larraine went to let her mom and her Tita El know that I'm waiting along the sidewalk.  A few minutes later, Boboi opened the door of the vehicle and jumped down to greet me.  Rhoda was in my arms after a long year, not seeing each other.  My family was back together for this vacation season.  

This was the first time I met El, Rhoda's best friend.  She volunteered to pick me up a the airport with Rhoda, Larraine, and Frenfren.  We had breakfast in Opal at a nice seaside restaurant over the water.  Fellowshipping, getting to know El, and listening to her and Rhoda's conversation.  

Later at home, Rhoda and I spent some quality time together.  While the kids were outside playing.  I watched as she went through the pasalubong I brought from Guam.  Later, that evening we greeted Rhoda's family who traveled all the way from Butuan to celebrate Christmas with us.  It was awesome to hear all the children having fun and enjoying each other's company.  

After breakfast, I took time to watch the kids outside eating the mixed nuts that I brought. The look from their eyes as they enjoyed each different mixed nut is priceless.  Well, we're getting ready for the Noche Buena tonight.  Lots of food to cook, Songs to sing, and celebrating the birthday of our Lord Jesus.  

MERRY CHRISTMAS, from my family to yours!

Keep Smiling  

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Need more time for Me.

I'm looking forward to getting off the island for a couple of weeks to spend time with Rhoda and our kids.  It's been too long.  I'm seriously thinking of making some changes in relation to careers.  Rhoda and I will have to sit down and discuss the future opportunities that are before us.  Should we stay or should we go??? 

I've been looking over a lot of my goals for this year.  I accomplished a lot.  Some goals are just better than others.  For the others, I'll have to commitment better to make those goals successful.  I'm really glad for much of the accomplishments. 

One thing I've relearned is not to overwhelm myself with opportunities.  There are times, when I have to say no.  I understand they need help for one reason or another.  But I cannot keep jumping and putting out fires.  Their emergency does not constitute an emergency on my part.  I have other obligations to fulfill first.  The biggest and foremost is ME. 

The last four months was a challenge.  I believed I could do it.  But two weeks into my new work schedule, I realized that I'm no spring chicken any more.  I'm a 120 pounds over  my former military physique.  I do not run marathons anymore.  I'm no longer in the 300 club.  I no longer run 4 or 5 minute miles.  The last time,  I timed a mile was 45 minutes.  And that was walking.  I have to remind myself that I'm in my mid 40's.  People in my age group are grandparents.  Okay, so I started my family late.  Sue me. 

So I am glad the semester is over!  No more 3 evening class schedules over the week and my own clientele's training requirements.  It was an honor to teach many of my students.  I hope they take what they were taught in the classroom and apply it in the field.  But being a Site Safety, I know not many of the students will be able to apply that knowledge nor share it.  Their companies push production more than safety. 



Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veteran's Day! Honoring All Who Served!

To all my Brothers and Sisters in Arms, Past, Present, and & Future; 

WE toed the line, so others may not have too.  Enjoy your official day where ever you may be.  

From one Veteran to Another, 
May God bless you and your family abundantly. 
May HE increase your holdings. 
May HE rid us of our demons each time we close our eyes at night and gives us peace.
When our mission is done here, May HE bring us home to guard the gates of Heaven and make ready for the final battle when HE returns to Earth again. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Working on Changes coming up.

Without change, we get stagnant with what we are doing.  We need to change to know that we're alive within ourselves.  There are times when going to the same place week after week, hearing the same thing, becomes unceremoniously mundane.  Doing the same thing over and over again, becomes robotic and unimaginative.  Things become predictable.  

I'm at that point with several areas of my life.  I have to set new goals that will benefit me and my family.  Those areas of my life include the following: Spiritual, Family, Career, Self, & Hobby.  I am currently doing the pros and cons for each area.  Most of what may change lies in my Spiritual and Career Areas. 

My family is always exciting and spontaneous, thanks to my lovely wife and soul mate, Rhoda.  She definitely completes me.  Our kids too,  always do something that brings joy to our family.  Even the crazy hiccups of life that we go through with both of them...never a dull moment.  Rhoda and I would like to see a new blessing to our family.  A new baby, a blessing from Our Lord Jesus.  I still want a football team.  American football, not European football (soccer).  Rhoda will smile and say, whatever Jesus decides.  I'll go with that too.  But you can't blame me for physically trying.

As for hobbies, haven't gone camping our hiking in years.  I'm thinking of doing that again.  But I'm back into shooting sports.  Not the actually shooting  sports itself, but back into shooting at the range.  A couple of years ago, I thought I'd never get back into it being diagnosed with Severe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands.  I am so glad that I opted for the surgery.  Now, I'm back on the range.  That reminds me, I still have to acquire more ammo. Anthony Q., if you're reading this.  Brother...I didn't forget.  Will get the boxes as soon as I pick up the VIP's next week.   

What's great is that I'll be teaching my niece/goddaughter, Arissa, on her shooting techniques.  But she's going through the Basic Pistol Course on December 7th.  Then I'll plan that we go to the range no less than once per month.  Then when my children, Larraine and Frenfren, gets here from the Philippines next year, they'll get trained to in Weapons Safety and learn how to shoot. 

The Area of Self will have major changes.  Especially in appearance.  I'll be back to working out on Crossfit soon.  Been slowly working out in the privacy of my room.  Acquired the Total Gym from friends, Clint and Kristine.  Yes, I've been using it, 3 times a week.  Talk about being sore.  But it's a feel good kind of sore. 

As for Spiritual and Career, there will be major changes in those areas.  Will post a blog on them later. 



Sunday, September 8, 2013

Severe Dry Eyes Syndrome

After my eye surgery a couple of months ago, I underwent tear duct repair along with the eyelid tuck to help repair my vision.  I thought that I would have normal tears flowing from my tear ducts again.  It was normal for about 3 weeks.  Then it stopped.  I was back to having severe dry eyes again.  

Having severe or chronically dry eyes or also known medically as Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is a pain in my 6.  Even with tear drops, it's constantly itchy, red, swollen.  It looks like I have a case of Pink eye.  But I don't.  People who don't know me assume that I have pink eye.  Even after I tell them that I don't.  They advise me to go see a doctor and get it checked.  

There was one time, over a year ago, that I got bumped off of my flight to see my son, who was admitted into the hospital at that time, because the flight attendant was afraid that I have pink eye and reported it to the captain.  I was told to disembark from the plane, get a doctor's note, and I'll get booked on the next flight.  I was more than upset.  I was livid.  So everytime I plan to fly.  I have to get a doctor's note just to get on the plane. 

The other annoying issue is the constant mucous discharge from my eyes.  I have to constantly clean around my eyelids to prevent the accumulation of morning glory.  So I wear dark safety glasses at all times.  Then when I take them off, I clean my eyes out. 

The next issue is when the dam breaks.  Yeah, it looks like I'm crying but I'm not, in an emotional sense.  Yes, I have tears flowing uncontrollably.  But when people see me, they think I'm crying when I am not.  It's embarrassing trying to explain to them what severe dry eyes is all about. Even Rhoda, my wife, saw me, one day during one of my many visits back home, and asked if I was crying and why.  I told her that I was not. 



Sunday, August 25, 2013

MATUA CONSULTANTS going Inactive but Rebranding like the Phoenix.

I started Matua Consultants in 1997 as a sole proprietorship.  I did various business with that name since then.  A couple of years later after I started up my company, unbeknownst to me, someone incorporated Matua Corporation.  Which to my understanding from Guam's Department of Revenue and Taxation.  They wouldn't be able to do.  Since the name, "Matua" is already taken.  But they did anyway.  

For the last couple of years, I've tried to incorporate Matua Consultants.  I kept getting rejected because there is another name, Matua Corporation, that is incorporated with a similar name. So because of some government's clerk stupid mistake in accepting incorporation papers from a company that should have never been allowed to use a name similar to my company's name.  I cannot move forward with a name that is now widely recognized.  

After a long period of reflection, I've decided to allow my company's name, Matua Consultants to go inactive.  It's time for me to move forward and incorporate my safety consulting business with a new brand.  I will not list it here for obvious reasons.  

In a few weeks, after we incorporate.  I will introduce the new company's name, my partners, and my training staff.  Oh yeah, we're not just doing safety consultations.  We're moving into manufacturing. 


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Finally got a hold of Western Union Compliance Department!

Spent the whole morning trying to get a hold of Western Union Compliance Department.  Finally got a hold of them 30 minutes ago, had to go through a 20 minute interview to make sure I'm me and my wife, Rhoda, is my wife.  Also had to confirm some online purchases where I used WU to pay the vendor.  

I had to verify my name, my mailing address, who I work for, my estimated monthly income, last four of my DL numbers, and my position and company I work for, just so I can get the funds I sent yesterday released.  This was a highly stressful event.  

Yesterday was not a good day for me and Matua Ranch.  Post about that later.  

After all is said and done...


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ole' Ole' Ole' Ole'....Ole'...Ole''...

Having traveled most of Europe when I was stationed in Germany.  I enjoyed going to the football games.  One of my hidden passions not many of my close friends or family knew about.  Football aka Soccer is one of my favorite sports, having learned it in the Philippines, while attending school there in the late 70's early 80's. 

One of the other things I enjoyed was traveling to Spain to take part in the Bull Runs, which we were not allowed to do being active duty soldiers.  So I always put down on my pass, leave, or mentioned to the platoon sergeant that I was heading down to Southern France.  It was easy telling friends and relatives there that I would be in a field exercise.  Not one was the wiser to know, I was taking the train down to Spain.  

It's during these events at the football game or the bull fight that the crowd would sing in a chorus, "Ole Ole Ole Ole"...So I sang a long.  I didn't understand what I was singing, but I sang along. It was fun, catchy, easy to remember song to sing.  Later, I learned from a friend that the song is a cheer or taunt depending on what team or side your on.  

In football, you would Ole' your favorite team and at the same time, taunt the opponents.  In bull fighting, you normally would Ole' the matador.  But there were times, the bull would get the Ole'.  There is a big contrast to European Football aka Soccer and Bull Fighting.  In European Football, you will have a winning team and a losing team.  However in Bull Fighting, you usually have one winner, the matador.  What do you think happens to the bull?  He's slaughtered for his meat.   There are times when the bull would win.  

Today, the Ole' lyrics are sung in almost any sporting event to support the winning team.  

Why bring this up?  Well...it's funny when I hear the lyrics of Ole' being used in a Christian song.  I don't know why they would choose to do that.  I sing along because it is catchy, fun, and easy to remember.  But I also quietly laugh in my head that it would be used in a Christian Song.  So I'm guessing the intent is to Ole' God? 


Keep Smiling

Friday, May 10, 2013


It was great to be back at work today.  Four days out feels like a vacation.  I was greeting the other Site Safeties outside our trailer office, as I walked in.  Our General Superintendent came out and jokingly asked me if I was going to come in and see him.  We all went inside and he immediately asked if I'm able to go back out.  I was ready to get back into the swing of things even though both my eyes were still visibly swollen.  I was told that I can go home anytime during the day if I started feeling ill due the heat.  I just had to call the General Super and let him know.  So he can get one of the other safeties to cover for me.  

It wasn't much to do today.  Most of the work was the punch list was closing out on one of the buildings.  The crew was doing rework on a couple of buildings.  I was okay.  The weather was overcast and cool for the morning.  After lunch though.  It was a different story.  No more overcast, it turned to partly cloudy and HOT.  The heat was getting to me.  Many times I wanted to call in to go home.  But I held out.  Even with a minor eye surgery in the heat...okay...okay...I was in the shade of the building.  It was still hot though.  

The Project Site Superintendent showed up to my job site.  His job site was stopped, until Monday.  He saw me in the shade and told me to go back to the trailer.  He even told me to go home and rest.  I declined.  I wanted to tough it out. 

At the Trailer Office, almost everyone told me to go home and rest.  I declined again.  I know I could hang.  I was already planning tomorrow's safety class for Day 3 of the 40 hour.  When the General Superintendent came in.  He asked me to postpone the class until the next week.  He told me that I needed more rest.  I concurred.  He then told me to go home.  

You know what?!  This is the first time the company wanted me to go home and rest.  I better cherish this...coz I know it's not going to happen again. 

I got the weekend off.  It already feels good.  

Keep Smiling. 

1st day back after Eye Surgery.

1st day after surgery. 

Eyes are still swollen, actually eye lids are still swollen.  But they're not as bad as the picture above.  Feels sandy, like pink eye.  I have tear drops for that.  I'm okay.   Nothing but a thing.  

Getting ready to head to work in the early morning.  Will check the livestock before I head out though.  We'll see how today goes with my recovery.  I'll be on light duty, possibly staying in the trailer office doing computer work for my upcoming project.  Still have to write out the following; Asbestos Abatement Plan, Site Specific Fall Protection Plan, and Fall Protection Rescue Plan.  I may do a site visit at my EMCS project that I inherited.  See what the CalPac boys are up to

See y'all when I get back. 


Monday, April 8, 2013

Land Recon

Awesome Truck inside the family properties. 

This afternoon, I reconnoitered the family properties.  My first trip in, since ever since, I wanted to make sure that my truck can fit through the easement.  My last truck, a Ram 1500 Club Cab 4x4 scrapped the walls and boulders of the newly made road.  I didn't want to rub up on anything with my new truck.

I did a quick, but slow 4 low, recon in and out.  Mud Hopper did great, of course with me behind the wheel guiding her in.  As I exited the area.  I called my brother and asked if he wanted to come in and check it out.  Stopped by the store to get some drinks, then straight away to his house to pick him up and his grandson, Dayvon.

On the way back in, we stopped by our auntie's house to check in.  She was glad to see us but exclaimed that she was more than upset of who drove into the access road, in a big white truck.  I explained that it was me and that I just wanted to go in and see if I can fit my truck in there.  I wasn't sure it could since it had been a long time since I've been to the family property.  But I needed to try.  I apologized for not stopping by first.  And in the future, I will. 

We placed this pipe in '05.  It's still there.  Added new tape.
Once inside, we found some but not all the markers along the property line.  We weren't sure which was the beginning of one lot and the end of another.   Most of the markers we put up eight years ago were gone except for one.   However, we found two that we couldn't find back then. 

Plans were made to figure out our next move.  First on the list:  Open a dedicated access other than passing through my cousin's property.  We have three options:  Reopen the road that has overgrown along the valley.  Pro:  It's the shortest route.  Con:  We don't know how much of the road is washed out.  Other option is to open by the circle at the back.  that's a 250+ route to open up.  But the most stable.  Last option is to open on the road prior to the family road.  It's a short run too.  But it has a lot of large rocks to break.

We're going to shoot off this marker to confirm ours
In the meantime, we'll continue using the access from my cousin's property.  We just have to stop by our auntie's house to let her know we're passing through to get inside.  I have to gather up my used wooden power poles to use as fence posts. 

Hopefully this year, we'll be on the property ranching it.  Matua Ranch will be moved there in the future.  I'll  need to get fence posts, fencing, water troughs, and other necessary supplies and equipment prior to moving the animals in there. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Operating a Ram Truck, Again.

Named my truck, "MUD HOPPER" -- 2013 RAM 1500 Tradesmen 4x4. 

It is so good to be back operating my own pickup truck.  It has been 7 long years trying to operate a ranch without a truck.  That was not easy.  Trading in my Mazda 3 was a great decision.  I wasn't planning to do it.  Since I may need a second vehicle.  But using that car to travel to construction job sites for my clientele, or for the company I work for, took a large toll on the car's maintenance.  So trading it in was a good investment.  It did serve it's purpose well.

Sold?!  I was treated better at Cars Plus and approved. 
I was trying to purchase a 2006 Ram 1500 Mega Cab 4x4 from Auto Spot two weeks ago.  After turning in the needed paperwork, I was just waiting on approval.  I followed up with the sales person, almost daily.  Then last Tuesday, I learned that they sold the vehicle from under me.  I was more than upset.  I was so upset that as I drove past Cars Plus at their Maite Headquarters.  I turned around and pulled in.  I wasn't looking to buy a vehicle.  I just needed to cool off and walking the lot would do that.  Tom, the sales person, came out to greet me.  He forgot that we knew each other.  Tom is a good friend of Primo Ted, and occasionally hangs out with the boys at the Nelson Ranch in Guae.  I kept quiet about it.  My main reason was that I wanted to get the truck on my own without pulling strings.

Awesome Truck! 
Anyway, Tom talked to me about the safety aspects of the truck.  Which I enjoyed listening too.  Since I am a Site Safety and Health Officer.  My primary reason in getting the truck is to keep my family safe on the road.  I wanted my wife and children safe.  I needed a 4x4 to get in and out of construction sites, while at work or doing safety inspections for  my clientele, and to haul livestock, materials, and equipment for my ranch. 

It felt good taking the truck for a test drive through Tiyan, the old Naval Air Station.  The truck was very responsive, has good agility, and speed for a truck that size.  Back at the lot, we did some necessary financial paperwork. After leaving the lot, I did do a great amount of praying, as did my wife and children.  I expected a couple of days of waiting to get any word back to me regarding anything.  The next morning, I emailed in my necessary paperwork. 

To my surprise, I was approved that afternoon.  I received a call from Tom after lunch to come down and pick up my new truck.  What impressed me more, was after all the papers were signed.  Tom took his time to show me where everything was in the truck.  From the latch at the hood, the lights in the RamBox, the spare tire, the controls in the cab--from left to right, how to program my monitor menu, adjustments of the mirrors, and so much more.

Now, I've bought trucks and other vehicles before.  I have never been treated that way.  That was Awesome!  Almost all of the previous dealerships that I've done business with, just gave me the keys and told me to have fun with my new vehicle.  At Cars Plus, Tom took his time and showed me where everything is at, and how to operate each one.  He didn't do that just with the truck, but with the whole facility.  I got to see where the parts department was at, the customer's lounge area, the service area.  That's Awesome Customer Service.  I didn't have to open the operator's manual when I got home.  I eventually will in the next couple of days.

So if you're looking for a new or certified pre-owned vehicle.  I highly recommend seeing Tom Tanner at Cars Plus.  He didn't give me preferential treatment because I was one of the boys that hangs out at the Nelson Ranch in Guae.  He took the time to really show me how my truck works and how the staff at the facility will be able to help me in the future.

I own this Awesome Ram Truck on island! 
It is really amazing to be driving a 2013 Ram 1500 Tradesmen 4x4.  I named her, MUD HOPPER, after my Humvee in Desert Storm.  With that white glossy skin, I definitely will have to hop over mud puddles to keep her clean.  It has a Crew Cab which will be great for my kids to ride comfortably in and grow into, when they get here.  It is operator friendly so even my wife will be able to operate it too.  It has awesome safety features to protect me and my family.  Great bed size for hauling anything around.  It has a heavy duty hitch receiver, so that I may pull a trailer for additional hauling. Nice size Ram Boxes to put my tools and safety gear in.  Bed Extender for those extra long items that is just a bit to big for the bed.  Being a 4x4 truck, I can now go back to my old stomping grounds like Janum, Castro's beach, Lost Pond, Channel 10.  Where you do need a 4x4 truck to get in and out of.  If my truck was amphibious, I'd drive it to Cocos Island.  Maybe Ram Trucks will think about that for a future truck. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

SSHO: Collateral Duties and Inexperience

Collateral Duty

There is a reason why Site Safety and Health Officers (SSHO) are not to be doing physical work or doing collateral duties at the job site.  So there is no question of Conflict of Interest between production and safety.  It's really simple.  But we all know why you catch SSHO's wearing two hats.  It's because someone in the company decided that they can save money to have one person work two positions.  Now those two positions are either as a Superintendent or Quality Control Manager.  Now a Superintendent maybe a QC and vice versa.  But never a Superintendent and a SSHO. 

When a SSHO works a craft to help catchup production or to even help a worker out.  That SSHO puts himself and the rest of the crew in jeopardy.  What happens if the SSHO while working a physical task gets hurt?  He's out for days due to an injury that occurred doing physical activity.  That job stops until that SSHO returns to work or the company finds a replacement SSHO that meets the same credentials as the primary SSHO on that job.

When a SSHO wears two hats on the job site.  A conflict of interest will arise between production and safety.  A SSHO/Superintendent will sacrifice safety in order to meet deadlines.  It has happened before. There's a reason why the federal government wants the two positions separated.  I, myself, am currently seeing this happen with a SSHO that I know, working as a Superintendent/SSHO.

Yes, a SSHO may help to lend a hand.  But not help to keep production going.


We all have to start some where.  And, usually that somewhere is at the bottom of the ladder.  That's in every industry that you can possible work in, in the USA.  With that said, You can't expect to go to "SAFETY SCHOOL"  to become a Site Safety and Health Officer.  Construction Companies, Federal Agencies, or Military departments have their own requirements to become a SSHO with them. 

How can you identify a safety hazard, if you don't know what to look for? 

I'm not perfect, but I have kept my crew safe because I knew what to look for and how to correct the issue before someone gets hurt. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Rained on, Soaked to the Bone.

Rain Squall behind me.  Already Soaked.
Got home about an hour ago.  I didn't realize that we would be working overtime today.  Someone forgot to tell me about that little bit of information.  At least the guys got the pipes in with the 3 valves and T-connection.  I would have been really upset if we all got soaking wet for nothing.  

We got rained on 5 times the whole afternoon.  The first one wasn't bad.  It was hot and the rain cooled us off.  I started getting  the chills after the 3 squall.  I was totally upset on the last rainfall at 1745.  It was getting dark and I was already miserable.  

Top it off, I was supposed to teach a class this evening at 1700.  I could not call the Operations Manager for my client company.  Since both my phones (personal and company) died out at the same time.  When the manual says battery lasts for 8 hours.  That's all you're going to get before it shuts down on you. 

As soon as I got home, still in my soaking but now dripping wet clothes.   I made the call to cancel class tonight.  There was no way to teach tonight with the chills and the onset of the fever coming on.  I'll have to make up the class on Saturday afternoon.  

I could have just left.  But there is no way that I'll do that.  As long as my crew is working, I'm there.  That's the life of a Site Safety & Health Officer--First in, Last out.  

Keep Smiling  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

My new Polish AKMS

AKMS Folding Stock Deployed. 

Polish 7.62x39 AKMS with 2, 30 round magazines.
Brought my newest addition to my armory home Friday evening.  I finally acquired my Polish AKMS, an AK 47 variant.  I even bought a couple of boxes of ammo for it.   Excited to take it out to the range later this month, to put some rounds down range. 

The last time I fired an AK47 was back during Desert Storm.  My patrol had liberated a depot of weapons and ammunition in the Iraqi Desert.  It was fun shooting it all up, until we had to turn it in.  The only way to go home was to give up our new toys.  

SAIGA 7.62
At the gun shop this past December, I was actually looking to buy the Saiga 7.62.  I saw it on Saturday, went back on Tuesday with my money to purchase it.  Only to find out that after I left Saturday, someone came in after me and paid for it.  

My eye caught the AKMS on the wall, so I asked to see it.  It felt good in my hands as I handled it.  So I made the decision and downed it right there.  I didn't even look at the price, just downed it.  With the way things are going stateside regarding gun grabbing from law abiding citizens, I didn't want to take a chance not being able to have my own long rifle that will help defend my family and property, and provide food on the table during my hunts.  Oh yeah, when the Zombies come, I'll be prepared.  

Some of Many...adding more. 
My new acquisition brings my weapons inventory up to a comfortable level.  But I'll be looking to getting more weapons.  Not because I need it, Because it is my Right.   

My new AKMS is pretty cool.  I especially like the underfolding stock.  I'll be able to carry this in my vehicle at the ready when I go to the other ranch.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Midnight Rush to the Hospital.

Frenfren being himself. 
Waking up this morning to a text message from Rhoda, brought to past one of my greatest fears. 

Frenfren going to the hospital is no big fanfare.  He's been in and out a couple of times.  So getting the text was not that alarming.  Until I read that he had convulsions/seizures, turning blue, foaming at the mouth, and high fever.  Reading what my boy was going through, got to me.  I did not know what to do.  

I immediately tried calling Rhoda.  For some reason, I could not get through to her cellphone.  As much as I wanted to jump on the next plane to get there...I couldn't do it.  I was helpless over a thousand miles away.  I couldn't hold my baby boy to comfort him.  All I could do was pray.  That was it.  That was all I could do. 

I called and sent out prayer requests through different mediums.  We need the prayer warriors from different churches to help us out.  Not knowing and not being able to do anything at that moment was the worst feeling to have.  

After what seemed like hours, I finally got a hold of Rhoda.  She filled me in on what happened.  Frenfren got up at midnight and told his uncle that he was having chills.  Soon thereafter he went into a seizure and started foaming at the mouth.  He had a high fever.  Rhoda turned him to his size and administered first aid.  They immediately left the house with their sleeping clothes on, and went to the hospital.  At one point, Frenfren didn't recognize his mommy. 

During our conversation, I learned that our baby boy was asleep and was given oxygen, and an I.V.  He was not allowed to eat until after he has lab work taken.   I suspected again that he may have something wrong with his stomach.  His lab work last week found no parasites in his intestinal track.  

I called Rhoda a couple more times.  During lunch, I talked to my Boboi.  He was awake and talking.   He recognized his mommy.  That was a great relief to Rhoda and I.  When I called, he asked to talk with me.  He told me he's okay and wanted food to eat.  Rhoda had gone home earlier to change clothes and brought back his batman action figure and back hoe toys for Frenfren to play with.    

Larraine didn't go to school.  She accompanied her brother to the hospital and stayed by his side.  Good thing the ward was empty, so they acquired the beds there.  

My last call this afternoon with Rhoda.  Frenfren still has a high fever.  The nurse gave him some meds through the I.V.  His doctor ordered lab work.  So it's just wait and see now.
 I appreciate and thank you all, who are praying for Frenfren.  Please continue to pray for him.  He's still not out of the woods yet. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Right Hand Post Op Update

Didn't do much today.  Stayed home and relaxed my hand.  Woke up early this morning to excruciating pain.  It was around 0330 got up and took a percocet.  That helpedGot knocked out and then woke up late...really late. 

I don't know why it's sore.  I didn't do much yesterday, been wearing my brace, and not doing anything physical with my hand.  But for some reason, I need to rest my hand.  So I'm one hand typing again.  Writing this post is not easy.  Have to go back to correct a misspelling every now and then.  

The picture above shows the volcano type scars are healing good.  Doc calls the scar tissue volcano because it rises above the surface of the skin.  It is still swollen, but it'll go down in a couple of weeks.  I'm hoping for a couple of days.  

Unable to do ranch work, just pasturing the goat buck on his lead is a chore.  Using my non-dominant hand to control him on the lead.  It's okay going from the pen to the paddock.  But from the paddock to the pen, the toro is trying to run back.  Holding back is not an option, as my left hand is strong but not that strong yet to hold back a 180 lb. buck.  My dominant right hand is of no use for a couple of months.  I'll figure it out.  

Good thing is that I can feel my finger tips again.  It's funny feeling a cup of hot coffee.  Haven't felt that in years.  The heat didn't bother me before, but now it does.  I can feel my trigger finger.  No guessing now on my trigger pull.  It's really sensitive now.  

It's all good.  

Keep Smiling.    


Friday, February 22, 2013

Jury Duty: Selection

For a long time, I despised being on jury duty.  I avoided it almost everytime my name came up.  Not only here, but also when I was in North Carolina.  I always got out on an excuse.  

Today, being on the Petite Jury.  I had to go in this morning as per my instructions last night during my call in.  The waiting was the hardest.  We reported in at 0900 but due to some court technicality.  At 1000, We were given a three hour lunch.  I took the time to call Rhoda to let her know what was going on.  Lunch was at Shirley's Restaurant. I didn't use up the whole 3 hours.  I went back at 1200.  

The waiting area is small for our group size and warm.  I don't think that there should be that many people in that small room.  But that's up to the Fire Marshal to enforce.  The only good thing was the WiFi gave out a good signal.   

At one point, we were heading down to the courtroom.  Only to be turned around at the bottom and told to return back up to the waiting room.  The system has to be better than how they're doing it now.  So up we went and back to sitting and waiting.  

After a long while, we were told to head back down to the courtroom.  Once inside, we were shown to our seats.  Yes, we sat down again and waited.  But this time, it got interesting.  A turn for the better.  We were all sworn in, then the judge introduced herself, the prosecutors got up and introduced themselves, and then it was the Defendant's side that introduced themselves to us.  

The judge gave a short civics class on the constitutionality of the defendant's right to a fair trial.  That caught my interests as she explained the process.  For the first time I was interested in serving as a juror.  I didn't want to leave after that.  But after the judge read the complaint.  I knew I could not serve honestly.  There were a series of questions that the judge asked and on each question we had to determine within ourselves if we could serve as jurors based on the facts to be presented by both the defense team and prosecuting team and instructions from the judge herself.  

Later, when it came time to stand before the judge, the defense lawyer, and prosecutor.  I went up and gave them my reason.  I was excused from serving on this trial.  It's okay.  They'll be other trials. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Been trying to figure out how to move all my blogs and albums from my Multiply.com page to this site on Blogger.  Since November 2012, I've been tinkering around with it.  Just today, I figured it out.  

I was able to transfer over 635 posts...blogs and reviews.  However, I'm missing over a year's worth of blogs, miss all of 2008, part of 2009, about a month for 2007.  I'm going to try to save those and transfer them on another try.  

Now I'm going to work on the albums.  I have 2 pages of albums to transfer over.  Then I'll transfer the videos that I posted and recipes that I saved.  

This reminds me the Y360 Exodus.  Lost so many blogs on that move.  I really need to save my posts on another format, other than trusting the site owners.  

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Frenfren aka "Brave Boy".

Just got off the phone with Rhoda.  New update for Frenfren.  He is well.  They're waiting to get released from the hospital.  It should be soon.  Frenfren made a new friend while in the hospital.  A boy, also a patient, who was down the hall.  I don't know the name of the boy.  Only from what Rhoda tells me, the boy is amazed at our Boboi.  He calls him the "Brave Boy".  

They were amazed that my son wouldn't cry as much as the other children in the ward.  So they call him, "Brave Boy".  So now, I guess, I'll have to call him, Brave Boy and not Boboi.  But, he's still my Boboi.  

This morning, the young boy came over to play with Frenfren.  He asked if they can play and my boboi agreed.  I'm so glad that my children are adventurous and get a long with other children.  But make them mad and push them around.  You'll see the other side of them.  

Keep Smiling 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Frenz Update: He's getting better.

Bang...Bang...Pow...Pow!!!  Take that you dirty bug!!  Stay away from my drinking water!

Just talked to Rhoda, Our baby boy is doing okay.  He's still in the hospital undergoing treatment.  Hopefully, he'll be released tomorrow.  We found out that he got sick due to ingesting contaminated water while visiting the province earlier this week.  I'm going to find that traveler's cup for him and the rest of the family there.  It purifies any tap water or ground water source to potable drinking water.  I use to own one years ago.  

Anyway, I was able to talk to Frenfren.  He told me about the I.V. Dextrose attached to his hand.  He understands that the medication is in the dextrose and he has to take in all the fluids so he can get better. Fortunately, He's well enough to play with his Batman Action Figure.  He also wants to go home.  

I guess this morning, the nurses conducted a skin test on him.  So now he's afraid of nurses again and cries when they enter the room.  Good thing Rhoda was there and told him to hide under the blanket so they won't see him.  He'll be invisible to the nurses.  He was so terrified that he even told his mommy to talk quietly with me because it's embarrassing.  What?!  My 3 year old knows about embarrassing?!  Gonna have to ration his computer and TV time again.  

He's doing better.  Hopefully, he'll be out of the hospital before lunch.  Frenfren has a really good doctor.  I'm glad she takes the time to know our children. 

Thank you all for your prayers.   

Keep Smiling

Friday, February 8, 2013

Frenfren's Update

It's amazing how children are resilient.  Yesterday, I received a text from Rhoda informing me that our son, Frenz was sick and that she is monitoring him.  He had asked his mommy to ask if I may call and talk to him.  He wanted me to know that I don't have to worry.  He's going to be okay.  

Later that evening, Frenz's temperature had risen to 103.4 from 102 that afternoon.  Rhoda and I were discussing how he may have gotten sick.  I felt it was his stomach, possibly a stomach flu.  Rhoda was concerned about pneumonia and talked to Frenfren into agreeing that if cannot keep his food or medication down, he will have to go to the hospital.  Frenfren agreed. 

At the hospital, Frenfren was given treatment.  His temperature went down.  When I had called Rhoda this morning.  He had no fever.  I was able to talk to my boboi.  Again, he assured me that he's okay.  He did not want me to worry about him.  He is so much like his Ate Larraine.  

When Larraine broke her arm 2 years ago.  She too forced a smile so I did not have worry, even though she was in so much pain.  Unlike Larraine, I am glad that Frenfren did not try treating himself.  We all know how that ended up, not once, but twice.  

This afternoon when I called again.  Rhoda and Frenfren are still in the hospital.  Doctor ordered some stool samples and observation.  We're praying that he'll be okay to go home.  He was sleeping.  Rhoda sounded tired as well.  

Frenfren's Timeline:  
Larraine and Frenfren enjoying their time at Jollibee the night before. 

Frenz playing with his and Larraine's Nerf guns.  He's having fun. 

Frenz tired and resting that afternoon.  He was not himself.

At the hospital, Frenz being treated.  He still knows his priorities.  He throws up the SHAKA.  That's my boy!

Larraine laying hands and praying for her baby brother's healing. 

Please continue to pray for my son, Frenfren.  Hopefully, he'll be home tonight.  

God Bless You,

Keep Smiling.