Sunday, February 24, 2013

Right Hand Post Op Update

Didn't do much today.  Stayed home and relaxed my hand.  Woke up early this morning to excruciating pain.  It was around 0330 got up and took a percocet.  That helpedGot knocked out and then woke up late...really late. 

I don't know why it's sore.  I didn't do much yesterday, been wearing my brace, and not doing anything physical with my hand.  But for some reason, I need to rest my hand.  So I'm one hand typing again.  Writing this post is not easy.  Have to go back to correct a misspelling every now and then.  

The picture above shows the volcano type scars are healing good.  Doc calls the scar tissue volcano because it rises above the surface of the skin.  It is still swollen, but it'll go down in a couple of weeks.  I'm hoping for a couple of days.  

Unable to do ranch work, just pasturing the goat buck on his lead is a chore.  Using my non-dominant hand to control him on the lead.  It's okay going from the pen to the paddock.  But from the paddock to the pen, the toro is trying to run back.  Holding back is not an option, as my left hand is strong but not that strong yet to hold back a 180 lb. buck.  My dominant right hand is of no use for a couple of months.  I'll figure it out.  

Good thing is that I can feel my finger tips again.  It's funny feeling a cup of hot coffee.  Haven't felt that in years.  The heat didn't bother me before, but now it does.  I can feel my trigger finger.  No guessing now on my trigger pull.  It's really sensitive now.  

It's all good.  

Keep Smiling.    


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