Sunday, February 3, 2013

Philippine Trip January 2013

I finally made it to the Philippines on January 19, 2013.  It was a long awaited trip.  I was originally supposed to be there in September 2012 to celebrate my children's birthdays.  But a new, my current, job kept me from flying over.  Then a flight in December to celebrate New Year's Eve didn't happen.  For some reason, I was bumped from the flight.  I was able to reschedule my flight for January 19th to the 26th.  I'm glad that I was able to spend time with my family for a week. 

Rhoda and I spent some quality time together.  We planned for another honeymoon.  I'm sure we'll be planning for many honeymoons in the future.  It was great being alone together and just enjoying each other.  

The next day, we were to surprise the kids at CDO First Assembly of God Church.  We planned this event for weeks.  We would get to the church early before 2nd service.  Then I would hide behind one of the columns on the 2nd floor in the Sanctuary.  When the Larraine and Frenfren got to the floor, they would see their mommy.  Then on cue, I would step out from behind the column.  

It didn't happen that way.  Rhoda and I got to the church early, riding in a taxi.  As we got out, our two precious children ran out of the lobby into my arms.  We were SURPRISED.  It's not fair though.  Larraine had help.  Her discernment is strong.  But it was okay.  We enjoyed the surprise.  

Back at our hotel room in Mallberry Suites, after lunch at Centrio, We decided to give the gifts that I brought from Guahan, to our kids.  The look on their faces was awesome.  Their reactions were priceless.  Frenfren was so excited to get his toy trucks.  He was elated at each gift that Rhoda pulled from the large box.  He was so funny.  He'll have a gift in his hands.  Then his mommy will pull another out.  He couldn't decide if he'll put the toy in his hands down or get the other new toy.  I just couldn't stop laughing at the scene.  

My neni girl, Larraine, was different.  She just wanted me to be home.  But I did get her a Winnie the Pooh bag.  It as great holding my children next to me as we laid in bed watching a movie or playing with the different toys.   

 The rest of the week was spending time with my Rhoda and our kids.  I walked Larraine to school on Tuesday.  Then it was off to see the dentist to get my mercury fillings out of my mouth.  We did 3 fillings that day.  Then 3 fillings the next day.  Only 1 filling left to take out, but that's going to be a root canal on my next visit.   

My mother-in-law came in with Uncle Pare'.  It was great to see how excited the kids are when their grandma is visiting.  It is always great to visit with my in-laws.  Hopefully next time, I'll have a longer visit so we can all fellowshipEven though it was fun, this trip was just to short.  

We did our family pictures.  My son is so funny.  He smuggled out his little batman action figure out of the house.  He stuffed it in his underwear.  So funny that boy.  He had a hard time sitting down on the first set of pictures.  Then when he got of the chair.  He started undoing his pants.  I thought he was going to show my his underwear again.  He's proud of his Christmas present from his mommy.  Then I saw the batman figure.  I just started laughing.  That son of mine is really something for a 3 year old.  

We had a lot of fun on this trip; Wrestling with my son, Cuddling with my daughter, Watching them play or watching their videos with them.   We went to the swimming pool one day.  Unfortunately, the pool that we always use at the Marco Hotel was reserved for a wedding.  So we walked across the street to Chaili Beach Resort to use their swimming poolThe service there is not good.  So if you're planning on staying in a hotel at Cagayan De Oro.  Don't go to Chaili Beach Resort.  Stay at the Mallberry Suites.  Service is great there.  So is there breakfast buffet. 

Although my trip was short.  It was great to spend time with my family.  Next trip will have to be longer and a side trip to the family house in Butuan City.  It was a blast to be able to spend time with Rhoda and our kids.  

Keep Smiling  

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