Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Midnight Rush to the Hospital.

Frenfren being himself. 
Waking up this morning to a text message from Rhoda, brought to past one of my greatest fears. 

Frenfren going to the hospital is no big fanfare.  He's been in and out a couple of times.  So getting the text was not that alarming.  Until I read that he had convulsions/seizures, turning blue, foaming at the mouth, and high fever.  Reading what my boy was going through, got to me.  I did not know what to do.  

I immediately tried calling Rhoda.  For some reason, I could not get through to her cellphone.  As much as I wanted to jump on the next plane to get there...I couldn't do it.  I was helpless over a thousand miles away.  I couldn't hold my baby boy to comfort him.  All I could do was pray.  That was it.  That was all I could do. 

I called and sent out prayer requests through different mediums.  We need the prayer warriors from different churches to help us out.  Not knowing and not being able to do anything at that moment was the worst feeling to have.  

After what seemed like hours, I finally got a hold of Rhoda.  She filled me in on what happened.  Frenfren got up at midnight and told his uncle that he was having chills.  Soon thereafter he went into a seizure and started foaming at the mouth.  He had a high fever.  Rhoda turned him to his size and administered first aid.  They immediately left the house with their sleeping clothes on, and went to the hospital.  At one point, Frenfren didn't recognize his mommy. 

During our conversation, I learned that our baby boy was asleep and was given oxygen, and an I.V.  He was not allowed to eat until after he has lab work taken.   I suspected again that he may have something wrong with his stomach.  His lab work last week found no parasites in his intestinal track.  

I called Rhoda a couple more times.  During lunch, I talked to my Boboi.  He was awake and talking.   He recognized his mommy.  That was a great relief to Rhoda and I.  When I called, he asked to talk with me.  He told me he's okay and wanted food to eat.  Rhoda had gone home earlier to change clothes and brought back his batman action figure and back hoe toys for Frenfren to play with.    

Larraine didn't go to school.  She accompanied her brother to the hospital and stayed by his side.  Good thing the ward was empty, so they acquired the beds there.  

My last call this afternoon with Rhoda.  Frenfren still has a high fever.  The nurse gave him some meds through the I.V.  His doctor ordered lab work.  So it's just wait and see now.
 I appreciate and thank you all, who are praying for Frenfren.  Please continue to pray for him.  He's still not out of the woods yet. 

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