Sunday, November 10, 2013

Working on Changes coming up.

Without change, we get stagnant with what we are doing.  We need to change to know that we're alive within ourselves.  There are times when going to the same place week after week, hearing the same thing, becomes unceremoniously mundane.  Doing the same thing over and over again, becomes robotic and unimaginative.  Things become predictable.  

I'm at that point with several areas of my life.  I have to set new goals that will benefit me and my family.  Those areas of my life include the following: Spiritual, Family, Career, Self, & Hobby.  I am currently doing the pros and cons for each area.  Most of what may change lies in my Spiritual and Career Areas. 

My family is always exciting and spontaneous, thanks to my lovely wife and soul mate, Rhoda.  She definitely completes me.  Our kids too,  always do something that brings joy to our family.  Even the crazy hiccups of life that we go through with both of them...never a dull moment.  Rhoda and I would like to see a new blessing to our family.  A new baby, a blessing from Our Lord Jesus.  I still want a football team.  American football, not European football (soccer).  Rhoda will smile and say, whatever Jesus decides.  I'll go with that too.  But you can't blame me for physically trying.

As for hobbies, haven't gone camping our hiking in years.  I'm thinking of doing that again.  But I'm back into shooting sports.  Not the actually shooting  sports itself, but back into shooting at the range.  A couple of years ago, I thought I'd never get back into it being diagnosed with Severe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands.  I am so glad that I opted for the surgery.  Now, I'm back on the range.  That reminds me, I still have to acquire more ammo. Anthony Q., if you're reading this.  Brother...I didn't forget.  Will get the boxes as soon as I pick up the VIP's next week.   

What's great is that I'll be teaching my niece/goddaughter, Arissa, on her shooting techniques.  But she's going through the Basic Pistol Course on December 7th.  Then I'll plan that we go to the range no less than once per month.  Then when my children, Larraine and Frenfren, gets here from the Philippines next year, they'll get trained to in Weapons Safety and learn how to shoot. 

The Area of Self will have major changes.  Especially in appearance.  I'll be back to working out on Crossfit soon.  Been slowly working out in the privacy of my room.  Acquired the Total Gym from friends, Clint and Kristine.  Yes, I've been using it, 3 times a week.  Talk about being sore.  But it's a feel good kind of sore. 

As for Spiritual and Career, there will be major changes in those areas.  Will post a blog on them later. 



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