Friday, April 23, 2010

Ranch Log: New Schedules

Since I started working.  I have not spent as much time on the ranch as I would like to.  I knew there would be some time constraints.  But I am willing to work around those.  I am now feeding most of the livestock in the morning, moving the goat herd to new pasture, and doing my morning checks.  All before, I drive off to work. 

In the afternoon, I spend about an hour to an hour and a half, feeding those animals that I didn't feed in the morning, refilling water containers, and walking the perimeter.  All done before I come into the house to relax and get online to chat with Rhoda and Larraine. 

It's not easy being a full-time worker and a rancher.  Most of my ranch projects are now scheduled during the weekends. 

There are some week days when I don't come home until late.  I've been taking some seminars at the university regarding farming and ranching operations.  By the time I get home, I am exhausted.  But I have just enough energy to chat with Rhoda and Larraine.

I finally got my incubator up and running.   It's a Hovabator brand.  There are now 8 Guinea Fowl eggs that I placed in the incubator.  I pray that I get some nice and healthy keets in 24 days. 

Keep Smiling