Tuesday, April 6, 2010

AGRICULTURE: Farm plan development training, Session 2

I thought I was running late for class this evening.  I didn't realize that I was actually early by an hour.  Oh, well...just sat in the lecture hall and chilled out until the rest of the participants and staff came in. 

Tonight we followed up on last week's homework.  Bob B. touched on the actual way it was supposed to have been answered.  I was close. Jocelyn B. and Colleen S. from NRCS-USDA talked about their programs that can help the local farmers.  Follwed by the rep from SBDC gave his presentation on how the Small Business Development Center can help the local farmers write their business plans.  Tom C. and Irene B. from FAS-USDA talked about disaster insurance available to local farmers.  There was one more topic regarding loans...I didn't pay attention to that. 

You know the saying, There is no such thing as a stupid question.  Well, I heard a couple of stupid questions tonight all from one person.  I couldn't help myself but laugh.  No, not loud but within my own group of tables around me.  I don't understand how someone can equate the island and nation's recession to farming and it's potential loss.  Farming is a non-traditional business.  It's high risk.  Not many lending institutions will lend money to a farmer without collateral of some sort.  I don't know if the person was confused or just plain ignorant.  This person basically believed that you cannot make a profit in farming. 

My friend Tony then told me...so what is that person doing here?  I just laughed at his comment.  I replied back to him that I know of several farmers who have made $5000 to $10,000 last month selling cucumbers to the local grocery stores and the hotels.  That is just one crop.   I don't know where this person is coming from asking the unrelated stupid questions to this seminar.  Later, this person asked another person to see a profit statement.  What an idiot! 

Anyway, later we broke into two groups.  Those farmer/ranchers with 3 acres or more property were to group on one side.  Those with less were to group on the other.  I went with the 3 acres or more.  My friend Roland Q. was moderating that group.  We talked about different types of soil.  Most of us in the group were from the Northern part of the island.  So we all had the same soil.  We touched on obtaining soil samples, vegetation cover, and water issues.  This question and answer period would help us formulate our farm plan. 

We ended late, around 2200.  I spoke with Rick LG. at the parking lot for a good 30 minutes on raising goats.  He is the brother of a good friend of mine, Roy LG, who was also my Supervisor in Germany.  I had sold a doe to his other brother Frame LG, last year.  It was great networking with him and talking about our ranches. 

I wanted to talk with Bill M. regarding the Guam Farmer's Co-op.  I didn't see him after our group broke for the evening.  He was with the other group.  He must have left right after their group called it a night.  We were still meeting in our group. 

Learned a lot tonight through networking.  I'm glad I decided to participate in this seminar. 

Keep Smiling

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