Monday, April 5, 2010

Ranch Log: Day After Easter Weekend

Athena didn't make it last night.  She passed away sometime after I checked on her and before morning checks.  I disposed of her carcass in the South Area.  At least, I have her offspring, Hercules, as my new herd sire.  I still have her bloodline.  I can't believe I'm down to 4 goats again.  I need to invest in acquiring new stock for my herd. 

After I did my morning chores and watered my fruit trees.  I did my homework for the Farm Plan Development Training.  I had a week to do it.  But I waited until today, before class, to even start on it.  I guesstimated the hours to commit to the farm.  Those are forever changing.  You can't commit so many hours because each day is different.  And, so many factors involved with ranching.    Although, I understand the intent of the question. 

I've been catching the baby chicks in the ranch for the brooder.  This new flock of soon-to-be-trained birds is called, "Larraine's Flock".  The pullets will be marked with yellow leg bands or quick ties.  The cockerals I'll raise for meat.  By the time, Larraine gets here on island later this year or early next year.  The hens will be laying eggs. 

You're probably wondering what is a trained bird.  Well I am certainly not going to train the birds to sit, roll over, or beg.  But mostly, "Come", to a certain sound, when it's time to eat.  Or, when I want to do a head count.  To go in their coop at sunset, and lay their eggs in there for Larraine to collect.  And, to be a lot gentler and friendlier than their parents.  These are not the egg-layer hens.  These birds are chicks from my free range chickens.  It's a starter flock for Larraine to get used to working with chickens.  When she's used to her birds and gains experience.  I'll move her to the more valuable Buff Orpingtons, Plymouth Barred Rocks, and Rhode Island Reds. 

Have a great week.

Keep Smiling

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