Monday, April 19, 2010

Construction: Aggravated my back injury...

I did a stupid thing at work today.  For some reason, I got the idea in my head that I was in my early 20's and decided to jump 4 feet from the lowest step of the staircase to the ground in the warehouse.  The lower portion of the staircase was removed because we're renovating the building. 

Anyway, during break, instead of jumping normally, by stooping at the last step, placing one of my hands on the staircase, and jumping off safely.   I tried to grab on the I-Beam and jump down from there.  I forgot that I have a bad right knee.  As I let go of the I-beam, I landed flatfooted, instead of on the balls of my feet, which placed a lot of pressure on my right knee.  It felt like a jolt of lighting hitting me at that spot.  I forced myself back to lessen the pain, falling on my backside. 

So not only did I re-injure my right knee and aggravated the arthritis at my lower back, my pride was also hurt.  But I learned to laugh it off with the rest of the guys in the shop.  It's a good thing that I didn't fall on the metal stud that was sticking out from the staircase and impaled my back into it. 

For some reason though, as I was falling back.  I thought I felt someone catch me and roll me to my right side softening my fall.  I thought it was my co-worker Dante, who was following behind me.  But when I looked up, he was still on the staircase. 

The whole day my back has been hurting.  I know I aggravated my back injury. 

Keep Smiling