Friday, April 2, 2010

At the Crossroads.

Big event for the family was Rhoda's Graduation on Sunday and Larraine's Recognition Ceremony last Friday.  My two favorite ladies did really well in their academic fields.  I so proud of them. 

I attended the Farm Plan Development Training at the university this past Monday.  The seminar session was geared more to those farmers who have Chamorro Land Trust Commission property leases.  I do not have a lease.  I am a property owner.  Also the information they were presenting, I already know.  So I used the event as a venue to network.  Next class sessions are on April 5th, 7th, and 12th. 

I'll be going back to school this summer to finish off my university degree in Agriculture.  I have a couple of semesters left, maybe 3 more.  I'll be taking an Industrial Safety and some welding classes as well, this summer.  The welding skills will help me on the ranch tremendously.  I can make cages and heavy duty livestock fencing for the ranch.  Also, I'll be able to weld the fence posts corners, that I'll be putting up latter in a couple of weeks.  I really want to finish this degree, more for self-fulfillment than anything else.  I don't like leaving things undone.  I have always finished what ever I started.  But when it comes to college, it seems I'm on the long track. 

I maybe called to work with a company that I had applied with a couple of months ago.  I was looking forward to working for this company since they were willing to give me a chance.  But they are just taking to long to call me.  I understand the management is looking for knowledgeable employee manager types.  I would have held out for them. 

However, I have not just been sitting around by the phone waiting for the first potential employer to call me.  I have also been working to get back into business.  I looked at various business opportunities and models and niches.  I believe I have found one a couple of months ago.  Getting started was not easy due to lack of capital to fund the start up of my new business venture.  With Rhoda's Nursing studies as a priority, allocating funds was not feasible during that time.  I had to patiently wait.  Now, I'm excited being at the crossroads at this moment.   We will what happens. 

I am ordering some day-old egg-layer chicks for the ranch this month from the feed store. I am looking to acquire some Buff Orpingtons, Plymouth Barred Rocks, and Rhode Island Reds in that order.  Also, I will be getting Muscovy Ducks again.  I want to get some meat chickens, Mountain Cornish, for this year.  I know I'll have to order those chicks from Hawaii. 

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