Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ranch Log: Getting Back into the Swing of Things

I attended the last day of the Livestock Waste Management and Compost Seminar held at the Department of Agriculture Breeding Station in Dededo.  It was well presented with new material.  I saw the chicken and pig tractors, the deep litter system, and the sloping dry litter system.  I plan to implement the deep litter and sloping dry litter systems into my ranch operations.  But it is dependent on financing.  I'll have to planning the budget on those systems. 

My two kids that I loaned to the university and Dept. of Ag for their local feed study, Hercules and Alinnah, will be coming home next Saturday.  I'm glad.  Having two at the ranch doesn't help with the grass mowing operation.  The grass grows faster than the two does can eat.  So having the two kids back will help out a lot. 

Later in the afternoon, I collected a wheelbarrow load of coconuts.  I was able to collect one wheelbarrow load today, unlike the normal 2 loads from previous collections.  They were dumped unceremoniously at the axe yard.  Where I cut open eight coconuts for the poultry to eat.  I gave a half shell to each rabbit to eat.  The poultry will be on coconuts until the 1st of May. 

I need to replace the tarp of my canopy set that I use as a barn shack.  I'll do that tomorrow after morning service.  I do have two tarps, just don't know the size.  It looks like that I'll have to open them up tomorrow as well. 

There was a bunch of ripe Manila bananas that I harvested.  I was looking at the sweet potato tire tower that was next to the banana trees.  It wasn't until I looked up and noticed the bunch was all yellow.  I went back to the house to retrieve my machete to cut it down.  I also decided not to tower that sweet potato next to the banana trees.  I'll just let grow into a living mulch to help control erosion on that side.

The bananas were nice and sweet.  My Russian Mango is pretty crisp, also slightly tart.  But all fresh from the trees.  

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