Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wild Pigs Eating Exotic Taro.

Woke up this morning at 0400 to the sound of my rubber trash cans outside my window being hit and the dogs barking wildly.  My drove of wild pigs came up from the South side to eat my mom's exotic taro plants.  They really did some damage to those plants.  Their almost all gone. 

So I got up this morning and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, grabbed my rifle and LED headlamp, and went into the ranch.  The pigs were gone as soon as I opened the backdoor.  I had not gotten my night vision eyes adjusted.  Everything was kind of blurry.  As I walked into the ranch, I spotted some dongats (relfected eyes).  It's a good thing I remembered the goat herd was close to the house.  Or, I would be eating Caldaretta for lunch. 

Duchess, my ranch rover, joined me in the slow chase for the wild pigs.  My mind was willing but my body was still very tired and drowsy.  I really didn't want to shoot the pigs.  Their doing me a favor killing my mom's exotic taro.  I can't stand those plants.  They are weeds to me taking up valuable ground that I need for grass for the herd.  One of my ranch credo's is, "If it doesn't feed me, it dies".  That's in reference to plants and trees. 

Anyway, we got to the end of the main ranch area.  I was not in the mood to venture to the Southern Area where the pigs congregate.  I really didn't want to shoot a pig that far away from the house and then have to haul it all the way back.  My ankle is still tender but better. 

The drove got a pass from me today.  They need to hurry and eat up the rest of the exotic taro plants.  As long as they leave my sweet potatoes alone, this temporary alliance will hold.  Until I start craving for lechon.  Which will be any day now. 

Keep Smiling

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