Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Don't Feel Sorry for Me.

My nephew told me this afternoon, as I was bringing the goats in from their pasture, "We feel sorry for you". 

I thought that strange.  But I thought about it and reflected on what he said.
Here is my reply.

Don't feel sorry for me,

I chose my life and live it to the fullest each day. 

I have a beautiful amazing wife and a daughter, both who love me very much and I love them.

I have the love and support of close family and friends.

Don't feel sorry for me,

I awake in the morning to the fresh scent of the ocean breeze,

The sun's rays warming up my room,

The sounds of the ranch welcoming me to a new day.

Don't feel sorry for me,

I have lived my life as I saw fit, enjoyed the experiences of both good and bad, and I am still learning. 

I traveled the world, met different people and cultures, saw magnificent structures from history, visited marvelous places that you and many people will only read about in books or view via the internet.

I saw and experienced the Glory and Wickedness of War to Liberate a small country called Kuwait.  That event made me realize, Life is so precious and not to take it for granted. 

Don't feel sorry for me,

I have done extremely dangerous activities that normal people will not do.

I have experienced life with an open mind and love each and every moment of it.

If I could do it again, I would without hesitation.

Don't feel sorry for me,

I choose, freely, to believe in, accept and trust, Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  Because I do...


Copyright 2010, Lorenzo Taitano

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