Saturday, February 13, 2010

Siesta Update...

Woke up late this morning.  But it was good to sleep in.  I didn't sleep well last night.  No, it wasn't my insomnia.  It was more like Wild Pigomnia this morning from 0100 to 0400.  That drove would come in, do their rooting raid, then take off to the South Area of the ranch, every 30 minutes.  It drove my ranch dogs crazy. 

On the 3rd cycle, I got out of bed and grabbed my rifle, opened the screen to my bedroom window.  If it wasn't for the mosquitoes, I probably would have shot one, rooting a couple of feet from the window. 

I figured out the droves routine.  Like most animals, this drove are creatures of habit.  They would come into the ranch from the Eastern border along the berm, then they would cut into the ranch right into the glass pile.  That glass pile are beer and coke bottles from World War II when the Army camped right here after the liberation of Guam.  That camp was here until the late 1950's/early 60's.  Anyway, the drove would walk right into that glass pile making a bunch of noise.  Then it would be a couple of yards to the taro patch that is in front of my bedroom window.  From there, they would root around and make their way to the small rise by the streetlight and head back down along the hardtop road to the South Area. 

I really don't want to hit them yet.  That exotic taro has to be wiped out.  It's competing with pasture grass for my goat herd.  So I want them to eat it all up.  They've already eaten up 2 taro patches...there are 4 more to go.  Once the four patches are gone.  Then I'll take down a couple of pigs. 

Since I know the routine and time they come into the ranch.  I know exactly where I want to setup my hide. 

Keep Smiling

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