Thursday, February 18, 2010

Faith of a Child: Larraine's Doll House

For a little more than 3 months, Larraine would accompany her mommy to the mall to pay some bills there, mainly our internet bill.  Rhoda would always take Larraine to the Game Area for her to play some games or get on rides and imagine she's on some wild trip someplace else.  Next door to the Game Area is a Toy Store. 

It is in this store that Larraine first saw the little pink Doll House.  For weeks, she yearned for that pretty little doll house.  Every month, she would accompany her mommy to pay the internet bill at the mall.  She would stop by the toy store, to see that pink doll house.  Every month, she would ask if she can get that little pink doll house.  And every month, her mommy would reply to her that we don't have the budget for that.  We have to pay our priorities.

A couple of weeks ago, Rhoda took Larraine with her to the mall, to pay the internet bill.  Accompanying them was Mali' Sharon, Larraine's nina, who also stays with us in our little apartment.  The routine was the same; pay the bill, and then visit the game area.  Like a well timed clock, Larraine visited the toy store to see if the pink doll house was still there.  It was, still on the shelf.  Larraine asked her mommy again, if she can get it.  Rhoda again, told her that we don't have a budget for toys. BUT, if she really wanted it, that she would have to pray really hard to God.  Larraine did, right there in the aisle of the toy store, she prayed to God to give her funds for that little pink doll house.  Rhoda and Sharon stood back amazed that she actually prayed. 

As they were walking in the mall to reach the exit, Rhoda spotted a dark object 10 meters in front of her.  Everyone was walking past it, not picking it up, in the crowded mall.  Rhoda told Larraine, go pick it up.  Larraine refused at first because it was pangit (ugly).  Rhoda persuaded Larraine to go pick it up and bring it to her.  So she ran to the dark object and picked it up.  It was a small coin purse type wallet.  As Rhoda opened it up, it was full of money.  There was no identification inside the coin purse, only 5000 Pesos (108 USD) and an old restaurant receipt.  Larraine exclaimed that God answered her prayers. Rhoda could not say anything to Larraine to persuade her otherwise. 

The 3 ladies ran back to the toy store to buy Larraine's Pink Doll House.  There was enough left over for Rhoda to pay needed bills. 

Faith of a Child!

This happened a week before her accident. 

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