Monday, February 15, 2010

EL NINO Arrives

It's official.  EL NINO phenomenon will provide less rain between now and end of June. 

I've noticed the change to the grass and trees the last two weeks; fallen leaves are crispy, brown, and dry; and not much green vegetation.  .  We've already started having grass fires this past weekend around the village.

I noticed that my does, Ebony and Athena weaned off their kids a couple of days ago, two weeks early.  I guess animals have a better sense for changing weather patterns.  Seeing that I allowed my other doe, Iris, who I was using for milk, go dry.  

I'm low on grass for the herd.  I may have to move them to my primo's ranch in the Bottom Lands of Guae or to my Mali's family's ranch in Okkudo.  Still contemplating that decision.  I'm leaning towards Okkudo.  

Or, I could go back on grain feed and hay, both will be expensive.  Another option will be to cut and carry, which is very labor intensive.  Also, I don't have a truck anymore.  I'm hoping that will change later this year, with this new home based online business, that I'm getting into. 

Keep Smiling

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