Monday, February 22, 2010

Being Neighborly

This afternoon, I talked with my neighbor from the apartment unit.  Tony is the caretaker of his brother's place.  He's the handyman.  Who tries to keep the place nice.  From our conversation, he has 3 boys of which one is a special child.  Aaron, I've met countless times on my ranch.  Those were not happy events.  Anyway, Tony and I were getting to know each other.  I found out that his brother bought the apartment unit from his mother-in-law.  We talked about various subjects.  He did bring up one topic that happened years ago when they first moved in.  I had shot his brother's dog.  That dog was messing with my herd sire, Gadao.  I think, I've shot more than one dog from his place.  I have to go back and re-read my blogs.  I'm pretty sure it was three or four of their dogs, killing my livestock.  It seems like it's water under the bridge now. 

Later, I talked with Mr. Cruz, next door.  He had approached me when I was talking with Tony.  So I repaid him the visit to confirm what he had told me.  He wanted to let me know that the new owner will be coming in sometime in the next couple of weeks to see the property.  Which I am farming.  Mr. Cruz told me that the new owner had won the property from my Uncle Frank in a poker game.  Knowing my Uncle Frank, I'm pretty sure that part is true.  He loved to gamble.  So it was no surprise that he lost the property.  BUT, I am not truly convinced yet, about the actual ownership.  I know my primo Frank, Uncle Frank's son, informed my family that the land is in probate.  I don't really know how that works.  If the property is on probate, then how does one gain ownership from it, without a judgment from the court. 

I talked with my Uncle John about it.  He's the Patriarch of our branch of the Taitano Clan, my dad's eldest and only living brother.  He advised me not to get entangled in that mess.  Let the interest's holders fight it out.  He's pretty sure it'll go to court.  Even if the "new" owner has a legitimate claim.  He should have filed his quick claim deed with the government prior to my Uncle Frank's passing. 

Anyway, back to my visit with Mr. Cruz.  We started talking about his place.  His lot is really nice for a small lot.  He's a Korean Vet with the army.  He was in Chosin when the Red Chinese Army came across the river.  He told me that an artillery explosion buried him alive and that my Uncle Frank, my dad's second cousin, down the road,(no, not the one who owns the property in question) saved him by digging him out.  I was really impressed with his stories.  I love talking with older veterans.  They still have that spunk in them, that Gung Ho, Go Get 'Em Attitude.  He showed me his shrapnel wounds from the Korean War.  I, in-turn, showed him my Gulf War Rash from Desert Storm. 

He told me all kinds of stuff.  His dog is not an Alaskan Malamute, but a Japanese Akita.  He's a beautiful dog, but I couldn't take him.  He tried to kill my goats a couple of months ago when he got loose.  We touched on other topics like his Mango and Avocado Trees.  His philosophy on life.  That the island kids today, are too soft.  Yeah, that's the MTV generation.  But he told me that he was proud to see me cleaning up my family's ranch from what it used to be, to the condition it is now, a lot nicer and cleaner.  He also never realized that I was a veteran.  Until that day, we saw each other at the Vet Center three years ago.  Things have been pretty cool between the two of us since that chance meeting at the Vet Center. 

As I was getting ready to leave his place and walk back to my house.  I told him, that if he ever needed help to just ask me.  I'll be right over.  He looked at me, and exclaimed, "Boy, I'm 77 years old.  I could still move".  Then he flexed his arms at me.  He's so funny...I laughed.  Okay, Mr. Cruz....You're alright. 

I try to make it a point to wave at him or stop by to chat if I'm on that side of the ranch.  I'll probably start doing the same with Tony, when I see him cleaning around his yard too. 

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