Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life Cell Section Cook Off Event.

Had a great time at the Life Cell Cook-Off at Pastor Joe/Lou's house.  Lots of great food was cooked up and served.  This was a 3rd cook off event for the Life Cell Section.  .  It was my first event.  30 minutes is not enough time to cook a dish.  But I and the other participants did it with 3 minutes to spare. 

Once the time was called to start cooking.  I just kept my focus and prepared my dish.  I was hoping to observe the other contestants.  But that was hard to do with the time limits.  I cooked up a breakfast dish.  It's basically Scrambled Eggs with Potatoes spiced up with garlic, onions, and seasonings.  I stir fried some hamburger added garlic, onions, seasoning to it.  Cooked it through.  Poured that into another bowl to set.  Then put the scrambled eggs/potatoes back into the wok.  Cooked that until it was done with the wheat bread toasting on the side.  Once everything was done.  I prepared my dish for presentation.  Putting the stir fried hamburger first.  Prepping the toast with butter and a dash of cinnamon, then putting the scrambled eggs and potatoes last on the serving platter.  I then grabbed some Flores Rosa flowers from Pastor Joe's yard and put it around my platter to give it a little more color.  I cleaned my table and presented my platter.  All Done! 

The judges came by and took servings from each platter.  Then everyone went to eat.  The food was great.  All the dishes that were cooked were really good.  I am so stuffed trying everyone's dish. 

The hardest part of cooking tonight was not being able to taste my cooking.  Because of the time limit, I had to keep the flow going and keep my focus on cooking my dish and not burning it.  I had to rely on smell to insure that my dish was right on the mark.  I'm at the point now where I don't measure any ingredients.  I just throw it in and go by taste and smell.  It was fun just cooking and having fun tonight. 

The top 3 finishers were announced while everyone was eating dinner.  Sis. Bobbie came in 3rd place.  Her dish was pancit.  Bro. Lorenzo came in 2nd place.  He cooked an egg/potato/hamburger dish.  First Place went to Sis. Shirley and Bro. Felix.  Their dish was a roasted chicken dip.  All the top 3 finishes are from Pastor Liz and Pastor Eric's Life Cell.

Everyone was a winner for taking the time to participate and cooking for the Life Cell Section Members.  All the dishes were practically wiped out.  God is Good! 

Special Thanks goes out to Pastor Liz for asking me to join the cook off.  To my wife, Rhoda, for say, "Go For It!".  Her enthusiasm really made the difference in deciding to go for it.  My mom for helping me prepare this afternoon, getting the ingredients organized and cooking ware ready.  And, for God, for giving me the time to cook for my friends and love ones. 

Next Cook Off Event is in May.  It'll be the "Men Only" and the dish will be BBQ Beef and/or Chicken.  I'll be ready for that. 

Keep Smiling

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