Saturday, February 27, 2010

Took a Break Today...

Today was a slow day for me.  I woke up this morning with my body yelling at me in pain.  I could feel every bone that I had broken in my youthfulness scream at me, ankles, knees, lower back, neck, and fingers.   It felt like I was back at my sister's apartment in Washington. 

I popped some of the really good painkillers the VA gave me.  That's one of them really great feel good pills.  I used to have purcocet.  Don't get them much anymore.  Unless I do a walk-in at the VA Clinic for a really bad pain, about 10+.  Yeah, I know the scale only goes to 10.  But when you tell them it's higher, they'll know you're serious. 

Anyway, today, I took it really easy.  Which I don't like to do.  But I have to.  I decided that I'll cut back on my Crossfit Training for a week.  Actually, this week, I will not be doing Crossfit.  It's not like I go all out doing Crossfit.  It's to supplement my ranch work.  But my ranch projects have gotten really heavy the last couple of months.  I'll need to plan my workload a little better. 

My only sweat came from helping Primo David look at a property that he's interested in investing.  He's thinking of buying Primo Vincent's property.  I showed him inside the property since it is where I hunt.  He saw the big rocks and the hole.  A lot of people think it's flat or it was cleared because of the road.  No, it wasn't.  I know every square meter of Taitano Family property around my house that isn't developed.  David thought there was a waterline along the road.  I informed him that the waterline is at the main road.  Everyone at the end of the road, surface runs their waterline to the mainline, where their meters are connected. 

Other than that, I just chilled out and rested today.  Sitting in front of a computer is boring.  I can play only so many games before I get bored of it. 

Looking forward to tomorrow after service.  My church, Abundant Life Church, is having it's quarterly fellowship at the Paseo around 4 pm.   Lots of good food will be on the table.  This time I'm bringing my 5 gallon buckets to collect the leftover waste for my dogs and wild pigs, if there is enough.  We're going to have lechon....wooweee. 

Keep Smiling

Friday, February 26, 2010

VA to reopen Gulf War vets' files - Yahoo! News


I'm numb after reading this.  After years of complaining to the military and VA doctors of my physical and mental issues, after the Gulf War.  Only to be told by them, "It's all in your head.  You're faking it to shirk your duties.  There is no such thing as the Gulf War Syndrome or Gulf War Illness". 

I don't know if I should be relieved by this new policy.  I sure as hell don't want my hopes up, just to be told again..."We can't help you".

I pray this is for real. 

Manglona: Marianas reunification will happen


A lot of non-Chamorro locals are skeptical about the Marianas Islands reuniting as one.  I know of groups of Chamorros on Guahan, Luta, Tinian, and Saipan who want the reunification.  Not just for cultural moral purposes, but economically as well. 

I support the reunification of the Chamorro Archipelago. 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Burning Hot

Temperature was 81 degrees today.  The Weather Reports Partly Cloudy with scattered showers.  It was partly cloudy alright,  but no showers.  Breeze was coming out of the North, for some reason. 

It was normal ranch chores this morning.  Ranch chores are pretty much routine: fresh water, refill feeders, pasture goats, and do security checks.  The heat index was HOT.  Even with the clouds, it was still hot outside.  But strangely, I enjoyed it.

For lunch, I added some cherry tomatoes that I picked fresh from my tomato bushes, to my hamburger beef kadu.  They were nice, plump, and juicy.  No preservative, pesticides, or chemical fertilizers added or used.  All Organic.

After lunch, I continued cleaning the front yard.  I raked up a lot of the trimmings  and put them into piles.  I debated for about 30 seconds if I was going to burn the woodpile or move it to the compost.  I burned it in place.  It was to hot to move it.  I worked underneath the shade of my mango tree cleaning up the old debris from what we cut down two years ago.  Yeah, I procrastinated.  I eventually got around to doing it. 

I learned that the mango tree in the front yard, where I was working under, was flowering.  I'm glad.  Now both of my mango trees are gonna bear fruit. I'm gonna have two varieties of mangoes this season...Local and the other I call, taotaomona, (it's a hybrid tree).  I have three more trees.  One is a bonsai mango tree that my mom experimented with.  I'll have to take a picture of that.  Another one, is in the same area that I'm cleaning around, about twenty to thirty feet from the tree that is flowering.  I'll have to cut down some exotic palm trees that I don't like.  So that mango tree will have less competition.  I have one more on the North side, but that hasn't flowered yet.  I'll try smoking it (burning leaves underneath) tomorrow to get it to flower. 

I burned a lot this afternoon, lots of dead wood and that vine, that locals here call snake vine or Crown of Jesus.  I hate that vine, it chokes up everything.  It's suppose to be some type of herbal vine that helps with stomach aches or other ailments.  Let me tell is nasty!  I even burned some taro that the wild pigs left behind on their rooting raids.  The heat from the fire, scorched nearby bushes and trees.  Oh, well...gotta have some collateral damage. 

Keep Smiling

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Don't Feel Sorry for Me.

My nephew told me this afternoon, as I was bringing the goats in from their pasture, "We feel sorry for you". 

I thought that strange.  But I thought about it and reflected on what he said.
Here is my reply.

Don't feel sorry for me,

I chose my life and live it to the fullest each day. 

I have a beautiful amazing wife and a daughter, both who love me very much and I love them.

I have the love and support of close family and friends.

Don't feel sorry for me,

I awake in the morning to the fresh scent of the ocean breeze,

The sun's rays warming up my room,

The sounds of the ranch welcoming me to a new day.

Don't feel sorry for me,

I have lived my life as I saw fit, enjoyed the experiences of both good and bad, and I am still learning. 

I traveled the world, met different people and cultures, saw magnificent structures from history, visited marvelous places that you and many people will only read about in books or view via the internet.

I saw and experienced the Glory and Wickedness of War to Liberate a small country called Kuwait.  That event made me realize, Life is so precious and not to take it for granted. 

Don't feel sorry for me,

I have done extremely dangerous activities that normal people will not do.

I have experienced life with an open mind and love each and every moment of it.

If I could do it again, I would without hesitation.

Don't feel sorry for me,

I choose, freely, to believe in, accept and trust, Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  Because I do...


Copyright 2010, Lorenzo Taitano

Life Cell (Bible Study) was great tonight. Celebrated Sister Shirley's Birthday afterwards. Those Ice Cream Cakes are really good!

Larraine's Asthma Attack at School.

Larraine had one of her asthma attacks in school today.  So Rhoda took her out of class and took her to the doctor.  I don't like it when my neni girl gets hurt.  I didn't find out until I got back from my ISOM Class later this evening.  Rhoda told me what happened. 

I decided I was going to mess gently with my neni girl.  While we were chatting. I was asking Rhoda to ask Larraine some questions on why she got sick again and in school.  Rhoda was relaying the conversation. 

I asked Larraine if she kissed a boy, maybe that's why she has asthma.
Larraine said, "Bleh...maybe you". 
I replied, "Daddy does not have asthma". 
Larraine said, "That's because mommy is not there".  I wonder what she meant by that, hmmm.

So Rhoda told me that Larraine left our bedroom pissed off, to watch tv.

I told Rhoda to tell Larraine, that since she broke her arm at school and now has asthma from school...she has to lay on the bed and rest.  I asked Rhoda to turn on the webcam so that I may see the bed.  Sure enough my neni girl was in bed...but she was mad.  lol...

A few minutes later she asked to use the bathroom to void and to move her bm.  I was laughing on this side of the Philippine Sea.  Larraine will come up with excuses to try to get what she wants.  But I do know my girl very well.  I knew she will want to talk to me.  So I was waiting.  Sure enough, I saw her standing there next to her mommy.  She typed..."Daddy Please".

I said, call me...and they did on messenger.

Then Larraine asked me again, "Daddy, Please, may I watch TV?"

I asked her what will she watch.  She replied, "The Lost Princess".

So I asked her the questions that I had asked Rhoda to relay to her earlier.

I said, "Larraine, did you kiss a boy?"
Her reply, "No, Daddy".
I asked, "Did you flirt with any boys?"
Her reply, "No, Daddy".
Then I asked, "So why do you have asthma?"
She replied, "Because I miss you, daddy". 

AWWWW....I melted...In my mind, Great Answer, Larraine!  ROFL...
I replied back, "I love you, Larraine...Go watch TV".  I got to the see the most beautiful smile on that young lady of mine. 

Larraine knows that she can approach me and her mommy, but especially me, anytime to ask us anything.  Larraine doesn't like to see me mad.  She doesn't like Rhoda and I having disagreements either.  I don't think most children like watching or knowing that their parents are fighting.  Larraine will not eat, if she knows Rhoda and I are upset with each other.  Her discernment is very strong.  So Rhoda and I have to be very careful around Larraine and try to discuss hot issues when were alone. 

I rarely ever got mad at Larraine.  I think it was only once, during Christmas two years ago in Butuan City.  Larraine did something wrong, her grandma had asked her to do something and Larraine answered back.  Right then,  I called her name, in a sharp snapping tone.  That not only got her attention but also her grandma's attention as well.  She stopped what she was doing and ran and hugged her grandma really tight, telling her sorry.  That was Christmas Eve.  That evening she slept with us for the first time since we've been there.  We were there for three days already. 

Larraine is doing okay now.  Rhoda got her meds. 

Monday, February 22, 2010

Being Neighborly

This afternoon, I talked with my neighbor from the apartment unit.  Tony is the caretaker of his brother's place.  He's the handyman.  Who tries to keep the place nice.  From our conversation, he has 3 boys of which one is a special child.  Aaron, I've met countless times on my ranch.  Those were not happy events.  Anyway, Tony and I were getting to know each other.  I found out that his brother bought the apartment unit from his mother-in-law.  We talked about various subjects.  He did bring up one topic that happened years ago when they first moved in.  I had shot his brother's dog.  That dog was messing with my herd sire, Gadao.  I think, I've shot more than one dog from his place.  I have to go back and re-read my blogs.  I'm pretty sure it was three or four of their dogs, killing my livestock.  It seems like it's water under the bridge now. 

Later, I talked with Mr. Cruz, next door.  He had approached me when I was talking with Tony.  So I repaid him the visit to confirm what he had told me.  He wanted to let me know that the new owner will be coming in sometime in the next couple of weeks to see the property.  Which I am farming.  Mr. Cruz told me that the new owner had won the property from my Uncle Frank in a poker game.  Knowing my Uncle Frank, I'm pretty sure that part is true.  He loved to gamble.  So it was no surprise that he lost the property.  BUT, I am not truly convinced yet, about the actual ownership.  I know my primo Frank, Uncle Frank's son, informed my family that the land is in probate.  I don't really know how that works.  If the property is on probate, then how does one gain ownership from it, without a judgment from the court. 

I talked with my Uncle John about it.  He's the Patriarch of our branch of the Taitano Clan, my dad's eldest and only living brother.  He advised me not to get entangled in that mess.  Let the interest's holders fight it out.  He's pretty sure it'll go to court.  Even if the "new" owner has a legitimate claim.  He should have filed his quick claim deed with the government prior to my Uncle Frank's passing. 

Anyway, back to my visit with Mr. Cruz.  We started talking about his place.  His lot is really nice for a small lot.  He's a Korean Vet with the army.  He was in Chosin when the Red Chinese Army came across the river.  He told me that an artillery explosion buried him alive and that my Uncle Frank, my dad's second cousin, down the road,(no, not the one who owns the property in question) saved him by digging him out.  I was really impressed with his stories.  I love talking with older veterans.  They still have that spunk in them, that Gung Ho, Go Get 'Em Attitude.  He showed me his shrapnel wounds from the Korean War.  I, in-turn, showed him my Gulf War Rash from Desert Storm. 

He told me all kinds of stuff.  His dog is not an Alaskan Malamute, but a Japanese Akita.  He's a beautiful dog, but I couldn't take him.  He tried to kill my goats a couple of months ago when he got loose.  We touched on other topics like his Mango and Avocado Trees.  His philosophy on life.  That the island kids today, are too soft.  Yeah, that's the MTV generation.  But he told me that he was proud to see me cleaning up my family's ranch from what it used to be, to the condition it is now, a lot nicer and cleaner.  He also never realized that I was a veteran.  Until that day, we saw each other at the Vet Center three years ago.  Things have been pretty cool between the two of us since that chance meeting at the Vet Center. 

As I was getting ready to leave his place and walk back to my house.  I told him, that if he ever needed help to just ask me.  I'll be right over.  He looked at me, and exclaimed, "Boy, I'm 77 years old.  I could still move".  Then he flexed his arms at me.  He's so funny...I laughed.  Okay, Mr. Cruz....You're alright. 

I try to make it a point to wave at him or stop by to chat if I'm on that side of the ranch.  I'll probably start doing the same with Tony, when I see him cleaning around his yard too. 

Friday, February 19, 2010

Guam is now, GUAHAN.

By Governor Camacho's Executive Order: GUAM is now GUAHAN.  All local government agencies are to change Guam to Guahan.  Governor Camacho is also submitting a bill to the legislature to have them approve the name change. 

GUAHAN, which means, "We Have" was first recorded when Spanish explorer General Miguel López de Legazpi was on the island back in 1565 and recorded the name on his maps.   

I'm all for the name change.  However, I would have preferred to see the Reunification of the Chamorro Islands (Guahan and the Northern Marianas Islands) first, before renaming Guam to Guahan. 

I have to admit that this is a smart move for Governor Camacho to issue an executive order to change the island's name to Guahan.  Also to submit a bill to have the legislature approve the name change, this year.

It's Election Year this year.  It would be political suicide for the senators in the legislature not to approve this bill or any candidate in any office to go against it.  Chamorros are still a majority on the island. 


Keep Smiling

So what are the residents on the island called now, if not Guamanians.  Are we Guahanians or Guahanese? 

My wild pigs decimated my new banana grove in the South Side of the Ranch. Back to square 1, again! Time to start harvesting some pigs for lechon. If you're on island and want some fresh pig, let me know. I'm planning on harvesting 10 in the next couple of weeks. Gonna cut down the size of that drove.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Through Pain...Courage for a Smile.

My heart broke when I first learned of Larraine's accident a week ago.  I have an amazing little girl.  She prayed in her room for God to heal her.  For hours, she withstood the pain and splinted her own arm, until Rhoda took her to the hospital.  At the Emergency Room, she asked her mommy to take her picture, so daddy won't worry about her.  That she is okay.  Through all that pain, she forced herself to Smile for me.  The picture above is one of my many favorite pictures of Larraine. 

Larraine is doing great.  She has adapted with her cast.  Her cast comes off on March 11th, two weeks early than what the doctor prescribed.  Thank you all again for your prayers. 

God Bless Y'all and Keep Smiling

Faith of a Child: Larraine's Doll House

For a little more than 3 months, Larraine would accompany her mommy to the mall to pay some bills there, mainly our internet bill.  Rhoda would always take Larraine to the Game Area for her to play some games or get on rides and imagine she's on some wild trip someplace else.  Next door to the Game Area is a Toy Store. 

It is in this store that Larraine first saw the little pink Doll House.  For weeks, she yearned for that pretty little doll house.  Every month, she would accompany her mommy to pay the internet bill at the mall.  She would stop by the toy store, to see that pink doll house.  Every month, she would ask if she can get that little pink doll house.  And every month, her mommy would reply to her that we don't have the budget for that.  We have to pay our priorities.

A couple of weeks ago, Rhoda took Larraine with her to the mall, to pay the internet bill.  Accompanying them was Mali' Sharon, Larraine's nina, who also stays with us in our little apartment.  The routine was the same; pay the bill, and then visit the game area.  Like a well timed clock, Larraine visited the toy store to see if the pink doll house was still there.  It was, still on the shelf.  Larraine asked her mommy again, if she can get it.  Rhoda again, told her that we don't have a budget for toys. BUT, if she really wanted it, that she would have to pray really hard to God.  Larraine did, right there in the aisle of the toy store, she prayed to God to give her funds for that little pink doll house.  Rhoda and Sharon stood back amazed that she actually prayed. 

As they were walking in the mall to reach the exit, Rhoda spotted a dark object 10 meters in front of her.  Everyone was walking past it, not picking it up, in the crowded mall.  Rhoda told Larraine, go pick it up.  Larraine refused at first because it was pangit (ugly).  Rhoda persuaded Larraine to go pick it up and bring it to her.  So she ran to the dark object and picked it up.  It was a small coin purse type wallet.  As Rhoda opened it up, it was full of money.  There was no identification inside the coin purse, only 5000 Pesos (108 USD) and an old restaurant receipt.  Larraine exclaimed that God answered her prayers. Rhoda could not say anything to Larraine to persuade her otherwise. 

The 3 ladies ran back to the toy store to buy Larraine's Pink Doll House.  There was enough left over for Rhoda to pay needed bills. 

Faith of a Child!

This happened a week before her accident. 

Monday, February 15, 2010

EL NINO Arrives

It's official.  EL NINO phenomenon will provide less rain between now and end of June. 

I've noticed the change to the grass and trees the last two weeks; fallen leaves are crispy, brown, and dry; and not much green vegetation.  .  We've already started having grass fires this past weekend around the village.

I noticed that my does, Ebony and Athena weaned off their kids a couple of days ago, two weeks early.  I guess animals have a better sense for changing weather patterns.  Seeing that I allowed my other doe, Iris, who I was using for milk, go dry.  

I'm low on grass for the herd.  I may have to move them to my primo's ranch in the Bottom Lands of Guae or to my Mali's family's ranch in Okkudo.  Still contemplating that decision.  I'm leaning towards Okkudo.  

Or, I could go back on grain feed and hay, both will be expensive.  Another option will be to cut and carry, which is very labor intensive.  Also, I don't have a truck anymore.  I'm hoping that will change later this year, with this new home based online business, that I'm getting into. 

Keep Smiling

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Larraine's Accident Update.

A lot has happened since the accident Wednesday morning at school.  Most of what I know is told to me by Rhoda, my wife. 

On Thursday morning, Larraine was prepped for surgery.  She had to fast in the morning prior to surgery in the afternoon.  Meanwhile at around 1130, Rhoda, Sharon, and Dindin, prayed over Larraine.  I am so thankful for everyone, family and friends, who prayed for Larraine.  Who received the messages from here, face book, emails, and texts.  You'll know why in a couple of seconds.

Larraine wanted her mommy to accompany her into the Operating Room.  Rhoda was not able to, even to observe.  When the time came, the nurses rolled my little girl into the OR and prepped her.  Larraine told her mommy after she awoke from her recovery that she had prayed for God to watch over her and to heal her, just before she went under. 

I waited anxiously two time zones away, calling every now and then to get updates from Rhoda.  I was surprised when Rhoda told me that Larraine came out with a plaster cast on her arm.  I was wondering to myself, that was fast.  However, Larraine was still sleeping when I called. 

The next time I talked to Rhoda.  She told me that when Larraine awoke, she exclaimed that she experienced a miracle.  I thought that was just the effects from the anesthesia.  But when Rhoda told me that the surgical nurses in attendance reported to her that there was no surgery, that the orthopedic surgeon just set the arm and put a cast on it.  I was spiritually jumping for joy.  I had prayed for no surgery, as did, Rhoda, Sharon, and Dindin.  We had prayed for God's healing to take place. 

It's totally amazing that after 3 doctors had told us that Larraine needed a metal plate to secure her bones.  The next day, in the OR prior to the surgery, the operating surgeon discovered there was no need for surgery.  It is truly amazing.  Whatever happened, God had allowed to perform a miracle on Larraine.  God is so Good!  How else can you explain it?  We're going to keep the x-ray, if we can get it. 

I am so thankful for everyone who prayed for my little girl.  My God Bless you and your families abundantly.  I continue to pray for fast healing and good therapy for Larraine. 

Thank You and Keep Smiling 

1st pic above is Larraine getting up from her recovery.
2nd pic is her getting prepped for surgery.
3rd pic is her waking from recovery.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Siesta Update...

Woke up late this morning.  But it was good to sleep in.  I didn't sleep well last night.  No, it wasn't my insomnia.  It was more like Wild Pigomnia this morning from 0100 to 0400.  That drove would come in, do their rooting raid, then take off to the South Area of the ranch, every 30 minutes.  It drove my ranch dogs crazy. 

On the 3rd cycle, I got out of bed and grabbed my rifle, opened the screen to my bedroom window.  If it wasn't for the mosquitoes, I probably would have shot one, rooting a couple of feet from the window. 

I figured out the droves routine.  Like most animals, this drove are creatures of habit.  They would come into the ranch from the Eastern border along the berm, then they would cut into the ranch right into the glass pile.  That glass pile are beer and coke bottles from World War II when the Army camped right here after the liberation of Guam.  That camp was here until the late 1950's/early 60's.  Anyway, the drove would walk right into that glass pile making a bunch of noise.  Then it would be a couple of yards to the taro patch that is in front of my bedroom window.  From there, they would root around and make their way to the small rise by the streetlight and head back down along the hardtop road to the South Area. 

I really don't want to hit them yet.  That exotic taro has to be wiped out.  It's competing with pasture grass for my goat herd.  So I want them to eat it all up.  They've already eaten up 2 taro patches...there are 4 more to go.  Once the four patches are gone.  Then I'll take down a couple of pigs. 

Since I know the routine and time they come into the ranch.  I know exactly where I want to setup my hide. 

Keep Smiling

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wild Pigs Eating Exotic Taro.

Woke up this morning at 0400 to the sound of my rubber trash cans outside my window being hit and the dogs barking wildly.  My drove of wild pigs came up from the South side to eat my mom's exotic taro plants.  They really did some damage to those plants.  Their almost all gone. 

So I got up this morning and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, grabbed my rifle and LED headlamp, and went into the ranch.  The pigs were gone as soon as I opened the backdoor.  I had not gotten my night vision eyes adjusted.  Everything was kind of blurry.  As I walked into the ranch, I spotted some dongats (relfected eyes).  It's a good thing I remembered the goat herd was close to the house.  Or, I would be eating Caldaretta for lunch. 

Duchess, my ranch rover, joined me in the slow chase for the wild pigs.  My mind was willing but my body was still very tired and drowsy.  I really didn't want to shoot the pigs.  Their doing me a favor killing my mom's exotic taro.  I can't stand those plants.  They are weeds to me taking up valuable ground that I need for grass for the herd.  One of my ranch credo's is, "If it doesn't feed me, it dies".  That's in reference to plants and trees. 

Anyway, we got to the end of the main ranch area.  I was not in the mood to venture to the Southern Area where the pigs congregate.  I really didn't want to shoot a pig that far away from the house and then have to haul it all the way back.  My ankle is still tender but better. 

The drove got a pass from me today.  They need to hurry and eat up the rest of the exotic taro plants.  As long as they leave my sweet potatoes alone, this temporary alliance will hold.  Until I start craving for lechon.  Which will be any day now. 

Keep Smiling

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

No, Not Sick...Just a Sprain.

No, I have not been sick this past couple of days.  I sprained my left ankle trying to save my buckling (read my previous post).  It was an acute sprain, very painful.  Although, I could still stand, it was hard to do.  Walking was painful.  But if done slowly, I could get from point A to point B.  Walking up hill was hard, down hill was just plain tricky.  I did perform R.I.C.E.  Okay for you island locals, that doesn't mean I ate more rice.  I "performed" R.I.C.E.  That means Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, a treatment for sprains/strains. 

Although, I have sprained both ankles numerous times.  It still hurts.  But I know the R.I.C.E. and therapy drills by heart.  I have experienced all the classifications of sprains, but not necessarily in order.  I have learned though that wearing any compressed bandage for to long a time will impede my recovery time.  My orthopedic and therapy docs at the Army Hospitals, now the VA, tell me it's better to do without the bandages and ankle braces. 

I am okay now.  My left ankle is still sore, but a lot better than this past weekend, and yesterday.  Haven't done any CrossFit since Saturday.  Feeling sluggish for not doing any workouts. 

So If you see me limping; Yes, I sprained it.  Yes, it hurts.  Yes, I've claimed my healing. 

Keep Smiling

Ok...gonna get ready and then heading out to my ISOM Class at Abundant Life Church. Check y'all laters. God Bless and Keep Smiling :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saving Hercules.

I was cutting trees again today.  The tree that I chose to cut today was a typhoon damaged tree.  That was laid down by a typhoon years ago and just happened to grow again laying on the ground. 

I had made sure the goat herd was pastured on the Southern end of the ranch before I started to cut down trees.  This was to keep the kids from getting into the area accidentally.  I had prepped the tree I had chosen to cut down.  It had 3 shoots of branches from it's laid down trunk.  Cutting the vines and nearby shrubs, and making my escape route took little effort. 

I had already cut off one branch shoot and was already cutting the 2nd and 3rd shoots together.  I checked the drop zone area to insure it was clear.  Then I commenced to doing the final cut on the the last shoot.  Just as the branch trembled as I was cutting into the final cut, I heard a kid cry nearby.  I looked up to the drop zone area, and I see Hercules eating the water vine from the first branch shoot that I had cut earlier. 

Everything slowed down...the branch shoot that was starting to fall was a good 14 inches across and 30 feet high.  I immediately stopped what I was doing and with the chainsaw still running.  Instead of running along my planned escape route, I ran towards the buckling, Hercules, jumping over the big branches that I had cut earlier, grabbed him by his right hind leg, pulled him up with my left hand, with the chainsaw running on my right hand, and still running away from the falling tree.  I had barely cleared the drop zone when I felt the air brush the back of my neck from the falling tree's leaf filled branches as it hit the ground behind me.  That was inches to close for comfort. 

Any Slower, and this big boy and that young buckling would have gotten crushed or been seriously injured.  Thank God, I'm still fast when I really need to be.  I surprised me, today! 

I know some of you are probably thinking, should have let the kid go.  That's hard.  I've lost 3 kids this past season; 1 at birth, 1 weeks ago to a centipede, and 1 yesterday to another centipede.  I was not going to lose another kid today, let alone my only replacement buckling.  Hercules and Alinnah are the two kids I have left from the kidding season. 

You're probably also wondering why I had still had the chainsaw running while I was running to get the buckling.  I don't know.  It was like it was a part of me when I started running.   Good thing I didn't chop my leg off with the chain running.  Everything just happened so fast.  I was literally shaking after I put that buckling down and shut off the chainsaw. 

I thank God for keeping me safe today, even with my unsafe actions.  Whew!  Don't know if I'll do that again. 

After all that excitement, I realized that I had sprained my left ankle.  I don't know how I did it.  I don't remember spraining it.  It has been throbbing since pulling that buckling out of danger.  But like a hardcore paratrooper, I went and finished my planned project for today.  Cutting up the trees I felled a week ago and stacking the limbs and trunks on the hedgerows.  I know, I'm going to feel it when I wake up tomorrow morning.

Keep Smiling

Friday, February 5, 2010

Watching, "While You Were Sleeping". I liked the Christmas Dinner when they were opening their gifts.

Lost a Kid Doeling

Lily, one of my kid doelings died this afternoon.  She was fine this morning.  I'm suspecting the centipede.  The neurotoxin from the centipede is really fast.  I found her laying in the middle of the nursery pen about an hour ago.  That centipede is the local ranchers worst pest. 

A discouraging loss.  She was the quiet and friendly one of the kids. 

I have to focus on Hercules and Alinnah the remaining two kids, a buckling and doeling.  I'm going to have to invest in two does this year to make up for the loss. 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Come back with your shield, or on it."

Still Clearing Trees.

Been cutting more trees today on the South Side of the ranch.  Mainly trees that were uprooted from previous typhoons with exposed root systems but still growing, that I'm cutting down.  Also a local tree here called Pago.  I can't stand that tree.  It's like an octopus, gets into everything nearby, branch wise. 

I have to much shade in the ranch, according to the Ag experts.  I have to let the sun, solar rays, get to the ground to get the grass growing.  Which is why you'll hear my chainsaw buzzing every couple of days. 

The other day, I toppled two trees.  Today, I cut down two trees.  Then I cleaned up one of the felled trees that I cut a couple of weeks back.  I was letting it dry out to make cutting easier during the clean-up.  So whenever you come to the ranch and see debris from a felled tree laying around after I cut it down.  It's because it's drying.  It normally takes a week or two to dry them out.  Then I go back and cut firewood out of the big timbers.  The smaller branches, I stack on the hedgerow to make compost. 

I have 12 major trees to cut down on the North and South Side altogether in the next couple of weeks.  My plan is to try to cut down a tree or two every other day.  Trim the limbs, then let it dry out.  Then rotate to another tree and repeat the process.  Once all the trees are cut, then I go back to the first one, cut it into firewood, and the limbs I don't want or need.  I'll put on the hedgerow for compost. 

In between cuttings, I'll be planting.  My Cherry Tomatoes are looking really good.  One tree is already fruiting.  The Sweet Potatoes are doing great.  I'll add more compost to the final layer tomorrow.  The first tower will be ready to harvest in March/April.  My Bromeliad is doing great.  It has roots now.  I'll have to transfer it to a pot tomorrow as well.  I can't wait to eat it's fruit in two years.  In fact, I bought another one yesterday.  I'll cut it up, eat the fruit, and then place the crown in a vase filled with water.

Tomorrow, I want to prep the ground for planting 2-50 ft. rows of sweet potatoes.  I'll harvest some slips from the towers to transplant to the rows.   

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life Cell Section Cook Off Event.

Had a great time at the Life Cell Cook-Off at Pastor Joe/Lou's house.  Lots of great food was cooked up and served.  This was a 3rd cook off event for the Life Cell Section.  .  It was my first event.  30 minutes is not enough time to cook a dish.  But I and the other participants did it with 3 minutes to spare. 

Once the time was called to start cooking.  I just kept my focus and prepared my dish.  I was hoping to observe the other contestants.  But that was hard to do with the time limits.  I cooked up a breakfast dish.  It's basically Scrambled Eggs with Potatoes spiced up with garlic, onions, and seasonings.  I stir fried some hamburger added garlic, onions, seasoning to it.  Cooked it through.  Poured that into another bowl to set.  Then put the scrambled eggs/potatoes back into the wok.  Cooked that until it was done with the wheat bread toasting on the side.  Once everything was done.  I prepared my dish for presentation.  Putting the stir fried hamburger first.  Prepping the toast with butter and a dash of cinnamon, then putting the scrambled eggs and potatoes last on the serving platter.  I then grabbed some Flores Rosa flowers from Pastor Joe's yard and put it around my platter to give it a little more color.  I cleaned my table and presented my platter.  All Done! 

The judges came by and took servings from each platter.  Then everyone went to eat.  The food was great.  All the dishes that were cooked were really good.  I am so stuffed trying everyone's dish. 

The hardest part of cooking tonight was not being able to taste my cooking.  Because of the time limit, I had to keep the flow going and keep my focus on cooking my dish and not burning it.  I had to rely on smell to insure that my dish was right on the mark.  I'm at the point now where I don't measure any ingredients.  I just throw it in and go by taste and smell.  It was fun just cooking and having fun tonight. 

The top 3 finishers were announced while everyone was eating dinner.  Sis. Bobbie came in 3rd place.  Her dish was pancit.  Bro. Lorenzo came in 2nd place.  He cooked an egg/potato/hamburger dish.  First Place went to Sis. Shirley and Bro. Felix.  Their dish was a roasted chicken dip.  All the top 3 finishes are from Pastor Liz and Pastor Eric's Life Cell.

Everyone was a winner for taking the time to participate and cooking for the Life Cell Section Members.  All the dishes were practically wiped out.  God is Good! 

Special Thanks goes out to Pastor Liz for asking me to join the cook off.  To my wife, Rhoda, for say, "Go For It!".  Her enthusiasm really made the difference in deciding to go for it.  My mom for helping me prepare this afternoon, getting the ingredients organized and cooking ware ready.  And, for God, for giving me the time to cook for my friends and love ones. 

Next Cook Off Event is in May.  It'll be the "Men Only" and the dish will be BBQ Beef and/or Chicken.  I'll be ready for that. 

Keep Smiling