Friday, February 18, 2011

Wisconsin Teachers Unofficial Strike.

I was reading about the teachers sick out (strike) in Wisconsin, this morning.  I figured if they're getting low wages then they maybe in the right.  BUT, when I saw an article on how much they were making.  They're just a bunch of greedy union socialists.  Pre-school teachers in Wisconsin makes more than a first year teacher on Guam and probably more than some other states.  A Wisconsin high school teacher makes approximately $59,000 annual.  That's more than what I made last year in Construction. 

I hope they do officially strike.  Then Governor Walker or the district superintendents can Fire the lot of them.  That will Open thousands of jobs for teachers who don't have jobs nationwide.  I'm pretty sure they won't mind the cold weather of Wisconsin.  When they get a job as a teacher up there. 

All you Wisconsin Teachers, Go ahead and Officially Strike!  Some unemployed teacher within our nation will gladly take your job.  Make an unemployed teacher happy, give them your job.

Greedy Union Socialists!

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