Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Comparisons and Fair Weather.

I don't understand why certain people at my wife's church continue to compare my wife and I to other couples.  They count material things as success.  They only look at the surface and not in depth.  I know some of them are reading this blog.  So let me straighten out some facts for them. 

I, unlike the other couple(s), own my own house and several properties.  Yes, I inherited it from my parents.  It is now mine.  I don't have to pay to buy a new house.  This house has a history of memories from 3 generations.  It was built by my grandfather, as were the other houses on this family compound.   

We, have two beautiful children.  Who we gladly adopted into our lives and family.  They bring us joy everyday.  They are ours and nothing will change that.  Even when we start having babies in the future, Larraine and Frenz, will continue to be our children.  We love them both as if they were naturally born to us.  They are God's gift to us and we will continue to raise them up properly within the Word. 

The Bible (NIV) at Mark 12:17 says, "Then Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.""
.  That being said, I can comfortably say that I am a legitimate businessman.  Who pays my taxes and has had several business licenses.  Unlike one individual among those couples, the church in CDO compares us too.  Who I know for a fact does not have a business license and doesn't pay his taxes.   Yes, that person may have bought his new house.  At what cost though to his or his family's future.

I also know for a fact that the Philippine Government has a hotline for it's citizens to call to report people who are evading taxes.  All it takes is one phone call to report this person.  Then what happens?  Will the government seize his new house, confiscate his belongings? I don't have to worry about the US government doing that to me.  I will not do that.  I am not vindictive. 

My wife has earned two college degrees.  She has her first degree in Business, her second degree in Nursing.  She has an offer on the table right now, to open another Nursing Review Center.  Everything that we have done and sacrificed for is now coming together.  The ranch will start moving forward with the new equipment to help with production.  The Safety Classes that I've taken the last couple of months and my new role as an instructor for the GCA Trades Academy and OSHA Out Reach Program will help provide an opportunity for my family.  My new business as a Safety Consultant will come to past.  We are still priming the pump.  As soon as the water starts flowing, we will share our blessings with those who have stood by us, prayed for us, helped us, and encouraged us. 

Jeff Foxworthy said on his comed show," A friend is not one who comes to bail you out of jail.  A friend is sitting right next to you in jail".   That maybe taking it to the extreme, but you get what I mean. 

Yes, I admit we have struggled.  It's not easy with the economy the way it is.  But God continues to bless us each day. 

These couples are nothing more than fair weather friends.  They're only around when things are going great for us.  As soon as we meet challenges.  They're to busy.  I don't need friends like that nor family members. 

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