Saturday, February 5, 2011

No Test Out and Hard Chairs.

I was hoping to test out today.  I don't know if the instructor actually knows the policy regarding students wanting to test out.  If he does know, but has decided to go off the reservation.  I wasn't upset about it.  It's just I know the subject material.  I've taken OSHA 511 and 30 hour.  I will be taking OSHA 501 on Monday thru Thursday, next week.  I'll have to talk to Bert about this. 

What really bothered me were those hard plastic fold up chairs they have in the classroom.  I don't know how anyone in the academy administration can sit on those chairs for 8 hours a day.  It didn't help having a sore back from yesterday's inspection and assembly activity with the new ranch equipment. 

Good news though, I passed all four tests today.  I have 11 more to go. 

I'm going to stop by OSHA Consultation next week to find out which Construction Companies here on island have not been cited the last 5 years.  I'm on the OJT program now.  I'd rather find a company that has an outstanding safety program.  Than training with a company who doesn't have a sincere safety program. 

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