Monday, February 28, 2011

Finally got my bushcutter running today, after I first got it weeks ago. Cause: Operator Headspace. I wired the trigger back unto itself instead of to the engine. lol... Did about an hours work of bushcutting after I got it started today. Felt good to cutting and the smell of cut grass was amazing. :)

20 Years...Has it been that long since the Gulf War.

This time 20 years ago, I was in the Iraqi desert, north of Al Nasiriyah.  I still remember the details to that mission.  There are times when my wife would hear about the battles as I slept.  Souvenirs from the war, itself. 

Anyway today on our campaign anniversary, I write about the Renegades. An Unofficial Mixed Section from 2nd and 3rd Platoon, HHB 82nd Airborne Division Artillery.  We did things that you'll never read about in historical books.  Back then we didn't have embedded news reporters.  IMHO, that is a good thing.  For some reason, we became the Gophers for the unit.  When our commander wanted something,  It was up to the Renegades to get it.  Our unofficial motto:  "Ask us no questions, we tell you no lies". 

During the early days of Desert Shield, the 24th Mechanized Infantry was making its way into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  By that time, many units in the 82nd Airborne (Forward) was low or out of our basic combat load of batteries for our communications equipment.  Well members of the Renegades got in our Humvees and drove down the road to the 24th ID's Supply depot.  In not so many words, we relieved them of their combat load of  batteries.  We collected enough for all of 82nd Airborne Divarty's Gun Batteries (similar to Companies). 

Another acquisition was at, what we called, "Superleg City".  The 18th Airborne Corps Logistic Base.  The Renegades had just gone to Kentucky Fried Chicken downtown and ordered 3 buckets of fried chicken for the platoon back at base camp.  We were at the Logistic warehouse trying to get some supplies.  The female NCOIC, a Master Sergeant, somehow smelled our fried chicken in our Humvee.  She offered a trade of whatever we wanted for our 3 buckets of chicken.  My Platoon Sergeant agreed.  We acquired lots of new camo nets, and other needed equipment for our regiment.  We went into that warehouse empty, we left with our Humvees full to the brim.  We had to ride on top of all our new equipment back to our base camp. 

Just before Christmas 1990, the Renegades relieved several cases of socks from a supply depot.  Our battery had enough pairs of socks for every member of our battery. 

When we deployed forward to our staging area at the Saudi-Iraqi border.  The renegades continued its black ops acquisitions.  Log Base Charlie refused to send us a water tanker to replenish our unit with potable water.  Undaunted the Renegades acquired a huge water tanker at the Log Base and parked it a couple of Klicks (Kilometers) from our base camp in the staging area.  Our supply guys came out and refilled our water buffaloes and water containers full of water.  We had enough water for everyone to take a shower for the next couple of days.  After we were done with that tanker, we parked it along the major highway heading to the Log Base. 

During the Ground War, the Renegades were still doing its Black Ops.  But we were no longer targeting friendly units.  We were going after Iraqi Units.  We acquired several Iraqi infantry vehicles on several of our excursions.  Those were easy to find.  They were abandoned all over the Iraqi Desert.  We were trading with Bedouins for real food like chicken and lamb.  You can only eat MRE's for so long.  This was done in between battles like Talil Airbase and Al Nasiriyah.  Our biggest find was finding cases of mint condition Russian made AK-47 rifles and ammunition for every member of our battery.  I was upset when we had to turn-in our AK-47's before we got on the plane heading back to the world after our mission was accomplished. 

That was the fun part of war.  I don't like writing about the other stuff. 

Is it all true?  "Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies". 


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Field Safety

It took 6 weeks to do, but I'm done with it.  It was all mostly refresher.  But I was paying more attention to the experiences of the instructor.  Those are a lot more valuable than reading from a text.  Made a lot of new friends and acquaintances for the network.  I know I'll be seeing them around. 

Last Friday, was the Lock Out/Tag Out Workshop.  That was in depth for that topic.  I didn't think it would be that long.  But it last all day.  Great Discussions.  I was surprised to hear that there are lots of safety issues at the Guam Airport.  That came from the safety representatives from the airport itself.  That's sad.  We're taught in the safety industry.  When the management doesn't care about safety.  There is none.  The Safety Officers are there in name only and have no enforcement powers.  So what happens when an accident happens at the airport.  I thought the private sector had issues.  It looks like there are more safety violation issues in the government. 

I was referred to two safety officer jobs.  I'm applying for both.  One is full-time position for 3 months long, and the other is a career with a federal agency.  I'll go where I'm led to an open door of opportunity.  Both are really great opportunities. 

Since Saturday, I've been battling this fever.  It's from the sudden changes in temperature going from cold to warm.  No, the temperature here on the island is not cold.  It's being in the AC during class for a long duration and then going outside in the warm air.  It messes with my sinus and gave me the chills.  Hopefully, it's sunny tomorrow and I'll just bask in the sun to help battle this fever. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Frenz's First Experience Viewing Me via Webcam.

A couple of weeks ago when I got the webcam finally working.  It was Rhoda and the kids first time viewing me, since last year.  When the computer I was using back then crashed.  So it was a very long before my family got to see me via webcam. 

It was a fantastic feeling for the family to see me after so many months.  The only problem was the webcam kept freezing up on them.  It was great to hear Rhoda and Larraine's expressions when they saw me.  Both didn't like my shaved head.  Larraine said, I look like a prisoner.  But they were still excited to see me via cam. 

Frenz was busy playing outside in the living room.  When Rhoda and I started chatting.  When he came in, he had jumped on the bed.  I remember his mommy and sister telling him that I'm on the laptop monitor.  I had just made a face on the cam just as he turned and walked toward Rhoda.  Next thing, I know..he turned and screamed and ran towards his auntie.  Larraine was calling him to go see me.  But he wanted to hide.  I was confused as to why he was acting that way.  When Larraine forced him to sit next to his mommy so I can see him via cam.  He took a bowl and put it on his head so it covered his eyes.  I was busy laughing not knowing why he was doing that. 

I finally asked Rhoda why our boy was acting that way.  She told me that he was scared of me.  I asked why.  Then she took her webcam and showed me the screen to her monitor.  My webcam had frozen at the exact time I was making funny faces to Rhoda and our kids.  I had rolled my eyes up into my sockets showing the whites of my eyes.  My mouth was open with my tongue hanging out.  No wonder, my boy was scared of me. 

Now it all made sense.  I couldn't help but laugh at Frenz's reaction.  I reloaded my webcam again to show a new view.  Soon after, Frenz settled down but he kept his distance or he stayed behind his mommy.  I kept calling for him, but he refused to come and sit next to his mommy. 

I decided to call my girl Larraine and chat with her instead.  But I wanted to see Frenz's reaction when I did.  When Larraine came forward to the laptop to chat with me.  Frenz immediately got up from where he was observing and wanted to take part in the chat.  I was laughing on my side of the world.  I knew Frenz always competed for attention with Larraine.  Whatever Larraine did, Frenz would do too.  I used that to my advantage. 

Since then, Frenz would try to chat with me when he sees his mommy or Larraine chatting with me.  That's if he's not interested in doing something else at the time.  He knows who I am.  Rhoda and Larraine will show Frenz my picture every night before he goes to sleep.  He also knows that I'm on chat.  Rhoda tells me, that Frenz will point to the laptop and exclaim, "Dody?", for daddy. 

Frenz is currently visiting his grandparents in Butuan City.  His Grandpa gave him a small hammer because Frenz enjoys helping his grandfather with carpentry.  He always makes the family laugh.  I'm glad about that.  But he'll be home tomorrow.  Rhoda and I miss him very much. 


At home, not feeling up to par again. I'm hoping this thing clears up later. Have ISOM class tonight.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rhoda Passed her Nursing Exam!

Congratulations Baby! 

I Love You! 

I am so proud of my wife!  I knew she passed soon after she took the nursing exam in December.  But this is confirmation. 

Picture above was from Rhoda's Ring Hop Ceremony last year.  It's the only pic I have of her in her nurses uniform.  Also in the picture is Mali' Sharon on the left and Mamang (Rhoda's mom) in the middle. 

Special Note:  Our Mali', Sharon, also passed the nursing board exam. 


Safeties Helping Safeties.

This afternoon after class, I was entrenched in real good fellowship with some of my classmates in Field Safety.  Two of the ladies, Marlene and Edna were asking about the website for the safety certification.  I told them to check out Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP).  Out of curiosity I asked them if they were part of the Scholarship program with Guam Transportation Training Program (GTTP), which I am part of.  I was surprised that they were also clients of the program. 

I mentioned to them that OSHA 511 for General Industry course was last month and that the OSHA 510 Construction course was in two weeks.  For some reason, they were told that they could not attend the OSHA numbered courses until they finished the Core Curriculum with NCCER at the Trades Academy.  I told that wasn't true.  I am a product of going full force with the training program as a full time student.  It was GTTP that paid for my OSHA numbered courses and workshops.  Not to mention the Craft Instructor Course for the Trades Academy.  Yet, I was still taking my craft skills courses with the academy.  I will be done with Field Safety next weekend. 

We had an impromptu meeting in the parking lot outside of the Barrigada Facility.  I laid out exactly what I did since I started classes last October.  In fact, I blew my cover because I didn't want the instructor for my class to know that I am a fellow instructor.  I guess it's okay.  Oh well, can't cry over spilled milk.

Anyway,  I mentioned to the group of Safety Students.  That they have to see Lori or Debbie at the Trades Academy and Ann Marie at GCA, and get signed up for classes.  Don't wait for GTTP or they'll be waiting for a long time.  For some reason, there is a breakdown in communication between GCA Trades Academy and GTTP.  They have to do it on their own.  In fact, the two ladies said, they'll be at the main office on Tuesday morning.  I even gave them the time the main office opened, 0900 hrs. 

One of them said, that they can't take the OSHA Numbered Classes due to their work schedule. That's when I mentioned that they have to make a decision.  The OSHA 511, 510, 501, and 500 courses are only a week long and only come once, if not twice, a year.  That's also with the Army Corps of Engineers, EM 385-1-1/NAVFAC 40 course, which is more stringent than the OSHA courses. 

The group of classmates who I was talking to are already ahead of the other students in their Cycle (Cycle 2.  I'm with Cycle 3).  Yet, I am ahead of them.  Although, the courses are setup for the students when they are available to take the classes.  But I took it full force as a full time student. 

I understand that they work full-time jobs.  But, I've learned that when you want something bad enough.  You have to make the necessary sacrifices to help you get ahead.  Plus on that note,  I prayed and believed that God will help and guide me through the process. 

I told my classmates.  That, I am currently working on my Safety Company right now, getting the paperwork straight.  I am an instructor for the Trades Academy and an OSHA Outreach Instructor for General Industry.  I am also networking with the other Safety Officers from all the Safety Trainings and Workshops that I've attended.  I didn't tell them all that to bragg, but to show how serious I am about this career field.  I also mentioned exactly what the Safety Directors from different island companies told me.  That there are a lot of jobs out there for Safety Officers.  There are not many of us in our field to satisfy the demand. 

I thank God for His Blessing and Challenges that guided me through this course and still continue to guide me to achieve my goals.  It's all Him.  I just Listened. 


Friday, February 18, 2011

Wisconsin Teachers Unofficial Strike.

I was reading about the teachers sick out (strike) in Wisconsin, this morning.  I figured if they're getting low wages then they maybe in the right.  BUT, when I saw an article on how much they were making.  They're just a bunch of greedy union socialists.  Pre-school teachers in Wisconsin makes more than a first year teacher on Guam and probably more than some other states.  A Wisconsin high school teacher makes approximately $59,000 annual.  That's more than what I made last year in Construction. 

I hope they do officially strike.  Then Governor Walker or the district superintendents can Fire the lot of them.  That will Open thousands of jobs for teachers who don't have jobs nationwide.  I'm pretty sure they won't mind the cold weather of Wisconsin.  When they get a job as a teacher up there. 

All you Wisconsin Teachers, Go ahead and Officially Strike!  Some unemployed teacher within our nation will gladly take your job.  Make an unemployed teacher happy, give them your job.

Greedy Union Socialists!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Upcoming and Rainy Day Projects.

My toe that was injured the other day is swollen, as is my right knee.  Took needed meds to battle the swelling.  I have been resting today and may do the same tomorrow.  Since it was raining most of the day, I've been browsing the web most of the day, today. 

I've been working on the new training material for the church's TV ministry.  I've done the objectives and broken it down to three training modules.  The hardest part is writing the manual.  I'm following the manual that I used from the first training.  I was planning on using the same manual.  But decided to make it better.  The words and some pictures are not very clear.  I want to make it better for the new trainees to use.  I'm even putting it on power point.  Not sure, if I'll be able to use that as part of the training.  Just working on a slide takes up lots of time.  Because of that, I put the power point presentation as a "Option".   I'll work on it when I finish with the manual. 

The other desk project is the paperwork for the Organic Transition.  It's the hardest part of farming/ranching.  Not many farmers/ranchers have complete paperwork.  That's the reason why it's so hard.   And, it's a citation offense with the National Organic Standards.  I am also working on that.   Actually, It's not hard at all.  It's committing to taking the time to record anything that I've done in the ranch from receipts, labels, journals, and plans.  That also includes any changes that happen during the season. 

The other rainy day desk project is reorganizing the library in the house.  It's nothing more than bookshelves with lots of books in each one.  I need more bookshelves for a lot of books that are still in boxes.  I am also getting rid of dated periodicals.  I also have more agriculture and safety books that I'm compiling from all the workshops and classes that I've been attending.  One high value item tool that I'll request from the VA Vocational Rehabilitation is a table saw.  That would really help with the bookshelves that I need to build. 

Will post pictures this week of the new equipment. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's gotta stop raining long enough for me to bushcut.

Comparisons and Fair Weather.

I don't understand why certain people at my wife's church continue to compare my wife and I to other couples.  They count material things as success.  They only look at the surface and not in depth.  I know some of them are reading this blog.  So let me straighten out some facts for them. 

I, unlike the other couple(s), own my own house and several properties.  Yes, I inherited it from my parents.  It is now mine.  I don't have to pay to buy a new house.  This house has a history of memories from 3 generations.  It was built by my grandfather, as were the other houses on this family compound.   

We, have two beautiful children.  Who we gladly adopted into our lives and family.  They bring us joy everyday.  They are ours and nothing will change that.  Even when we start having babies in the future, Larraine and Frenz, will continue to be our children.  We love them both as if they were naturally born to us.  They are God's gift to us and we will continue to raise them up properly within the Word. 

The Bible (NIV) at Mark 12:17 says, "Then Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.""
.  That being said, I can comfortably say that I am a legitimate businessman.  Who pays my taxes and has had several business licenses.  Unlike one individual among those couples, the church in CDO compares us too.  Who I know for a fact does not have a business license and doesn't pay his taxes.   Yes, that person may have bought his new house.  At what cost though to his or his family's future.

I also know for a fact that the Philippine Government has a hotline for it's citizens to call to report people who are evading taxes.  All it takes is one phone call to report this person.  Then what happens?  Will the government seize his new house, confiscate his belongings? I don't have to worry about the US government doing that to me.  I will not do that.  I am not vindictive. 

My wife has earned two college degrees.  She has her first degree in Business, her second degree in Nursing.  She has an offer on the table right now, to open another Nursing Review Center.  Everything that we have done and sacrificed for is now coming together.  The ranch will start moving forward with the new equipment to help with production.  The Safety Classes that I've taken the last couple of months and my new role as an instructor for the GCA Trades Academy and OSHA Out Reach Program will help provide an opportunity for my family.  My new business as a Safety Consultant will come to past.  We are still priming the pump.  As soon as the water starts flowing, we will share our blessings with those who have stood by us, prayed for us, helped us, and encouraged us. 

Jeff Foxworthy said on his comed show," A friend is not one who comes to bail you out of jail.  A friend is sitting right next to you in jail".   That maybe taking it to the extreme, but you get what I mean. 

Yes, I admit we have struggled.  It's not easy with the economy the way it is.  But God continues to bless us each day. 

These couples are nothing more than fair weather friends.  They're only around when things are going great for us.  As soon as we meet challenges.  They're to busy.  I don't need friends like that nor family members. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Safety Classes at the GCA Trades Academy.

Finished 4 more modules in the Field Safety Book today.  Passed all four tests today.  I have 8 more to go, in the next two Saturdays.  It's all good. 

I completed my Forklift Safety yesterday.  The presentation was okay.  Been through it before.  This time I was observing the instructor on his teaching style.  Taking mental notes on how to tweak up my presentations, when I have the opportunity to instruct. 

Anyway, the practical exam was fun.  We operated the small yellow forklift in the warehouse.  I call it, "Old Reliable".  That forklift is really old.  It has a clutch, unlike the new ones today which are automatic.  I was able to pickup the pallet and move it to the designated location.  Then bring it back to it's original storage.  I've operated forklifts before.  But, this one is the oldest of any forklifts that I've operated in the past.  Finally, certified competent person.on Forklifts.  I'm already a competent person on Aerial Lifts (Boom Lifts). 

I'm going to get on the teaching rotation at the Trades Academy.  I'll have to turn in my business license next week, in order to do that.  I'll be teaching the Core Curriculum.  That'll be a good start for me.  In order to teach Craft Skilled Classes, I'll have to turn in a copy of my Communications Certificate from the U.S. Army to teach Electronics and basic Electricity. 

I'll be on working the ranch all week next week.  No safety classes, except for Saturdays, until March 7th.  When I go back to take the OSHA 510 Construction Standards. 


SIGH, Ist das wirklich all der Mühe wert?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I have Forklift Safety tomorrow.

Trainer Course Done, More on the Horizon.

Completed the OSHA 501 Trainer Course today.  I am glad.  I learned a lot.  Once I get my card as an authorized instructor.  I will begin teaching the OSHA General Industry 10 and 30 hour Courses.  There's a high demand for safety training instructors here on the island.  Another safety course done and completed, 3 major ones to go. 

I'll be taking the Forklift Safety tomorrow.  It's an all day course with Guam Contractor's Association at the Trades Academy Campus.  I should do well on that.  Looking forward to it. 

In March, I'll be taking the OSHA 510 Construction Safety Course in the first week.  Then two weeks later, I'll be taking EM 385-1-1/NAVFAC 40 hours.  My final major course will be the OSHA 500 Trainer Course for Construction.  That will be in April. 

I praise God for all He has done for me and my family.  I thank my wife Rhoda for always supporting me in my endeavors, and my kids for cheering me on. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Taitano Siblings Handstands

Larraine showing her handstand.  She must have trained long to learn to do that.  Yeah,  she's ready for her training when I get there. 

Here is Frenz trying to do a handstand.  He's using the closet to help get his feet up.  He's getting better.  Once he figures out his balance.  he'll be doing it too.  I wonder who he's learning that handstand from?  Any Ideas? 

I thank God for active beautiful children. 

Did my presentation today for the OSHA 501 Trainer Course. I passed the presentation part of the course. Written test is tomorrow. I didn't do that bad. But I need to work on some areas to tweak my presentation. I need more "SPICE". Shoot, if I knew that I would have eaten donni' denanche. lol :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

No Test Out and Hard Chairs.

I was hoping to test out today.  I don't know if the instructor actually knows the policy regarding students wanting to test out.  If he does know, but has decided to go off the reservation.  I wasn't upset about it.  It's just I know the subject material.  I've taken OSHA 511 and 30 hour.  I will be taking OSHA 501 on Monday thru Thursday, next week.  I'll have to talk to Bert about this. 

What really bothered me were those hard plastic fold up chairs they have in the classroom.  I don't know how anyone in the academy administration can sit on those chairs for 8 hours a day.  It didn't help having a sore back from yesterday's inspection and assembly activity with the new ranch equipment. 

Good news though, I passed all four tests today.  I have 11 more to go. 

I'm going to stop by OSHA Consultation next week to find out which Construction Companies here on island have not been cited the last 5 years.  I'm on the OJT program now.  I'd rather find a company that has an outstanding safety program.  Than training with a company who doesn't have a sincere safety program. 

I was not able to test out this morning. The instructor wanted me to ask the Education Director's permission to test out. He doesn't know that I am also an instructor and do know the exact policy of the Trades Academy regarding students testing out. Oh well, I'll just go chat with the Education Director on Monday, when I'm at the main office taking OSHA 501. :)

Getting ready to head out to my Field Safety Class. I will test out this morning. I'm looking at 16 modules to complete. That's 16 tests of 10 to 20 questions/test. I know I'll pass this! :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Later's Gators...heading down to HomeDepot to coordinate the delivery of my new ranch equipment and supplies, for tomorrow. It Begins! <><

Rhoda's Fish.

My appointment with the VA Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor was fruitful yesterday.  My entitlement for VocRehab was approved.  I'm back in the program after an 8 year hiatus.  The VA will help me with my ranch in regards to equipment and supplies.  That was approved, so I'll be heading down to my favorite hardware store-HomeDepot, to drop of the map to the liaison.  They'll deliver my order today or tomorrow. 

I'll also continue with my Safety Courses at the GCA Trades Academy.  The VA will pay for classes that may not be covered under the Guam Transportation Training Program.  While undergoing continuing training and OJT with Trades Academy, I'll be getting a nice stipend.  It's a lot more than I was making as an Electrician Helper working in construction.  After OJT, I'll be heading to the University of Guam this fall semester to finish off my degree.  So I can use that to obtain my Certified Safety Professional rating.  The VA will cover the tuition and school related expenses as well. 

I'll be getting a new computer system next month, not to mention, more equipment and supplies for the ranch. 

And, I learned yesterday that the GCA Trades Academy would like me to take the Assessment Program to get my journey man license as an Electrician.  The assessment program is in two parts the performance test and written test.  An experienced un-credentialed skilled worker will be able to participate in the Assessment Program and not have to go and take unnecessary courses just to get their technical rating upgraded.  So I'm on the list with the Academy and it's a new grant too.  So I'm not paying for anything. 

Wow, Qualified Journeyman Electrician and Safety Technician.  Not bad, huh. 

Going back to the VocRehab, I was asked if I can open up my ranch for other Veterans to see how I operate.  My ranch will become a model site for other Veterans to follow.  And since I took the Organic Inspectors Certification Class last year at the university.  I will be applying for Organic Certification, one of the first ranches on Guahan to do so.  I have a planned long term goal, that I will not repeat here.  It's something this island needs.  It's going to be a big part of my future ranch operations. 

My wife, Rhoda, had a dream the other night.  That she shared with me during our chat last night.  I will share it with you all here. 

Rhoda (2/2/2011 10:12:54 PM): maybe GOd showed me that dream so I can understand you

 i was fishing
 i had 3 fishing line
all of them get's a fish even without a bait

 i had a hard time keeping the fish
 because the 3 baits are eaten

 BUT, since the line is not durable
because that fishing activity was unplanned
 so i was unprepared to get the BIG FISH

God's message to me
 In order to get the BIG blessings
we have to PREPARE
is a way to BIG blessing

that's why I said I understand if you couldn't come
 go ahead and prepare the ranch
 so we can tithe bigger

The Blessings from the ranch operations, VA Stipend and Voc Rehab, my VA disability % upgrade (in a couple of months), and course instructor at the Trades Academy are coming to past.  I'm really excited for the new year!  I am so thankful to God for what is coming down the pipe.