Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ranch Log: Update

Well since the company has no work projects for us.  They sent all of us home, until they call us in for work.  So I'm back in the ranch.  Catching up on cleaning and projects. 

My goat kids that were part of the local feed experiment project with Cooperative Extension Service and Department of Agriculture are now back on the ranch.  It's hard to believe that I am restarting my herd with 3 goats.  I'll have to acquire new goats from other ranchers to buildup the herd.

The canopy tarp at the ranch shack needs to be replaced.  I found two tarps next to the container.  I'll use those until I get funds budgeted for a new one. 

Since I started working at IAN's Construction.  I've lost two does, 3 rabbit kits, two guinea fowl, and a ranch dog.  The two does, Athena and Iris died from what I'm suspecting is the caterpillar.  Same symptoms with the both of them, paralyzed and quick death within hours.  The rabbit kits, I found in the hutch.  I didn't even know the doe was pregnant.  The heat got to them. 

Then I lost a breeding pair of guinea fowl.  The culprit was my ranch dog, Ranger.  No, 3rd chances for that dog.  I put him down the same afternoon, I found the dead guineas.  I was hoping to make him a good roving dog.  Unfortunately, he wrote his death warrant.  I have no qualms putting down one of my dogs for not doing what they're supposed to be doing.  Ranger decided to go rogue.  If he had killed a free range chicken.  I may have given him a chance.  But for him to kill a penned up breeding guinea fowl.  He crossed the line.  I don't have pets.  I have working dogs. 

Siesta is over...heading back out. 

Keep Smiling