Thursday, May 13, 2010

No Work, means No Pay, Gotta work my sidelines.

Looks like I'm back to square one in regards to financial income.  It's okay.  I'm not going to stress over having "no work".  I decided to go down and finish my notary public application.  Yes, I know it's 3 years late.  My expiration is next year.  The Bonding Company is stressing out that I decided to complete the process late.  I may just reapply to save everyone from he AG's Office to the Insurance Company some hair.  According to the law, I would not have to pay the registrations fee if I have not gone beyond my expiration date. 

Being  a Notary Public is good sideline income.  If I do it full-time.  It is great income for only limited hours of work doing notarizing paperwork.  The Construction business is not stable.  Even though the government and the media portray that it is, with the upcoming build up.  I have met a lot of out of work construction workers.  Majority of the construction companies prefer to bring in H-2 workers.  Because, they are cheaper. 

Have to keep moving forward with my sidelines and that includes the Ranch as well. 

Keep Smiling

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