Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bill would raise drinking age to 21


Here we go again. 

WE, The People, voted this down every time it comes up in a referendum.  Senator B.J. Cruz has nothing better to do on his last term than to sponsor bills that don't have the support of the voting public. 

My views on drinking.  When an individual turns 18 years old on the Territory of Guam, that person can legally marry and have a family, or join the military and go off to war. Yes, it's an old argument by supporters against raising the drinking age from 18 to 21.  But, it is still a great argument. 

According to GPD records, if I am not mistaken, during the last bout with raising the drinking age to 21 a couple of years ago.  The common age group for DUI or alcohol related arrests came from the 25 to 35 year old range. 

This is my compromise. 

I will support raising the drinking age to 21 with certain conditions that should be law. 
  • The people ban all military enlistment within the territory below 22 years old. 
  • The term "Youth" will apply to those individuals younger than 22 years old.
  • Individuals younger than 22 years old are not allowed to marry and start a family. 
  • The Territorial Government provides 50 to 75% College Tuition Assistance to our youth.
Raising the drinking age, will not stop underage drinking.   The Highway Federal funds are not at risk.  Nor, will the island get more federal funds.  Because it is not required