Saturday, May 1, 2010

Brian Hogan: Mistake or Theft?


I read this report of  It makes me wonder about some people.  According to the story, Brian Hogan took the iphone from the bar.  He was not the one, who found it.  Someone else did, asked Hogan and his party if the device was theirs.  Nobody claimed it, so Hogan took it.  The story states that there were attempts to contact Apple about it.  Not from Hogan, but a friend made the attempt.  In the end, someone was paid $5000 to turnover the iphone to another company. 

If something is not yours and you took it and in return was paid for it.  To me, that is theft.  Hogan realizes that he made a mistake.  I don't even think, that incident should be considered a mistake.  He knowingly did the act. 

What happens if you intentionally ran over someone on the sidewalk?  Is that a mistake?  Oops, sorry, a mistake was made because someone ran over somebody. 

Even the write up on this guy's background makes him sound like an altar boy.  Yet, everything he did good in the past is now tarnished because of one "mistake".  Hogan needs to cowboy up and take responsibility for his actions.  You got caught.  Now do the time for the crime.  Then start your life over from scratch. 

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