Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ranch Log: Saturday Lite Work.

Awoke at 0500, to the sound of barker frogs barking outside my window.  Laid in bed, just contemplating what I am going to do this day.  The roosters from the surrounding area were at their morning posts, battling it out during their crow fest. 

I fired up the PC to check the news and catchup on emails.  Ate some fried rice, while I was doing my morning browse on the various news sites.  After, breakfast was done.  I went out to pasture the goat herd to the south side.  The humidity this morning was really high.  I was sweating before I even got to the south side. 

Got back to the house and jumped on the PC again.  Checked my various sites and posted some things here and there.  Then I went back out and looked at my nephew Kyle's new bird.  No, it's not a chick from a chicken, but an actual bird.  I looked around the area to see if I can make the bird a bigger cage.  The box he's in was small but has a huge hole that I took as a door that was covered with cardboard.  Sooner or later, a snake or rat will discover that unsecured entrance.  I got some stainless steel hardware cloth and bent that into shape.  I need to find a wooden board for the floor, and another piece of wire cloth for a door. 

I started to move some pens toward the house.  Not to close, just close enough for Kyle to be able to feed the poultry without going to the far side of the ranch.  I'll finish moving the rest later in the week. 

During siesta, I was trying to figure out how to download video from my sister's camcorder to the PC, then upload into Youtube.  I was dowloading my first video, when the PC froze.   I'll have to figure that out later. 

Today's work was pretty light.  I'm still assessing what I will do for the ranch with this reorganizing.  . 

Keep Smiling

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