Sunday, May 30, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ranch Log: Saturday Lite Work.

Awoke at 0500, to the sound of barker frogs barking outside my window.  Laid in bed, just contemplating what I am going to do this day.  The roosters from the surrounding area were at their morning posts, battling it out during their crow fest. 

I fired up the PC to check the news and catchup on emails.  Ate some fried rice, while I was doing my morning browse on the various news sites.  After, breakfast was done.  I went out to pasture the goat herd to the south side.  The humidity this morning was really high.  I was sweating before I even got to the south side. 

Got back to the house and jumped on the PC again.  Checked my various sites and posted some things here and there.  Then I went back out and looked at my nephew Kyle's new bird.  No, it's not a chick from a chicken, but an actual bird.  I looked around the area to see if I can make the bird a bigger cage.  The box he's in was small but has a huge hole that I took as a door that was covered with cardboard.  Sooner or later, a snake or rat will discover that unsecured entrance.  I got some stainless steel hardware cloth and bent that into shape.  I need to find a wooden board for the floor, and another piece of wire cloth for a door. 

I started to move some pens toward the house.  Not to close, just close enough for Kyle to be able to feed the poultry without going to the far side of the ranch.  I'll finish moving the rest later in the week. 

During siesta, I was trying to figure out how to download video from my sister's camcorder to the PC, then upload into Youtube.  I was dowloading my first video, when the PC froze.   I'll have to figure that out later. 

Today's work was pretty light.  I'm still assessing what I will do for the ranch with this reorganizing.  . 

Keep Smiling

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Update: Trying to Catch Up with my Posts.

It's been awhile since I posted any blogs without the Libertarian Conservative rhetoric.  I'm going ease off on that.  Why stress on things you can't control, yeah? 

Anyway, I have done a lot of things this month.  It is my Birth Month Celebration and it's slowly coming to an end, in a couple of days.  One of my friends sent me a private message asking why I celebrated a whole month for my birthday.  My reply to her was, "Why not?".  Why should we be limited to just one day.  I'm pretty sure like most everyone, we have friends and family that may not make the primary celebration.  So why not just celebrate the whole month with close friends and family. 

I spent the day with Primo Ted, James, and the boyz and ladies down at the Gaue Ranch, a couple of weekends ago.  It was nice and cool down by the ocean.  It's been so long since I've been down there.  I was surprised at a lot of changes down in the valley.  BBQ's down at the ranch are still and always are awesome.  Missed the food, big time.  Lots of talk was about politics, Chief Suba, and family. 

Later, I went to the company picnic on another weekend.  That was interesting.  But the boss talked to me and told me himself that I was going to safety officer school and I will become a team leader.  Supposed to happen in June. 

The only set back this month was not working for two weeks.  I was placed on Standby because there were no jobs.    Those were two really hard weeks.  But if it wasn't for my wife and Pastor Liz reminding me to have patience and Trust in God.  I would have gone off to do other things.  I am so glad that I listened and trusted in God.  Let me tell you, I was elated to be told to report to work on Monday, at the company picnic. 

First day back brought back a lot of military memories.  I was tasked to work with one crew doing repair work at the Rappel/Parachute Shakeout Tower at Big Navy.  Those flight of stairs, literally kicked my butt!.  I was winded, and okay at the top of the tower.  It was when I had to go down one flight of stairs and into the motor fan room.  That my acrophobia hit me like a rock when I walked in and realized that I was standing on a grated floor. 

Nothing like seeing 50 feet of air and the concrete floor, right through the grated floor.  I tensed up so bad, I developed cramps.  I started thinking about my airborne and air assault training and the other crazy stuff I used to do.  That I finally was able to walk around the motor room without problems. 

Today, I met an old friend of mine.  Brenda is one of the committee moms to my scout troop.  Her sons, Shaun and Shane were part of the Matuas'.   The last time we saw each other was in 2008, right after I got home from my wedding and honeymoon.  Now, she is working for DZSP 21 as a backhoe operator.  It was a surprise to see her.  We were working the same job site but with different companies.  The last time that I saw her.  Brenda was working for Guam Telephone Authority.  I forgot to let her know that the Matuas' are starting back up again. 

I won't be working tomorrow.  Have to get the car inspected and registered.  Prior to that, I have to do a forced fasting for lab work to be done at Naval Hospital of the VA. 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rise of the Matuas'.

I've been working for a couple of weeks now to get my Matua Scout Group, refitted, reorganized, and running again.  I have the kids.  I need adults. 

We'll be starting up the Venturing Crew, Scout Troop, and Cub Pack.  The District has reserved our numbers for us,  Good Ole "26" .  I've had the unit's registration paperwork for awhile.  I was not procrastinating to get it done.  I can only move as fast as the youth members want to move.  Now that the membership is now climbing, albeit slowly, but climbing.  I can now move forward with our program.

We'll revert back to the program that made us successful in the past.  The Matuas' are a High Adventure Unit.  We do things other Venturing and Scout Units don't do.  My youth leaders love that. 

It's time to get our Mas Maolek Flag back and other trophies the other scout units kindly held for us. 

The Matua's Annual High Adventure Trip will be White Water Rafting in the Philippines. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

‘Los’ Suns: Stuck on Stupido

Link | "What if the owners of the Suns discovered that hordes of people were sneaking into Suns' games without paying? What if the owners had a good idea as to who the gate-crashers are, but the ushers and security personnel were not allowed to ask these folks to produce their ticket stubs, thus non-paying attendees couldn't be ejected. Furthermore, what if Suns' ownership was expected to provide those who sneaked in with complimentary eats and drink? And what if, on those days when a gate-crasher became ill or injured, the Suns had to provide free medical care and shelter?"--Phil Mushnik, NY Post, May 16th, 2010

Nothing illuminates the bankruptcy of liberalism better than liberalism itself. The above quote was a composite of fan responses to Phoenix Sun owner Robert Sarver's idea that his team wear "Los Suns" jerseys to protest the new Arizona immigration law. Is there any doubt how Mr. Sarver would react if what he claims to believe in were directly applied to his interests? How about his players? How many of them would take a salary cut so that "undocumented attendees" whose "only crime" was a desire to see an NBA basketball game could attend one?

There is a reason the expression "limousine liberal" came into being. It aptly describes those who fervently believe in the theory of liberalism--as long as they remain largely immune from its practical application. It is the cabal of self-righteous souls who are positive that Arizonans are racist, xenophobic bigots--but would never stand for illegal aliens sneaking across their property in the middle of the night. It is the same people who encourage family-destroying, welfare dependency--as long as the socially dysfunctional stay in their own neighborhoods. It is those who support all manner of alternative energy--as long as it doesn't despoil their ocean view.

It is those who bemoan the deplorable condition of public schools--even as they send their own children to private ones. It is those who champion financial "reform"--because they already have their wealth, and they don't want any competition. It is those who applaud government-run health care--because they have lifetime access to the best hospitals and doctors in the world, and will never spend a minute in any emergency room rubbing elbows with the great unwashed. It is those who wax poetic about the innumerable shortcomings of the country--from the tenured safety of a college campus.

There are none so enlightened as those for whom "do as I say, not as I do" underlies the totality of their worldview. Unabashed hypocrisy is the foundation of modern-day liberalism. It is the ideology of people who consciences are completely assuaged by the idea of "throwing money" at every problem they encounter--as long as it's other people's money, and someone else is doing the heavy lifting.

How about it, Mr. Sarver? How about allowing free admission to one of your remaining playoff games? How about serving free refreshments? Certainly such a magnanimous gesture is doable. Perhaps you could persuade your players, concessionaires, parking lot attendants, etc., to take a one game pay cut as well--or you could simply pay them and take the hit personally. And since you're apparently comfortable with illegals remaining a permanent part of the Arizona landscape, perhaps the occasional "Free Game and Refreshment Night" could become an equally permanent part of the Phoenix Suns schedule.

And why stop there? Maybe it's time to start replacing some of our mainstream media personnel with undocumented workers. After all, who would be more effective blasting Arizonans and other Americans for their "racist" attitudes than those who have had personal experience with them? Who would make a more effective advocate for "comprehensive immigration reform" than someone who would directly benefit from it?

That is not to say working in the media is one of those jobs "Americans refuse to do," but why should illegals be limited to such work? If we're going to make millions of border-busters part of America, shouldn't some upper-echelon jobs be included in the mix? Isn't that what liberals mean when they talk about "fairness" or "social justice?" Doesn't "spreading the wealth around" apply to everyone? Shouldn't all neighborhoods, schools, hospitals, businesses, etc., experience the "richness of unassimilated multiculturalism" that liberals demand of Arizonans?

Shouldn't everyone walk a mile in someone else's shoes?

Talk is cheap. And no one makes it cheaper than the American left, for whom "feeling good" is all about them feeling good at someone else's expense. There isn't a scintilla of doubt in my mind what the reaction of most liberals would be if millions of stock brokers, journalists, celebrities, college professors, et al, were sneaking across the border and demanding that America "accommodate" their needs and desires.

The late Leona Helmsley once said that "only little people pay taxes." Liberalism has precisely the same price tag: only "little people" pay for the excesses of the self-anointed. Phoenix is the kidnap capital of the United States? I don't live there, but I'm sure Arizonans are racist. Arizona rancher Robert Krentz gets killed on his own property in an area officials already know is an illegal "smuggling corridor?" I didn't get killed and it's not my ranch, and Arizonans have no right to protect their lives and their property if it conflicts with my ideology.

Modern day liberalism is a cancer. It is fascism being sold as progressive thinking by elitists for whom all things counter-culture have become the traditional. It is a knee-jerk contempt for everything that makes this country the envy of the world. Only liberals could believe that importing millions of illegal, low-skill, under-educated people "enriches" America. Only liberals could conclude that "celebrating our differences"--differences which precisely separate Third World nations from First World nations--are "no better or worse" than expecting immigrants to adopt our culture and our values.

Only liberals can lump illegal and legal immigrants into one philosophical package in order to brand those who make the crucial distinction between the two xenophobic bigots.

And only a contemptible media would be such a willing accomplice to such obvious mischaracterizations, misinformation and outright lying perpetrated by the American left. And that's by commission. Here's a statement by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder speaking to the House Judiciary Committee that's been virtually ignored by the MSM:

"I have not had a chance to, I've glanced at it. I have not read it. .. I have not really, I have not been briefed yet. I've only made, made the comments that I've made on the basis of things that I've been able to glean by reading newspaper accounts, obviously, looking at television, talking to people who are on the review panel, on the review team that are looking at the law. "

To what was Holder referring? The Arizona immigration bill, which is all of ten pages long.

Think Holder's the only one? Of course not. Liberal outrage isn't about informed opinion. It's all about uninformed emotion whipped up by those with an agenda--including an Attorney General who ought to be thoroughly ashamed and embarrassed by his ineptitude and his bias, but most assuredly isn't. The Arizona law feels wrong? That's good enough for liberals.

We'll see how good liberals feel in November.


A really good read. 

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Today's Lunch Special at Enzo's Outdoor Grill.

I baked up some pork chops today for lunch.  I gave it my special dry rub (combination of black pepper, season all, and Italian seasoning) .  I gave generous amounts of dry rub on both sides of each chop.  Placed the chops on a baking pan.  Preheated the oven to 350 degrees and set the timer for 45 minutes.  I then added fresh Cherry Tomatoes from my garden into the baking pan to give it a little color and that tarty zest flavor. 

While the pork chops were baking.  I cooked up some banana-cue without the skewers.  This is a traditional Filipino dish that my grandparents and parents used to cook for the children.  Then when I went to the Philippines in the late 70's and early '80's, I watched how the street vendors cooked bunches of cooking banana in huge woks along the streets of Santa Mesa, Manila; also outside the gates of UPLB, Laguna; and now, 2007-present, Cagayan De Oro City. 

Anyway, back to Enzo's banana cue.  I took some ripe bananas out of the refrigerator.  Ones that we had skinned earlier.  I took a small pot with oil and heated it up on high.  I placed several ripe bananas inside the pot and let cook until the underside turned a little light to dark brown.  Then I flipped it over.  When both sides of the banana are close to Golden Brown, I took it out and let it drip dry on a plate.  After I few minutes, I took each cooked banana and tossed it into my sugar/cinnamon mix bowl.  There, I would turn it over a couple of times until the whole banana was lightly covered in the sugary cinnamon mix.  Then I would place it in a medium serving bowl to let it cool.  It's so good, that I've kept going back to the kitchen to get a piece to eat as I write this blog to post. 

Please don't ask me for measurements.  I have not done any measurements, since ever since.  I primarily go by taste and smell. 

Enzo's Outdoor Grill is located on Matua Ranch, just off the BackRoad to AAFB, in Yigo, and caters currently to immediate family members and very close friends. 

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Privacy Protection Act prevents investigators from searching newsrooms to uncover information or sources that a news organization has assembled.

RTDNA Condemns Police Search of KUAM-TV Studio in Guam


RTDNA Condemns Police Search of KUAM-TV Studio in Guam

For Immediate Release: May 13, 2010
Contact: Ryan G. Murphy,

The Radio Television Digital News Association condemns the Guam Police Department's search of a television station's newsroom to obtain documents associated with an investigative piece about a new police recruit.  

RTDNA believes the police department acted in disregard of the Privacy Protection Act of 1980, which forbids federal, state and local law enforcement officers from conducting searches and seizures of work product and documentary materials of reporters and broadcasters except in very limited circumstances.   

According to KUAM-TV, the NBC affiliate serving Guam, 12 agents from the Guam Police Departments' Criminal Investigation Division served a warrant at the KUAM studios, on Wednesday, asking the entire staff to leave the office and ordered them to turn off their cameras.

According to KUAM, an agent explained that the warrant was for an ongoing theft complaint being investigated, though the KUAM News team is concerned that the police action was an operation of intimidation prompted by a story the station ran on how a police trainee failed to pass a polygraph examination.

KUAM says the warrant was issued to determine how KUAM News received a document to support their story from a confidential source. The station is pursuing legal action, having filed suit against the Guam Police Department and the Government of Guam.

“When government attempts to intimidate journalists through actions like those of the Guam Police Department, the ability of the press to serve as the eyes, ears and voice of the public is compromised,” said RTDNA Chairman, Mark Kraham.  “We applaud KUAM for asserting its First and Fourth Amendment rights in the civil lawsuit it immediately filed against the police department and the Guam government.  We are confident that long-standing law and constitutional principles concerning freedom of the press will prevail. RTDNA firmly believes the search warrant should be quashed and the seized materials returned. With a motto of 'Where America's Day Begins,' we hope that American freedoms also shine brightly in Guam."

Guam Senator Judi Guthertz, a former chief of police, told KUAM: "The issue of obtaining a search warrant to inspect the office of a communications company, a media outlet on Guam, is a serious matter. As you know, we honor the freedom of the press in this country, our Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and the freedom of the press.  I think that if the chief is concerned about leaks of documents in the police department, I can tell you, that's something that I lived with when I was chief, director of public safety and acting chief of police.”

In 2006, KUAM won the RTDNA Edward R. Murrow Award for best small market Web site in Region 2 for


RTDNA is the world's largest professional organization devoted exclusively to electronic journalism. RTDNA represents local and network news executives in broadcasting, cable and digital media in more than 20 countries.

Heading down to the Attorney General's Office. Then Stopping by Lutang Bahay.

Thinking of writing a piece in regards to "Discounts vs. Blessings".

National News Organizations are backing KUAM against J. Edgar Suba, Milosevic Camacho, and the Socialist Judge.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Guam Police Department use Gestapo Tactics, Become Neocon Nazi's.

The Chief of Police, Paul Suba, may think he's in the right in ordering this investigation into a leak of his own department, and getting a search warrant for a local news organization, issued by Superior Court Judge Anita Sukola. 

He is in the wrong.  According to the KUAM news site, Federal Law, Privacy Act of 1980 protects News Organizations from identifying their sources or being investigated.  This is nothing more than Censorship.  A move more likely linked with the German Nazi's, Italian Marxists, Soviet Communists. 

Is this what has become of our territorial police department?  They're on some kind of egotistical power trip. 

I have friends in the police department, civilians and uniformed officers.  They are good people.  Unfortunately, this heavy handed move has put a black eye on the work of the good people in the department. 

If there is a leak in the police department.  Which is very apparent due to the news that KUAM broke, a couple of days ago.  Then Suba has to look into his department for that leak.  To involve the very news organization in his investigation breaks a federal law and cries of Communism.  It will be very interesting where these series of events will lead us on this island. 

Police Chief Paul Suba has no recourse now, but to resign.  He's egotistic control of the department must be levied.  His cowboy approach to a suspect car that ended up in the river, a couple of months ago, screams loud of his lack of respect for the territorial resident.  He's an out of control cowboy who wants to get hazardous pay.  He forgets, He is the Chief of Police, not a regular patrol officer. 

If we let this go, who is next in Chief Suba's Crosshairs?  The PDN, Pacific News Center, or will it be Uncle Kin and Auntie Mary's car, ending up in a river. 

I'm sorry but the Libertarian came out of me as I read up more on this incident. 

Related Links.

GPD's motives: investigation or intimidation?

KUAM files civil suit against GPD, GovGuam

GPD Executes Search Warrant at KUAM In Alleged Theft Investigation

KUAM Releases Statement on Search of Their Newsroom

A media round table discussion on the Patti Arroyo Show

Attorney Arthur Clark on the Big Show with Travis Coffman

Legislation nixes need for special elections


by Nick Delgado

Guam - There may no longer be special elections if a measure introduced by Vice-Speaker B.J. Cruz is signed into law. Bill 395 states that in the event a vacancy occurs in the Guam Legislature for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the governor.

The measure also states that the party's executive committee shall select three members who qualify for legislative office, and their names will then be submitted to the governor within 15 days after the vacancy is announced.


Although the intent of the bill is good.  I have to disagree with it.  There is already a process in place, where the people have voted in the previous General election for the legislative seats.  Should there be a vacancy for any reason.  The legislative candidate with the 16th highest vote during the General Election, will fill the vacant seat of the people. 

There is no need to play politics with any vacant legislative seat by giving the governor the appointment power.  When the people have already decided. 

The US Dollar circulates 10 times in a Jewish Community and 6 times in an Asian Community. Before it circulates out. But when it comes to a Christian Community, the dollar goes straight to the nearest discount store. It seems we, Christians, need to learn more regarding Blessing our Church Community.

No Work, means No Pay, Gotta work my sidelines.

Looks like I'm back to square one in regards to financial income.  It's okay.  I'm not going to stress over having "no work".  I decided to go down and finish my notary public application.  Yes, I know it's 3 years late.  My expiration is next year.  The Bonding Company is stressing out that I decided to complete the process late.  I may just reapply to save everyone from he AG's Office to the Insurance Company some hair.  According to the law, I would not have to pay the registrations fee if I have not gone beyond my expiration date. 

Being  a Notary Public is good sideline income.  If I do it full-time.  It is great income for only limited hours of work doing notarizing paperwork.  The Construction business is not stable.  Even though the government and the media portray that it is, with the upcoming build up.  I have met a lot of out of work construction workers.  Majority of the construction companies prefer to bring in H-2 workers.  Because, they are cheaper. 

Have to keep moving forward with my sidelines and that includes the Ranch as well. 

Keep Smiling

For those on Island: I have Cherry Tomatoes and Saba Banana. I don't use chemical fertilizers or pesticides on my ranch. I am not organic certified, yet. Working on getting that certification. If you're interested in buying...Let me know. Will have Farm Fresh Eggs this year.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


To my dearest Rhoda,

Although we are separated by a huge sea.  No amount of distance lessens my love for you.  I still love you even before the first moment I saw you.  I am so thankful to God that you are in my life.  I have enjoyed every moment with you and will continue to do so during our awesome adventure.  I thank you for your patience, your love, your understanding, and your support.  I don't know where I would be without you in my life.  Yes, we have been through the valleys of our marriage.  But we have conquered many mountain tops together.  I look forward to being with you and growing old with you. 

I am so grateful that you are a wonderful and beautiful mother to our daughter, Larraine.  She acts so much like you everyday.  I really appreciate you raising her by yourself during this time of our lives.  Although, I am not there to help you raising Larraine.  My thoughts and prayers are with you always.  One day, God will reward us to be together as a family. 

I love you.  You are forever etched onto my heart. 

GRACELAND FARM - Arbitrary detention and extortion of one OFW by officers of Police Station Number 3 in Barangay Talipapa, Novaliches, Quezon City


The below story and others like it happens everyday in the Philippines.  Cops like these two in the story below and other corrupt government officials should not be arrested but put down like rabid dogs.  This is common in immigration if foreigners want to get an extension of their visas.  The have to pay a certain "fee".  Sad that the elderly lady and her friend had to go through because of greedy corrupt cops. 

Arbitrary detention and extortion of my mom by officers of Police Station Number 3 in Barangay Talipapa, Novaliches, Quezon City
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
UPDATED, Wednesday April 28, 2010

When my mother went to the Philippines to attend the graduation ceremony of my sister and to seek the opinion of Filipino doctors on her mild cancer two weeks ago, she had no idea she was in for the shock of her life.

Last April 14, my mother went to visit a friend named Janet who lives in a slum area in Tandang Sora, Quezon City. That friend owes my mother some thousands, which my mother decided to collect because she needs money for her medication. My mother was accompanied by an old friend, Maximo Gabriel.

At around twelve noon, just when my mother and Gabriel were about to leave Janet’s place, two plain-clothed policemen- one called Allan and another named Mar Palic- approached them, accusing them of drug possession. My mother and her friends aghastly denied this, and before the two cops could search them they showed their bags to the police officers and emptied their pockets to show that there was nothing incriminating inside. Still, the cops “invited” them for questioning.

“Sumama kayo sa amin (Come with us),” said the cops.

“Bakit po kami sasama sa inyo, wala naman po kaming ginagawa (Why should we? We’re not doing anything wrong),” answered my mom.

“Kung wala kayong ginagawang masama eh bakit kayo matatakot na sumama sa amin (If you’re not doing anything wrong, why don’t you come with us?)”

And so they decided to go with the cops, thinking that they would only be invited for random questioning and be released immediately. But to their surprise, the officers took their cellphones and did not allow them to make calls. And instead of being taken straight to the police station, they were driven around for at least three hours while the policemen intimidated them and forced them to make a confession!

At around three in the afternoon, they were finally taken to the cafeteria in the third floor of Police Station Number 3 along Quirino Highway in Barangay Talipapa, Novaliches, Quezon City. There my mother was subjected to the worst kinds of insults.

“Bakit naman dadayo pa kayo dito eh andaming mabibiling shabu sa Fairview (Why come here when you can buy drugs in your place?)”

“Siguro labas-pasok ka na sa kulungan no? Tignan mo nga itsura mo, parang isang buwan ka ng hindi nakapagpapahinga eh (You’ve been in and out of jail, haven’t you? You look as if you haven’t got any rest in a month!)”

“Ilang linggo ka na bang nagda-darna? (How many weeks have you been doing a Darna?)”

For about an hour, the cops forced them to make a confession but they stubbornly refused. Finally, the cops said they would be subjected to drug tests if they don’t confess. Although my mother is aware that random drug testing is against the law, she and her friends immediately agreed, thinking that this would be the best way out.

“Pag po ba negative sa tests pwede na po ba kaming umuwi? (Can we go home if we get negative results in the drug tests?)” asked my mom.

“Oo. Pero sa itsura nyong yan malamang positive (Yes, but, looking at you now, I’m sure you’ll get positive results)”answered the cop as he laughed obnoxiously at my mother’s expense.

They were then told that they would be taken to the police laboratory for the tests. But instead they were driven back to the slum area in Tandang Sora because the cops claimed they needed to talk to their informer. There the two cops alighted and went inside the compound while my mother, her friends, and the errand boy of the police station remained in the car. At that point, the said errand boy told them that they needed only to pay twenty thousand pesos each and they will be released. This is a clear case of soliciting bribes, and my mom and her friends refused.

And so instead of being taken to the laboratory for the drug tests, they were taken back to the police station in Talipapa. At this point, my mom and her friends were understandably very mad. She demanded that they go and get the tests already so they can all go home. When the cops were pissed off with their legitimate complaints, they were detained behind bars!

What’s more, when they were asked to list down their belongings that they were supposed to surrender before being detained, police officer Mar Palic refused to list down my mother’s cellphone; he took it! If it’s any consolation, my mother was allowed to make one phone call which she used to ask my uncle to come to her rescue.

You can only imagine the trauma and emotions this brought to my mom. She demanded that she be informed of the reasons why she was being detained. Her friends, on the other hand, begged the cops to let her go, since she’d be in the Philippines only for two weeks and she wanted to spend as much time as possible with her kids. When the cops heard this, they only insulted her and laughed at her expense.

The desk officer then came to my mom and asked her to just make “areglo” (settle the matter) with the cops. But the cops were asking for twenty fucking thousand pesos! My mom asked if she can pay just three thousand since that’s all she had, but the cops refused.

When my uncle came, the police told him that they caught my mother in the act of using drugs– a big, fat lie!

At this point, my mom was determined to call the family lawyer, but my uncle told him that if the lawyer came, the cops who signed her arrest order would surely disappear and so she would still end up staying in jail for the whole night. Also, my mother’s friend Janet still has kids left in her home to attend to. So reluctantly, they decided to make “areglo.”

After some negotiations, the cost of the “areglo” was lowered from twenty thousand to fifteen thousand pesos and my mother’s cellphone.

When my mom got home, she cried like a baby. Here she was, a single mother and an OFW who has never broken any law, being treated like a criminal. Here she was, a simple citizen who cooperated with the police when they invited her for questioning completely trusting that these officers of the law would respect her most basic rights, being insulted and humiliated.

It doesn’t take a lawyer to see the violations and abuses made by these policemen. They certainly violated my mother’s Miranda rights when they refused to let her use her cellphone to immediately make calls. They committed arbitrary detention, and I believe that’s felony. They committed extortion, and that should put them behind bars for a few years.

It appears that this is a common modus operandi of Philippine policemen in many slum areas that are suspected of having drug activity. They intimidate people who they think they can milk with bribe money. The sad thing is, while innocent people like my mom are subjected to this kind of inhuamne treatment; the guilty ones easily get away with violating the law by bribing these policemen.

I’m proud that my mother and her friends took the effort to resist these cops’ extortion, but I’m a little bit disappointed that they had to cave in in the end. But what could they do? My mom was scheduled to be in the Philippines for only two weeks and she wanted to spend every day of those two weeks with her kids and not in jail.

My mom just got home from the Philippines a while ago, and she told me all about this just now. She was crying. She needed that money the cops took for her medication. And my blood is fucking boiling. I don’t intend to to take this sitting down. But to be honest, I don’t know what to do.

Right now, all I have in mind is to write the chief of the National Police Commission and to encourage my uncle in the Philippines to file a case for the dismissal of ”Allan” and Mar Palic and of the chief of Police Station Number 3 in Barangay Talipapa, Novaliches, Quezon City first thing in the morning. I want all of these officers dismissed and I want my mother’s hard earned fifteen thousand pesos and her cellphone returned. I’m going to ask all my friends for all the help they could give me. If I need to go to Manila to get the heads of these cops on a silver platter, I’ll take the next flight.

I hope everyone who reads this will pass it on and spread the news.


If we believe the comments we are getting, it seems what happened to my mom is indeed a common modus operandi of many police officers, specifically those belonging to Station 3 in Barangay Talipapa. Thank you very much for all those who Facebooked, tweeted, and blogged our story.

Many thanks to Benj Espina of Filipino Voices, Rico Mossegeld of Technograph, Anne de Brux of Manila Bay Watch, Caffeine Sparks, the bloggers at Pedestrian Observer, Faorani, Pinoy Tumbler and The Struggling Blogger, as well as Emil Samaniego for writing about this story. Thanks too to those who have e-mailed PNP and to Faorani who even called up Station 3 at Talipapa.

I have e-mailed the National Police Commission and the Philippine National Police regarding this case, and I am waiting for their response. Some of my friends have e-mailed these two agencies as well. All my e-mails to the Comission on Human Rights bounced back.

The next course of action to take is to press formal administrative charges against these officers. Since mom is not in Manila to file to complaints, she would need to grant my uncle in the Philippines a special power of attorney certified by the Philippine Embassy to pursue the case. We will begin working on that.

Meanwhile, according to a friend, PO3 Mario Palic was actually just very recently rewarded for his role in a shoot-out incident sometime in 2008.

Please continue sharing this story to your friends. If this has happened to my mom, it could happen to yours too. Let’s all be vigilant.

I believe the professional officers who are dedicated to their duty far outnumber the likes of Allan and Palic. I trust that these good officers would do something to rid their ranks of the rotten ones.

Bill would raise drinking age to 21


Here we go again. 

WE, The People, voted this down every time it comes up in a referendum.  Senator B.J. Cruz has nothing better to do on his last term than to sponsor bills that don't have the support of the voting public. 

My views on drinking.  When an individual turns 18 years old on the Territory of Guam, that person can legally marry and have a family, or join the military and go off to war. Yes, it's an old argument by supporters against raising the drinking age from 18 to 21.  But, it is still a great argument. 

According to GPD records, if I am not mistaken, during the last bout with raising the drinking age to 21 a couple of years ago.  The common age group for DUI or alcohol related arrests came from the 25 to 35 year old range. 

This is my compromise. 

I will support raising the drinking age to 21 with certain conditions that should be law. 
  • The people ban all military enlistment within the territory below 22 years old. 
  • The term "Youth" will apply to those individuals younger than 22 years old.
  • Individuals younger than 22 years old are not allowed to marry and start a family. 
  • The Territorial Government provides 50 to 75% College Tuition Assistance to our youth.
Raising the drinking age, will not stop underage drinking.   The Highway Federal funds are not at risk.  Nor, will the island get more federal funds.  Because it is not required

Friday, May 7, 2010

Home-made Butter

Two days ago, I decided to try my hand at making home-made butter.  I had bought some cream at the grocery store about a week ago just for this venture.  The other day, I figured it was the best time to try this out. 

Youtube videos make it look really easy to make.  In actuality, it was a little hard to do at first.  But once I got the hang of it.  It seemed simple enough. 

I did the shaking in a bottle type of churning.  Another video showed that it's a lot faster if you use a beater.  I think I'll do the beater churning.  Then I'll opt for the shaking churning when there is a blackout. 

What I liked about this experiment.  I made more butter than I needed at a lesser cost.  It's a lot creamier and white, than I expected.  Mine doesn't have all the oils added to it, like the commercial butter that are sold in stores.  Also, I did not add salt to my butter.  It taste good, just the way it is. 

Cool new homesteading skill...

Keep Smiling

Thursday, May 6, 2010

PIcked up Arissa at Liguan, but not before having dinner there first. Taijeron's had a welcome back party for KenRis and kids.

Ranch Log: Update

Well since the company has no work projects for us.  They sent all of us home, until they call us in for work.  So I'm back in the ranch.  Catching up on cleaning and projects. 

My goat kids that were part of the local feed experiment project with Cooperative Extension Service and Department of Agriculture are now back on the ranch.  It's hard to believe that I am restarting my herd with 3 goats.  I'll have to acquire new goats from other ranchers to buildup the herd.

The canopy tarp at the ranch shack needs to be replaced.  I found two tarps next to the container.  I'll use those until I get funds budgeted for a new one. 

Since I started working at IAN's Construction.  I've lost two does, 3 rabbit kits, two guinea fowl, and a ranch dog.  The two does, Athena and Iris died from what I'm suspecting is the caterpillar.  Same symptoms with the both of them, paralyzed and quick death within hours.  The rabbit kits, I found in the hutch.  I didn't even know the doe was pregnant.  The heat got to them. 

Then I lost a breeding pair of guinea fowl.  The culprit was my ranch dog, Ranger.  No, 3rd chances for that dog.  I put him down the same afternoon, I found the dead guineas.  I was hoping to make him a good roving dog.  Unfortunately, he wrote his death warrant.  I have no qualms putting down one of my dogs for not doing what they're supposed to be doing.  Ranger decided to go rogue.  If he had killed a free range chicken.  I may have given him a chance.  But for him to kill a penned up breeding guinea fowl.  He crossed the line.  I don't have pets.  I have working dogs. 

Siesta is over...heading back out. 

Keep Smiling

No work today at the shop. So I'm busy working the ranch. Hercules and Alinnah, my buckling and doeling, are now back on the ranch from their feed project experiment. Have to replace the canopy's tarp today. Lots of catching up to do. God Bless Y'all and Keep Smiling.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Brian Hogan: Mistake or Theft?


I read this report of  It makes me wonder about some people.  According to the story, Brian Hogan took the iphone from the bar.  He was not the one, who found it.  Someone else did, asked Hogan and his party if the device was theirs.  Nobody claimed it, so Hogan took it.  The story states that there were attempts to contact Apple about it.  Not from Hogan, but a friend made the attempt.  In the end, someone was paid $5000 to turnover the iphone to another company. 

If something is not yours and you took it and in return was paid for it.  To me, that is theft.  Hogan realizes that he made a mistake.  I don't even think, that incident should be considered a mistake.  He knowingly did the act. 

What happens if you intentionally ran over someone on the sidewalk?  Is that a mistake?  Oops, sorry, a mistake was made because someone ran over somebody. 

Even the write up on this guy's background makes him sound like an altar boy.  Yet, everything he did good in the past is now tarnished because of one "mistake".  Hogan needs to cowboy up and take responsibility for his actions.  You got caught.  Now do the time for the crime.  Then start your life over from scratch.