Monday, December 5, 2011

Great Weekend with ALC Ground Breaking.

Been really busy this past week, working on the ranch, marketing OSH Solutions, and helping out with the ground breaking ceremony for Abundant Life Church.  It was all great. 

Getting to catch up with my ranch projects.  In a day or two, I'll have to sit down with pencil to paper and draw out the ranch projects.  Where to put the vegetable garden, the new goat pen, the pig pen, and cattle area.  Yes, I will be acquiring my first cattle herd next year.  A big step for Matua Ranch. 

I've been part of Abundant Life Church's Engineering Team for the last 6 months, as the Safety Leader. I was not really needed in the meetings until the Construction Phase.  However, I sat in most of the Friday meeting, listening to the engineers talk about the new vision center that is planned for the church.  The meeting were conducted in tagalog. I didn't mind.  Although, some apologized for it.  I really didn't mind.  I understood most of what was being said.  Just don't ask me to summarize any of it.  I do understand Tagalog.  My mom's side of the family speaks Tagalog.  I had no choice but to understand the language.  Especially when I lived in the Philippines for two or three years, going to the elementary school at UPLB in Laguna. 

Anyway, I watched as the Team Engineers worked on project issues, talking about quotes, building plans, and other project matters.  It was a learning experience for me.  I can relate to my Project Management Course at the Trades Academy what I had observed during all those Friday meetings. 

The Friday meetings funneled to the lone contractor chosen to build the New Vision Center,  5M Construction.  The ground breaking was scheduled right after the bid was awarded to them.  I believe we only had a two week period to plan the ground breaking ceremony and fiesta.  It was all good.  A short simple ceremony that was in the vision for years.  Hopefully, this time next year, we'll be celebrating in the New Vision Center.

During my off time, I've been going around to different companies, marketing OSH Solutions to them.  I'm hoping that they will pick us up as their Safety Training Company.  One of the companies that I've been trying to bring in to OSH has been cited for 14 safety violations on their project up at the air force base.  They were given a safety shutdown.  I personally know the safety leader on that project.  Well, I'll be seeing them on Wednesday to present them a consulting package from OSH Solutions. 

Pictures by Erik Sean Aquino.

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