Monday, May 23, 2011

Special Relaxing Day.

Today was a great day.  I had planned my day out to do certain things.  But for some reason, it rained.  Which I am grateful for.  My fruit trees need the rain.  Unfortunately, I could not do what I planned.  Everytime it stopped raining.  I would get ready to go out.  As soon as I stepped on the backporch.  It would rain.  So I went back to the computer to wait it out.  When the rain stopped again.  I got up to go out.  Before I made it to the back steps.  It rained again.  Back to the computer, I went.

It was like someone was on the roof with a water hose waiting for me to come out.  Then he would turn on the water hose to dowse the whole area as soon as I stepped on the backporch. 

So I did what most anyone would do while it rained in this age.  I went online.  I read the birthday greetings from friends near and far on facebook.  Then it was time to read emails.  That's when I got word from GTTP that my requests to attend the safety courses at GCA's Annual Safety Conference was approved.  Browsing the DIY, food recipe videos on Youtube took up a lot of my time.  Before I knew it, it was 1600 in the afternoon. 

It was time to feed the animals.  And wouldn't you know it.  It stopped raining.  Just long enough for me to feed the animals on the ranch.  As soon as I finished, it rained again. 

I received a special message from Rhoda greeting me a Happy Birthday.  Larraine and Frenz also sent their greetings.  Hopefully, the internet connection will be repaired tomorrow.  So we'll be able to chat via cam again. 

It was a special relaxing day even with the rain.