Monday, May 23, 2011

Another Year Conquered, A New Year of Awesome Adventure. .

Well it's been a fun year, lots of Blessings and Challenges. 

This time last year started with lots of Blessings to my family.  Rhoda had graduated from her Nursing College.  Larraine's left arm was healed faster than what the doctor proclaimed.  We added a new addition to our family.  My son, Raphael Frenz (Frenfren or Prenpren) joined us a month prior, at 7 months old.  I started a new project with the company I was working with back then. 

I watched my family grow from across the Philippine Sea via webcam.  It was joy to see my Larraine and Frenz play together or alone, even though I'm not there.  Chatting with my Rhoda, nightly if possible.  Technology has truly made our separation bearable.  Hopefully, it will bring us together again soon.  Chatting with both my kids brings excitement and wonder to me...seeing them grow in maturity.  Watching the cast on Larraine's arm when she first got it, and then when it was cut off.  Seeing Frenz crawling around the bedroom before and a couple of months later, he's jumping off the bed and doing handstands with his sister. 

I watched from a distance seeing Rhoda wonderfully mother our children.  Being both mother and father to them.  Teaching them, telling them stories, and playing with them while I watched via cam.  I know it'll be better once we're together complete as a family. 

Things were great.  The ranch was doing okay.  Did some changes, added more rabbits and sold some goats.  We had an abundance of mangoes, siniguellas, and bananas last year.  In fact, I still have mangoes from last season frozen solid in the freezer. 

In October I was accepted into a training program on a scholarship with Guam Transportation Training Program administered by the Galaide Group for the Department of Public Works.   It's a federal program.  I was placed in cycle 3.  I was going to finally get my credentials as an Electrician Journeyman at the Guam Contractor's Association's Trade Academy. 

That same month I resigned from the company that I worked for back then.  I did not agree with the boss/owner of the company on labor and safety issues.  He was all mouth and no substance. 

I talked with GCA TA's registar, who was also my classmate in some core classes.  She approved me to go full-time.  I was hitting 3 courses a week: M/W, T/Th, and Sat.  I was still focused on getting my electrician credentials.  Until my first Safety Class with Samoan Joe in Safety Technology in December.  Before then a lot of instructors were encouraging me to do a career change from electrical to safety.  That first Saturday Class with Samoan Joe, I realized I needed to make a change.  So I did.  That same month, I attended my first OSHA class, OSHA 511 General Industry Standards with Terry Badley.  I was on my way to becoming a Safety Technician. 

I finished Safety Technology in January, moved right into Field Safety.  I was able to pick up some courses with OSH Solutions a safety training company: Electrical Workshop.  I picked up OSHA 30 hours in Construction Standards that same month.  I also jumped into the Instructors Craft Training Program for NCCER, completing that to become an instructor for the GCA Trades Academy. 

Each month, I attended, soaked up, and completed a safety course.  Some courses were with GCA Trades Academy, OSH Solutions, or Chabot Las Pacitas Community College District via GCA Trades.  Whatever was available I jumped at aggressively. 

Last month, I competed my last training course.  Now, it's just OSHA electives.  They're minor courses but more in-depth.  It's also complimenting that a lot of Safety Students with GCA Trades Academy, approach me and asking me "How I did it".  Now, I'm helping them to get ahead of the "Undecided" students. 

I am now working.  I have two clients: GCA Trades Academy and OSH Solutions.  Yes, I am an instructor for both of them.  I am also working to become an instructor for Chabot Las Pacitas Community College District/OSHA Training Institute.  I'm already an Authorized Trainer for OSHA for the 10 and 30 hour courses in General Industry and Construction.  I'm going after the bigger OSHA Courses...OSHA 510 and 511 courses. 

Everything is great.  I overcame a lot of challenges this past year.  Learned valuable lessons on each one.  I wouldn't have been able to conquer each challenge without God guiding me.  The numerous prayers and prayer requests.  My wife, Rhoda's supports, and encouragements. 

Lesson Learned for this past year:  Keep my Faith in God, Be Thankful for both Blessings and Challenges, and Love my wife and children. 

For this next year, I'm looking forward to more Safety Courses to teach, a much earned vacation with my family in September and December, and watching and helping the Ministry Grow. 


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