Friday, May 13, 2011

Slaughter House Feasibility Seminar

I attended the Slaughter House Feasibility Seminar on Tuesday this week.  As always, I've arrived early, met Mark in the hall, and walked into the classroom and met Jim, the presenter.  We talked for awhile until the rest of the attendees arrived.  It was a small group of 4, but peaked up to 15 through the course of the seminar, 

One of the attendees, gave me a really bad impression of him, his agenda, and whatever group his forming.  I've been attending these Agriculture Workshops and networking with all the different farmers to bring everyone together.  We have the Farmer's Co-op doing their part in helping with that.  However, this guy just really rubbed me the wrong way.  He wanted a Hog-only Slaughter Facility to be build and nothing else.  I do understand the concept that pigs are a cash "crop". 

He didn't care about other ranchers who are raising goats, cattle, or other species of livestock.  There are a lot of ranchers that diversify their operations.  And shutting off a majority of them because he wants a Hog-Only slaughter facility doesn't make sense. 

That Tuesday, I decided right there in that classroom at the university,  I will push to get the Guahan Ranchers Co-Operative registered and incorporated as a non-profit organization in the next couple of months.  It's smart for ranchers to diversify their operations.  And, we're not going to be a one species only co-operative.  We will be open to everyone. 

It's amazing during the course of the seminar.  This Hog-only individual would open his mouth, only to eat his shoe.  He thought it would be easy to build and start-up a Slaughter House Facility.  I laughed quietly to myself when the presenter informed him that he would have to follow USDA regulations before that happens.  He didn't know that or he was misinformed. 

Research...Research...Research...when you think you are done...Research, so more.  Name dropping doesn't help when  you don't know what you're talking about. 

That's why you attend as many seminars as you can, not just the ones that interests you.  So you learn about the regulations, and network with the people that you'll need help from. 

Anyway, the seminar was good.  There could have been better numbers presented.  But officials on Guam, don't keep statistics data as well as they should.  The co-operative can do that.  When we're up and running. 

I really liked the idea of a floating slaughter house facility that travels between the islands providing that service. 



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