Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I picked up my prize to day at Fastenal's. I chose a Dallas Cowboy Hardhat. I'm going to use it as a prop for the safety courses that I teach. It's pretty nice.

Call Sign: Matua Warrior

A poster on a local news forum called my call sign a fake name.  I thought about it for long while.  Of course, it is fake.  It's a call sign.  I'm not going to use my birth name on the internet.  Even though it's already out there.  However, I got to reflecting on when I actually started using Matua Warrior. 

Thinking back to when I first used it was over a decade ago.  Yeah, I'm probably just dated myself.  I know it's a combination of two events during my life.  I can't remember who is was.  It could have been a late uncle, cousin, one of my scouts/venturers, or even a close friend who may have coined the term. 

I distinctly remember talking about my past and the Scout Troop that I was leading.  I held my military service in high regards...a standard that I tried to keep and follow.  The original term was Sendalu Matua, which loosely means Warrior Chief.  The first word, Sendalu, was for my military service.  The second word, Matua, was for the Scout Troop 26.  Who we, the scouts, picked as the name for our troop: The Matuas'. 

One of my scouts didn't like the term Sendalu and instead used Warrior, and changed the order of the words around.  Since then it's been Matua Warrior.  Although, Sendalun Matua sounds a whole lot better.   I didn't want to disappoint my young scouts and accepted the new call sign from them. 

We used our call signs sparingly in the scout troop.  We didn't have radios back then.  But when most everyone started getting email accounts.  That was the best time to use it.  I have used it with my yahoo account since the late 90's.  That's a long time ago. 

I'm proud of my call sign from my scouts.  It brings back lots of crazy high adventures that we did. 

Another call sign that I used before: Renegade 26.  That was my actual call sign during the First Gulf War.  Those were fun times too. 


Monday, May 30, 2011

Completed my Scholarship Application with GCA Trades Academy. Going to turn it in tomorrow morning. Deadline is tomorrow 31MAY2011.

Remember those who served and gave the Ultimate Sacrifice to Freedom.

Restocking the Ranch.

Last year, I sold my goat herd to concentrate on my Safety Classes.  Now that I'm done with my major safety courses.  It's time to reinvest in a couple of goats for the ranch again. 

The current gas prices at $4.72 is hard to work with.  Although, it dropped to $4.62 last Friday.  It still has not gone down to where it was before the climb.  Purchasing gas to run equipment is expensive, especially when I have to maintain the paddocks and get the ground ready for planting.  It's just not sustainable. 

Raising livestock is labor intensive.  However, by doing it correctly following examples done in the U.S. Mainland by other successful farms/ranches who are profitable.  I am sure that I can do the same.  I've done it before at a small scale.  Now it's time to take it to the next level. 

So the plan right now is to purchase two goats, a pair of does, to start the next herd for Matua Ranch.  In line with that. I also plan to purchase a drove of  shoats (weaned piglets).  I'm looking at 2 gilts, for my breeding program, and 1 boar.  I'm looking around September or November to get some barrowed pigs to raise for the Christmas Market. 

My Rabbitry is doing fine.  I have two more does almost ready to drop new litters of kits.  I have three bucks, two more than I need for breeding.  One of them will become a roaster.  Building the pens for the incoming does will help expand the rabbitry.  The Junior bucks not used for breeding will be called as Fryers or Roasters. 

I am hoping towards the end of the year, around November, that I will be able to purchase by first herd of cattle, two cows, maybe a young bull as well.

It feels good to be earning income from the Safety Courses that I now teach.  It'll help get the ranch get back to sustainability. 


An Unusual Request.

Subject: A Request

Dear President Obama:

I am writing today with a somewhat unusual request.

First and foremost, I am asking that you return America to its August 20th, 1959 borders, so that Hawaii is no longer a state and you are no longer a citizen.

ROFLOL!!! I found this in a comment on one of the media forum sites. Why stop the border return there? Why not back to 1898, 1800's, 1776?

LOL... The Israel Border comment is coming back to hunt Obama.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

GCA's 16th Annual Safety Conference.

Walking into the the Holiday Resort to help setup OSH Solutions table at 0700.  I ran into Primo Al at the parking lot.  He had just come from Matapang Beach trying to catch Manahak (juvenile rabbit fish), a delicacy to Chamorros and Guamanians alike. 

Upstairs I looked around for the OSH Solutions table.  I figured I should arrive early to help Ann Marie setup the table.  Instead, I met the ladies from GCA; Chantel, Desiree, and Francine.  They were setting up their registration table and sponsor banners. 

After I secured my bags at the table in the banquet hall.  I went out to meet and greet the other Safety Officers arriving.  I greeted Anthony Quidachay and Tony Andersen from OSHA On-Site Consultation Office.  Samoan Joe, Safety Training Officer from Black Construction; Tony Shioli and Patrick Rivera from NAVFAC.; Terry Badley from AMPRO Safety; Chris Pantino from CMS.  There were more people coming in who I didn't know.  But we all had one thing in common: we were there for Safety. 

At my table, I met Mila from Westin, Leah and Fred from Outrigger.  There was one more but I have already forgotten his name.  I'll find out tomorrow.  We talked a bit just before they opened the conference.  They attended the Intro to OSHA Course.  I was there to observe the speaker from Region IX.  After the morning's opening conference, it was time to head downstairs for lunch.   

I know most of the topics that I'm attending today and tomorrow.  I didn't realize I knew the topics until I saw the Conference Itinerary this morning.  Now, I'm just there to network and observe the other trainers for those courses.  The Safety Professional Development will be interesting.  I'm looking forward to that class on Friday. 

Being at the Safety Conference is like being around the "Who's Who in Guam's Safety Industry".   My time is well invested.  None of my training group was able to attend the safety conference.  Hopefully, I'll see them at the open house on Friday. 


Monday, May 23, 2011

Special Relaxing Day.

Today was a great day.  I had planned my day out to do certain things.  But for some reason, it rained.  Which I am grateful for.  My fruit trees need the rain.  Unfortunately, I could not do what I planned.  Everytime it stopped raining.  I would get ready to go out.  As soon as I stepped on the backporch.  It would rain.  So I went back to the computer to wait it out.  When the rain stopped again.  I got up to go out.  Before I made it to the back steps.  It rained again.  Back to the computer, I went.

It was like someone was on the roof with a water hose waiting for me to come out.  Then he would turn on the water hose to dowse the whole area as soon as I stepped on the backporch. 

So I did what most anyone would do while it rained in this age.  I went online.  I read the birthday greetings from friends near and far on facebook.  Then it was time to read emails.  That's when I got word from GTTP that my requests to attend the safety courses at GCA's Annual Safety Conference was approved.  Browsing the DIY, food recipe videos on Youtube took up a lot of my time.  Before I knew it, it was 1600 in the afternoon. 

It was time to feed the animals.  And wouldn't you know it.  It stopped raining.  Just long enough for me to feed the animals on the ranch.  As soon as I finished, it rained again. 

I received a special message from Rhoda greeting me a Happy Birthday.  Larraine and Frenz also sent their greetings.  Hopefully, the internet connection will be repaired tomorrow.  So we'll be able to chat via cam again. 

It was a special relaxing day even with the rain. 


Another Year Conquered, A New Year of Awesome Adventure. .

Well it's been a fun year, lots of Blessings and Challenges. 

This time last year started with lots of Blessings to my family.  Rhoda had graduated from her Nursing College.  Larraine's left arm was healed faster than what the doctor proclaimed.  We added a new addition to our family.  My son, Raphael Frenz (Frenfren or Prenpren) joined us a month prior, at 7 months old.  I started a new project with the company I was working with back then. 

I watched my family grow from across the Philippine Sea via webcam.  It was joy to see my Larraine and Frenz play together or alone, even though I'm not there.  Chatting with my Rhoda, nightly if possible.  Technology has truly made our separation bearable.  Hopefully, it will bring us together again soon.  Chatting with both my kids brings excitement and wonder to me...seeing them grow in maturity.  Watching the cast on Larraine's arm when she first got it, and then when it was cut off.  Seeing Frenz crawling around the bedroom before and a couple of months later, he's jumping off the bed and doing handstands with his sister. 

I watched from a distance seeing Rhoda wonderfully mother our children.  Being both mother and father to them.  Teaching them, telling them stories, and playing with them while I watched via cam.  I know it'll be better once we're together complete as a family. 

Things were great.  The ranch was doing okay.  Did some changes, added more rabbits and sold some goats.  We had an abundance of mangoes, siniguellas, and bananas last year.  In fact, I still have mangoes from last season frozen solid in the freezer. 

In October I was accepted into a training program on a scholarship with Guam Transportation Training Program administered by the Galaide Group for the Department of Public Works.   It's a federal program.  I was placed in cycle 3.  I was going to finally get my credentials as an Electrician Journeyman at the Guam Contractor's Association's Trade Academy. 

That same month I resigned from the company that I worked for back then.  I did not agree with the boss/owner of the company on labor and safety issues.  He was all mouth and no substance. 

I talked with GCA TA's registar, who was also my classmate in some core classes.  She approved me to go full-time.  I was hitting 3 courses a week: M/W, T/Th, and Sat.  I was still focused on getting my electrician credentials.  Until my first Safety Class with Samoan Joe in Safety Technology in December.  Before then a lot of instructors were encouraging me to do a career change from electrical to safety.  That first Saturday Class with Samoan Joe, I realized I needed to make a change.  So I did.  That same month, I attended my first OSHA class, OSHA 511 General Industry Standards with Terry Badley.  I was on my way to becoming a Safety Technician. 

I finished Safety Technology in January, moved right into Field Safety.  I was able to pick up some courses with OSH Solutions a safety training company: Electrical Workshop.  I picked up OSHA 30 hours in Construction Standards that same month.  I also jumped into the Instructors Craft Training Program for NCCER, completing that to become an instructor for the GCA Trades Academy. 

Each month, I attended, soaked up, and completed a safety course.  Some courses were with GCA Trades Academy, OSH Solutions, or Chabot Las Pacitas Community College District via GCA Trades.  Whatever was available I jumped at aggressively. 

Last month, I competed my last training course.  Now, it's just OSHA electives.  They're minor courses but more in-depth.  It's also complimenting that a lot of Safety Students with GCA Trades Academy, approach me and asking me "How I did it".  Now, I'm helping them to get ahead of the "Undecided" students. 

I am now working.  I have two clients: GCA Trades Academy and OSH Solutions.  Yes, I am an instructor for both of them.  I am also working to become an instructor for Chabot Las Pacitas Community College District/OSHA Training Institute.  I'm already an Authorized Trainer for OSHA for the 10 and 30 hour courses in General Industry and Construction.  I'm going after the bigger OSHA Courses...OSHA 510 and 511 courses. 

Everything is great.  I overcame a lot of challenges this past year.  Learned valuable lessons on each one.  I wouldn't have been able to conquer each challenge without God guiding me.  The numerous prayers and prayer requests.  My wife, Rhoda's supports, and encouragements. 

Lesson Learned for this past year:  Keep my Faith in God, Be Thankful for both Blessings and Challenges, and Love my wife and children. 

For this next year, I'm looking forward to more Safety Courses to teach, a much earned vacation with my family in September and December, and watching and helping the Ministry Grow. 


Saturday, May 21, 2011

New Tire and Two More to Go.

I finally got the tire replaced for the car this afternoon.  I still need to get another tire for the left rear and and a new casing for the spare.  One at time for the next month.  The last place I called had the tire size I needed.  I knew I should have called them first. 

Over the next couple of  days since I'm not teaching yet.  I'll be working on the ranch getting my new rabbit cages up.  I have two other pregnant does that need their own nursery pens.  My nursery pen have to be pest and snake proofed.  That helps keep the new born kits safe.  I currently have 10 kits.  The first litter is about a month old.  The new litter is going on three days.  At the rate my rabbitry is going.  We're going to have lots of rabbits. 


I have one tire replaced. Two more to go.

Friday, May 20, 2011

After doing some research on the matter, I've decided to support Commonwealth for Guam. The people already voted for it. But yet some groups are pushing for Independence and Free Association. Why is that?

Judgement Day: May 21, 2011...or...2012...2015???

First it was Y2K in the last decade.  Now, it's tomorrow May 21, 2011.  This guy, Harold Camping,  is saying that it'll be at 1800 hours.  An earthquake will start at the International Dateline and travel around the world causing massive destruction.  What time zone is that going to start in, GMT, Eastern, Central Pacific, Hawaii, Chamorro...?

I've read a lot of messages, emails, posts, about this event.  Camping is using mathematical equations to determine the "Judgement Day", based on Noah's Ark landfall. 

The Holy Bible States in the Book of Matthew (I'm using the NIV translation);

Matthew 24:36 [ The Day and Hour Unknown ] “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

In the Book of Mark it states;

Mark 13:32  [ The Day and Hour Unknown ] “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father

Then there is the Mayan Calendar which believes the world will end on December 23, 2012. Then you have the Messianic Christians who claim it's Sabbatical year, 2015.  They give the date September 29, 2015 to be exact. 

All these End of Times prophesies have been going on since Jesus Christ ascended to heaven.  I'm not going to worry about it.  I'm going to live my life as much as possible to the Christian Lifestyle standard that I can, and leave it at that.  No one knows the day or the hour.  God will call us home when it is our time. 

What happens when Camping wakes up Sunday morning in his RV?  Is he and many of his followers going to think that they were Left Behind?
I'll let you all know what happens here on the island.   Since We're "Where America's Day Begins".  I'll post what happens at 1800 Chamorro Standard Time (GMT +10). 


Cleaning Ranch Equipment and Barn Shack.

Cleaned up my barn shack yesterday.  Pulled out my ranch equipment and washed it all down.  Most of the equipment were dusty and not caked in clay.  Which was good, it made washing it all down easier.   I aired up all the pneumatic tires from the the dolly to the rear-end tiller.  Now, I can use the material handlers to their load capacity. 

All the paint buckets that I picked up from Sis. Krystal's will be made into Earth Boxes.  They can nest into each other which makes it really easy to use.  That will get me ready for the next planting season. 

I collected the rabbit manure from the catch area below the rabbit pens and put it in the compost bin.  Nice, Black Gold.  Gonna use that to fertilize my fruit trees and vegetables.  I separated that buck and placed him in his own cage.  Now I have 3 bucks  Only 2 bucks are needed for my rabbitry.  I may have to cook up one of the extra bucks.  I'll wait until I get 2 more to cull from these 2 new litters.  The white doe is pregnant.  She was growling and snapping at me yesterday.  She bit me while I was trying to remove the buck in their pen.  She's blessed she's pregnant.  Or she'd be stew last night. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

That doe I was supposed to cull, gave birth to 4 new born kits. Looks like were keeping her. She must've over heard me talking to Duchess, my ranch dog.

Eight Students surpass bad apple.

Today was the last class day for my CME group for Pohnpei island.  They'll be done with their Core classes in a couple of weeks.  8 out of 9 students passed my class.  I learned that the one student who didn't show up to take the Written and Performance Test is being sent home, a drug related case. 

What a disappointment.  I was hoping for a 100% passing and graduation rate.  However, I'm not going to let one person make the rest of the group of students look bad. 

These guys were very respectful and wanted to learn.  There are some with comprehension issues. But that can be overcome. 

During the performance test, I didn't just observe the students using the hand tools and power tools to perform the task for their test.  I observed how they interacted with each other.  These guys took the time to help each other pass.  They didn't have too.  I also didn't say they couldn't help each other.  But they did.  Those who were experienced with the circular saw and jigsaw...coached their peers on how to use it correctly.  I was supposed to show them first.  But decided not to.  I wanted to see if the experienced student will step up and show their peers.  And, they did.   

One student would have failed the power tools test because he wasn't wearing his safety glasses.  I observed and waited.  His classmate yelled for him to stop and signaled for him to put on his safety glasses.  I just smiled at the correction.  That student would have failed if his classmate didn't intervene. 

That's what we are teaching here at the GCA Trades Academy, Safety First; Safety over Production, Time, and Money. 

I'm proud of these students.  They wanted to learn.  They're here to learn a valuable skill.  I know I'll see them around the construction sites in the future.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Class Room Challenges

This past week, I was in the classroom for 6 days straight.  I was either teaching or being taught.  The exhaustion is unbelievable.  It's not physical exhaustion...It's mental.   I don't remember being this tired after a training. 

I mentioned to a colleague that it is a lot easier teaching military soldiers and youth, then it is to teach adult civilians.  I've been a trainer for years.  Yet, you would think this would get easier.  It's not. 

I enjoy it though.  I like seeing the faces of my students light up when they do something they've never done before and do it correctly.  Learning new presenters technique is fun as I observe other instructors conduct their presentations.   Having that feeling of accomplishment when a student passes their test means I did my job in relaying the information to them. 

That feeling was not good when anyone of my students failed a written test.  Doubts, insecurity, and failure creep into my very being.  Blame soon comes after.  It's getting up from that initial onslaught and reflecting on the process of my presentation.  Reflection and self-evaluation helps pinpointing the root cause.  Similar to conducting an Accident Investigation, We're not to assign blame but find the root cause of "Why" it happened. 

The root cause was communication.  The students heard my presentation.  They understood it.  But when it came time to do the test.  They didn't comprehend the test questions as written.  Finding a way to bridge that issue, especially with different ethnic groups was a challenge.  Rewording the test questions to their understanding was a major challenge.  In the end it worked and they passed. 


Giant Concrete Oven.

This time of the year, every year during the evening through the early morning hours, it is hot in my house.  It is like working around an oven throughout the day.  The radiant heat is still coming from the walls and roof.  Around 0200, it will start cooling off.  I really need to invest in air conditioning split units to help cool down the house, at night.  So we all can sleep comfortably.  The only thing wrong with having an AC.  It prevents me from hearing what is going on outside.

It is really uncomfortable trying to sleep.  Even though it has been raining throughout most of the dry season.  You would think that it would be a lot cooler. Not really. 

I know there are mitigation to keep the house cool other than air conditioning units.  I'll have to research more. 


Friday, May 13, 2011

Slaughter House Feasibility Seminar

I attended the Slaughter House Feasibility Seminar on Tuesday this week.  As always, I've arrived early, met Mark in the hall, and walked into the classroom and met Jim, the presenter.  We talked for awhile until the rest of the attendees arrived.  It was a small group of 4, but peaked up to 15 through the course of the seminar, 

One of the attendees, gave me a really bad impression of him, his agenda, and whatever group his forming.  I've been attending these Agriculture Workshops and networking with all the different farmers to bring everyone together.  We have the Farmer's Co-op doing their part in helping with that.  However, this guy just really rubbed me the wrong way.  He wanted a Hog-only Slaughter Facility to be build and nothing else.  I do understand the concept that pigs are a cash "crop". 

He didn't care about other ranchers who are raising goats, cattle, or other species of livestock.  There are a lot of ranchers that diversify their operations.  And shutting off a majority of them because he wants a Hog-Only slaughter facility doesn't make sense. 

That Tuesday, I decided right there in that classroom at the university,  I will push to get the Guahan Ranchers Co-Operative registered and incorporated as a non-profit organization in the next couple of months.  It's smart for ranchers to diversify their operations.  And, we're not going to be a one species only co-operative.  We will be open to everyone. 

It's amazing during the course of the seminar.  This Hog-only individual would open his mouth, only to eat his shoe.  He thought it would be easy to build and start-up a Slaughter House Facility.  I laughed quietly to myself when the presenter informed him that he would have to follow USDA regulations before that happens.  He didn't know that or he was misinformed. 

Research...Research...Research...when you think you are done...Research, so more.  Name dropping doesn't help when  you don't know what you're talking about. 

That's why you attend as many seminars as you can, not just the ones that interests you.  So you learn about the regulations, and network with the people that you'll need help from. 

Anyway, the seminar was good.  There could have been better numbers presented.  But officials on Guam, don't keep statistics data as well as they should.  The co-operative can do that.  When we're up and running. 

I really liked the idea of a floating slaughter house facility that travels between the islands providing that service. 



Monday, May 9, 2011

Our Wedding Anniversary: 3 Years Accomplished and Forever More to Go!

Today is the 3rd Wedding Anniversary for Rhoda and me.  I am so Blessed to have Rhoda as my wife, my partner, my bestfriend.  We're completing our 3rd year already.  Wow, time flies when you really are having fun.

Our hon
eymoon adventure depicts the rapids we had to conquer to get this far.  But we both know there are more rapids out there.  Together, we will ride through each and every one of them,  Especially with God guiding us on our journey.


I Love You with all My Heart! ",



Home Depot Field Trip

Today, I took my Hand/Power Tools  --  GCA Trades class to Home Depot for a field trip.  We met a little after 0900 and did our admin stuff next to the food vendor outside, underneath the canopy.  All nine of my students showed up.  I'm glad to, because I thought one or two would have decided not to attend the Field Trip. 

Once inside we made our way to the Klein Tools display shelf.  This was for the electrician and HVAC students in the group.  We looked at the different lineman pliers, diagonal cutters, adjustable pliers, and electronic meters.  The prices were on the high end.  But I explained that is what you pay for in quality.  So you actually get what you pay for. 

At the hand tools section, the guys had an opportunity to look at the different and many kinds of laser levels, traditional levels, saws, hammers, chisels, etc.  They didn't realize how many different types of hand tools are out there in the market. I emphasized to buy American tools because of the warranty, quality, and durability.  Most of them were probably making their wish list for their particular skills, especially the carpenters. 

Some stated that the tools here are cheaper than from their island of Pohnpei.  I stated that was because of the shipping and handling. But since they are already here.  Invest in the tools here and ship it back home when you are ready to go back. 

It took us almost 2 and a half hours to hit all the hand tools.  I'm sure I missed some but Home Depot is a huge store.  On Wednesday, we go back to hit the Power tools side of our Field Trip. 


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Gas Prices on Guam!

Gas Prices on the island of Guam.  Surgical Teams are now located at each participating gas station.  

Baby Rabbits

Here are pics of the new kits, about two weeks old.   I'm using an old USPS plastic box as a nesting box, shredded paper for nesting materials, and a 2x4 locked in place with a concrete block to keep the kits in the nest.  It'll be awhile before can tell the genders.  The pic above is from last week.  The nest box is no longer in there.  The kits are moving around on the wire. 

Amazing how much trash the problem neighbor dumps on my road. Feel bad for the grass cutting crew that has to clean it up, today. 4 bags of trash, a metal screen, a broken bike, and lots of loose trash. It's time to invest in rock salt and swap out my shots.