Tuesday, January 31, 2012

To switch or not to switch?

In over a month, my contract with my mobile provider is going to end.  This experience has been bitter sweet.  As the time comes up to either renew or switch, it puts me at the crossroad.  I thought signing up with this company would be great.  However, the constant drop calls especially when I call long distance is really annoying.  I get better service through Skype or Yahoo Messenger.  Now that's bad when you compare those internet services with my mobile service. 

One of the biggest issues on island is the bad customer service we get from these companies.  I would like to switch over to Company D...but their customer service really sucks.  Then there is Company I, their customer service is not that great either but their mobile service is better than what I have.  The former gov't company is also not a great move to go too.  Customer service was great when they first privatized but lately...they suck as well.  The company I am currently with has good mobile service on the island...but long distance service is just not there.  Their customer service is also questionable, depending who sees me when I walk in the room. 

So I have just over a month to decide.  Stay or Go. 

Keep Smiling

Monday, January 30, 2012

13 Rules for Gun Enthusiasts.

I bumped into this on the web.  Thought it was interesting.  Most, if not all, are true. 

1. Guns have only two enemies rust and politicians.

2. It’s always better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

3. Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not you.

4. Never let someone or something that threatens you get inside arms length.

5. Never say, “I’ve got a gun.” If you need to use deadly force, the first sound they hear should be the safety clicking off.

6. The average response time of a 911 call is 23 minutes; the response time of a .357 is 1400 feet per second.

7. The most important rule in a gunfight is: Always win – cheat if necessary.

8. Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets . . . You may get killed with your own gun, but he’ll have to beat you to death with it, because it’ll be empty.

9. If you’re in a gunfight:

- If you’re not shooting, you should be loading.

-  If you’re not loading, you should be moving.

-  If you’re not moving, you’re dead.

10. In a life and death situation, do something . . . It may be wrong, but do something!

11. If you carry a gun, people call you paranoid. Nonsense! If you have a gun, what do you have to be paranoid about?

12. You can say ‘stop’ or ‘alto’ or any other word, but a large bore muzzle pointed at someone’s head is pretty much a universal language.

13. You cannot save the planet, but you may be able to save yourself and your family.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ayuyu -- Coconut Crab.

Check out Guahan's largest spider! 

No, that's an Ayuyu...also known as a Coconut Crab.  My mom and step-dad caught this really nice ayuyu in the barn shack this morning.  Since they can't eat it.  I claimed it for mine.  LOL...  We, mainly me, will raise it up until it's bigger.  I have a nice strong bird cage to put this crab in tomorrow.  It's in my kennel at the moment.  Which is not strong enough to hold it.  Need to make a very strong cage.  These crabs are smart, strong, and know how to get out of weak cages. 

Since one was caught in the barn shack.  I'm going to have to put out coconut traps in the next couple of days to draw out more ayuyu.  They are one of many Chamorro Delicacies.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Completed the OSHA 500 Trainer Course, Celebrated with an Earthquake.

I was back in the classroom again this week, not as an instructor, but as a student.  I was taking the OSHA 500 Trainer Course for Construction Industry.  This time with UC San Diego.  The instructor from Hawaii shared a lot of information on both the technical side of safety and teaching.  I learned a lot in this course.  Even the students from various companies on island were very knowledgeable in their respective industry and shared a lot of experiences that they encountered in the field. 

I was assigned to teach Motor Vehicles and Equipment, Subpart O, 29 CFR 1926.600.  This is a subpart of OSHA's Construction Standard.  I know this topic well.  It's long, normally 2 plus hours long.  I was given 45 minutes to 1 hour to teach it.  My presentation time was 1st presenter after lunch on Day 2 of the course, which didn't give me a lot of time to prep: personalize the slide, research if the information on the slides were correct, and check for updates.  I did my best using my slide presentation from my OSHA 30 Hour Construction Course.  I added some information that was not in there.  Updated new information, deleted old ones, added new local pictures (which was a hit with the instructor and students), and changed the background and lettering.  With the time I had to prep, I did pretty good. 

Going into my presentation after lunch the next day, I was not planning nor did I want to score high.  The scoring was anything above 50 was passing with a high score of 75.  My goal that day was to pass.  I did not want to go over my allotted time.  So I did not add videos and demos.  I took out the Pile Driving and Marine Operations sub topics from my topic.   I did add my local safety violation pictures that everyone enjoyed.  One of my co-instructors at OSH Solutions commented that I did really good.  I was just clicking the power point slides, not looking at them much, and just talking about each one.  After my presentation, a lot of my peer evals were in the high side...atta boys, good job, knows what I'm doing, etc.  Kudos from a safety manager with a large company on island, in our class this week.  But the evaluation I was looking forward to seeing was the instructor's evaluation.  I scored majority down the middle of the road with 2 high marks.  I was happy with that.  The presenters in Day 3 and 4 have to do better, now that they've seen the presenters from Day 2.  Which is in my opinion harder because you have to add more instruction based on Visual, Auditory, and Kinetic theory, and to top it off keep it all in their allotted time limit.  I learned from the students in my OSHA 501 class last year.  I did well on the written exam only missing two questions.  It's okay. 

Our surprise for passing the course.  We get a 5.2 Earthquake to celebrate our passing and completion of the OSHA 500.  It was a long one about 10 to 12 seconds.  Thought it was a big rig passing by the building on the backside.  The side to side rumbling told me  otherwise.  Just when I thought it was getting stronger, the shaking started to dissipate.  That was a fun ride...need more of them to wake up the island. 


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cutting Firewood.

I finally cut up that felled Kaimito tree this afternoon.  I've been really busy with Safety Trainings and other things the last couple of weeks since it feel during that rain storm.  I also wanted to make sure it dried out completely before I cut to pieces. 

Yesterday, I was servicing my 14 inch Poulan Wood Shark Chainsaw.  Due to the pulling mechanism freezing up and the chain needs adjusting.  I did what I could and stored it on the side.  Today, I took out my brand new 18 inch Poulan Chainsaw.  I did the necessary servicing to start it up.  Tuned it a bit to let it run, just a bit rich.  Once it was humming nicely, I went to the backyard to cut up that felled tree. 

I didn't realize how heavy the 18 was compared to the 14.  My shoulders were burning.  But I got the job done.  After all the branches and trunk was cut to size.  I took my machete and started trimming up the cut branches.  Cleaning the excess small branches on them, the twigs. 

During the cutting, I noticed that the trunk was still wet and sappy.  It was no longer connected to the roots.  The trunk itself had completely broken off from the base of the trunk.  But it was still wet.  At least the sap didn't gum up my new chainsaw.  I'll have to bring that chainsaw into the house from inside my barn shack for security. 

I'm going to let the cut wood and let it dry out more for a couple more days.  Then I'll come back and cut them again to proper size for the bbq pit.  I

I was so engrossed in the activity.  That I lost track of time.  It was past 1800.  When I had complete finished the task at hand. 

Just came in. Was busy this afternoon cutting a felled tree into firewood.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Great Week for Safety.

This has been a great week.  I am thankful for the rain and the sun...both are good for my ranch.  I enjoyed the cool nights and wet mornings.  Towards the end of the week, it got nice and warm.  It's great. 

I just came off conducting an OSHA 30 hour General Industry Hazard Recognition Course at OSH Solutions.  We had some great students who attended.  The interaction was awesome...lots of questions from the students kept me on my best.   And, I answered all of them going back to the OSHA standard and from personal experiences.  The students passed with flying colors.  I am sure they will take the information with them and apply it with their companies to have a great safety culture. 

Had my doctor's appointment with the VA and USNH on Thursday morning regarding my left hand.  I have Severe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  It looks like I'm going to go for the surgery to correct the numbness that I'm having with my finger tips.  I'm being referred to Dr. Landstrom's Clinic for them to do the surgery.  He's one of the best doctors on island for hand surgeries. 

Later that day, after my appointment.  I met with Frank and Chuck, both work with Primo Al, in Program Management.  Their company is moving into Construction.  So I went down to help them understand some aspects of Construction Safety.  During our discussions, I clarified some training courses that will be needed for them in regards to military contracts.  Meeting was great and productive.  Have some things to email to Frank by Monday to help the company move forward.  This is a great opportunity to work with Primo Al, Frank, and Chuck. 

Things are looking great for OSH Solutions this year.  Partnering with them last year has been a blessing.  I really appreciate Ann Marie for giving me the chance to become one of her independent instructors under OSH Solutions.  I've had so much instruction time in front of so many students.  Since I started teaching Safety in March 2011.  It's going to be a year soon.  I'm really glad for the opportunity.  I know Rhoda shares my thoughts on this as well.  I'm looking towards OSH Solutions trainings and expansion this year.  We're going to be picking up a major contract this year. 

This morning, I saw a really good friend of mine on Marine Corps Drive (Rt. 1).  She is a Site Safety for her construction company, Hawaiian Rock Products Inc..  They were doing the road repairs, from the Air Force's water break line a couple of weeks ago, this morning.  I saw Cathy slowly walking around the Traffic Work Zone, keeping an eye for any safety violations.  The Work Zone looked really good.  Her crew did a great job.  Safety is First and I'm glad that she's doing a great job with her company.  Hope to see her in Safety Class again in the future. 

This afternoon, I was working to do maintenance service on my Poulan Chainsaw.  I'm not done with servicing it.  I'm going to have to take it apart sometime this week and get it done properly.  I'll just use my new Poulan Chainsaw to cut that tree into firewood. 

Also, still working on my 2012 Goals and Ranch Projects Goals.  Both are taking longer than I anticipated.  I'll post them here as soon as I am done writing them up. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

My daughter asked me for my password, so she can check to make sure that there are no other girls in my life. She wants her mommy to be the only girl. I assured her that her mommy is the only lady in my life. lol...aiii my neni girl. :)

Ranch: Mowed Trailways.

Been bush cutting the grass on the ranch, since morning.  It was a cool day, today,  It was breezy so it wasn't that hot outside.  It did sprinkle a little here and there.  Other than that, it was sunny.  I did as much as I could today before the sun came down.  After church tomorrow morning, I'll switch out the string attachment and put on the blade to cut the thicker brush and grass.  It shouldn't take more than an hour, maybe two to get all the bush cutting done. 

There are seven trees that I plan to fell this next week.  I want to at least fell two tomorrow after morning celebration.  Then one tree a day, thereafter.  That will help open up those areas to allow sun light to get to the ground. 

Once that's done, I'll get my seeds in the ground.  Still have lots to do before that even happens. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Inifresi (Offering - Chamoru pledge)

Inifresi (Offering - Chamoru pledge)


Ginen i mÃ¥s takhilo’ gi hinasso-ku

I mås takhalom gi kurason-hu,

Yan i mas figo’ na nina’siña-hu,

Hu ufresen maisa yu’

Para bai prutehi yan hu difende






Ni’ irensiÃ¥-ku direchu ginen as Yu’os TÃ¥ta,

Este hu afitma gi hilo’ I Bipblia yan I BanderÃ¥-hu,

-I Banderan Guåhan.


...In English...

From the inner-most recesses of my mind,

From deep within my heart,

And with all my might,

This I offer.

To protect and defend

The Beliefs

The Culture

The Language

The Air

The Water and The Land of the Chamoru.

My heritage come directly from God,

This I affirm on the Bible and my Flag

- The Flag of Guahan

On lunch break...did a lot of cutting this morning...I need a new goat herd to take care of all that nice green grass in the ranch, instead of mowing it down. Miss drinking raw milk too...definitely need to get new goat herd soon.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Boys Okay. Alvin and Patrick are Alive!

I posted a blog earlier regarding two of Larraine's classmates and friends, Alvin and Patrick.  Both boys are okay and well.  They reported to school on Monday morning.  Larraine is happy her friends are there in class.  I'm glad too.  Hearing of their loss was hard. 

The family reported them missing and for some reason.  That missing report turned to reported dead.  So the news spread from family to school.  Anyway...I am glad that they are okay. 

On a sad note:  One of Larraine's classmate is still missing, a girl.  I forgot to get her name.  But please continue to pray that the missing will return or be found. 

Proctoring a Safety Exam tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Blacked Out this Morning.

It happened again.  It's been a long time since the last time it happened. 

I was driving, dropping off my step-dad to work this morning.  He works at the Senior Center here in Yigo, down at the village proper.  I was on Gayinero Drive heading down the hill.  I remember passing the entrance to Takano Subdivision.  After that, I don't remember anything, until I heard my step-dad say, "Whoa...whoa."  I had passed the bus stop in front of the center and immediately pulled into the next road into the driveway by the basketball court. 

Right now, I'm trying to recollect what happened.  My mind is a total blank between Takano and the bus stop. 

This is not the first time.  And, I know it's not going to be the last.  But, I thought I had beaten this and put it behind me.  I thought I had gotten better. 

It looks like I'm going to have to make an appointment to see my therapist or psychiatrist at the VA Clinic real soon. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Nursing a fever and chills from getting caught in the rain this morning. Hoping this is just a 24 hour bug. Claiming my healing.

Community Supported Agriculture OR Traditional.

Been debating for a long while now, If I should go in regards to my ranch, community supported or stay traditional.  I have weighed the pros and cons of both.  My family has done traditional farming/ranching since my grandfather started this ranch in the 60's and worked it until the late 80's. 

At the moment, it's just me working this "family" ranch.  I don't have much help working a traditional ranch setting.  It's basically just me.  Should I go to the CSA setting or module.  I can get some help from the members as part of their membership. 

I've been researching on the CSA concept that is being done in the US mainland.  I like the way it sounds.   But will it work out here for me.  I will not know until I try it out. 

We'll see, huh. 

It's 0040 hours.  I'll need to sleep on this for now. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Larraine lost two of her classmates to the Sendong Flood.

Just learned that my daughter, Larraine, lost two of her classmates/friends, Patrick and Alvin, to the flood.  The last time she saw them was at their classroom Christmas party on December 16, 2011.  The flood was that evening.

Larraine is out sick, from the first day back to school, today because of a fever.  Her uncle went to her classroom to notify the teacher of Larraine's absence.  That is when the teacher notified Larraine's uncle of the loss of the students.  The news was relayed back to Larraine and Rhoda.  At the moment, Larraine is sad for the loss of her friends. 

Thank you Patrick and Alvin for being Larraine's friends. 

My condolences to Patrick and Alvin's families. 

UPDATE:  Both boys found.  Praise the Lord. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rhoda and Frenz at church celebration.

As told to me by Rhoda;

Frenz is playing in the church. 

Rhoda tells him to behave and reprimands him.

Frenz knows he going to get in trouble, tells his mommy to behave. 

I'm laughing on the other side of my phone call. 

Rhoda tells me that I have to come home to take care of my boy.  Frenz's knows that I don't tolerate that and he behaves when I'm there. 

I'm still laughing.  My boy is pikaru. (similar to rascal)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Brainstorming new goals for 2012

I'm still working on my new goals for 2012.  I want to make sure that my goals for this year are achievable.  Looking back on my 2011 goals, I'm still surprised by how much I've accomplished.  It feels good to see on paper what I've accomplished and exceeding many of the goals. 

Brainstorming is easy.  You just write down anything that comes to mind, when it comes to goal making.  In my previous blog posts, I mentioned I have 5 areas or categories that are the foundations of me.  I'm currently brainstorming four of the five categories.  The Hobby category is from last year, 2011 goals.  I'm just going to move that up from last year to this year and maybe tweak it a bit for this year and maybe make it more achievable.  The other categories, I'm going to make some goal steps more challenging.  I'll be adding some new goals to the Spiritual Faith category and bring back the goal step that I didn't achieve.  In the family category, I'll probably raise the goals to make it more challenging.  Same with the Career Categories.  My Health Category may be the hardest for now.  That I'm going to have to plan out.  I'm looking at more physical goals for that category.  All in all, it's not that hard.  I've been doing this for years since the early 80's. 

I was able to talk to Rhoda and kids the last couple of days.  It feels good to hear all their voices.  Talked to my mother-in-law for a few minutes one night.  Larraine and Frenz are happy to be back at the family compound.  Rhoda tells me that Frenz gets up at 0600 and goes next door to his siblings house to play by the river.  He even goes to other homes of relatives to play.  I'm not worried about him going about the neighborhood there.  That's all family on his grandmother's side. 

Larraine also goes around to her cousins to play around the neighborhood.  But she usually is with her Auntie Rizza.  I'm glad Larraine is busy when she goes back to the province for vacation.  It's so funny...When we went back to Butuan for Frenz dedication.  Rhoda and I didn't see our kids for a couple of days.  They only came to us when they needed something.  Other than that, they were outside with their siblings and cousins.  When we wanted to see them.  We had to go outside and find them.  I enjoy my trips to the family compound in the province.  It's really peaceful.