Saturday, March 12, 2011

WHAT IF, the Tusnami Actually Hit and Destroyed our Port on Guam?

What if?  Have any of you actually thought of that?  Yesterday, our island was placed on Tsunami Warning after Japan was hit by a big one, following an 8.9 earthquake.  The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center via the media predicted that Guam will be hit by a Tsunami at 7:09 pm. 

Like many on the island, I waited.  Many of us cracked jokes on facebook, as a way to relieve tension.  Yet, we waited.  Many people in the lower areas, actually waited until the last couple of minutes to evacuate.  Cars on Chalan San Vitores in Lower Tumon was a parking lot.  I would have just parked my car and started walking up to Upper Tumon.  Just Saying...  Some people were actually on the beach along Tumon Bay taking pictures or waiting to see the Tsunami.  My sister, Marissa, sent a message on her page on facebook, telling us that their now leaving Hagatna at 7 pm.   I think that was cutting it close.

Let's imagine what if, for a moment. 

What if, the Tsunami actually hit our island last night and devastated the low lying areas.  I'm not talking about a ripple that hit Hawaii this morning.  But a full fledged Tsunami towering in at 7 meters.  Everything from Pati Point to Malesso would have been wiped out.  Hotels would be seriously damaged.  All those people taking pictures along the shorelines would be missing.  As well as the drivers stuck in traffic on Chalan San Vitores.  Our only port would probably have extensive damages.  We would be without power and sewage utilities.  Since they are located along western shorelines. 

What about our phone lines.  AT&T under sea lines are at Tanguisson beach.  Their just up the road from the beach.  Would they be safe and survive the impact?  Our fuel tanks would have been extensively damaged. 

With all those damages.  What happens to us on this island.  We'd have no power.  No water, since our water pumps run on electricity and fuel.  We will have a major issue with raw sewage.  Meaning we would be without fuel for our vehicles in a matter of days.  Food at all the grocery stores will be wiped out.  Shelves will be bare in days. 

Will you be able to survive? 

A lot of people say that Guamanians are resilient.  We've been through so many natural disasters and come back fighting.  But with this scenario of What If...Will you and your family make it? 

I know a group of people that will.  I know I'm part of that group.  We'd move forward even with limitations.  We, like the rest, of the island, will be inconvenienced for awhile.  Having no gas to get around, or, limiting our travel to high priority events.   This special group of people have something in common.  They're a special group of people that enjoy living this lifestyle. 

They are agrarians; Our local farmers. ranchers, hunters, and fishermen.  

Something for y'all to think about. 

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