Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Are Libyan Rebels connected to Al Qaeda?

Been browsing the European News...  It's not being reported with US MSM, yet.  I wonder how come our Intel, did not catch this before we started bombing Libya?  According to several news sites, the same rebels that we're helping in Libya.  Are the same Al Qaeda insurgents were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

I don't get it...They're our enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan.  And, now they're our allies in Libya.  Something is not right with this picture.  If this turns out to be true, Someone has a lot of explaining to do. 

Was able to cut some thick brush in the North Paddock before it rained. I really need to get my barbed wire and electric fence up soon. So I can get some pedigreed Boer/Kiko Goats.

Getting information from a bank on the US mainland while on Guahan is similar to looking for a needle in a haystack. Frustrated doesn't come close to what I feel. Have to regroup.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Two Funny Incidents Today.

This morning while heading to the Trades Academy.  As I passed the Yigo Firestation.  I noticed that Guahan's Finest, were out across the street along jogger's lane taking pictures of the winners of their lotto.  As I was watching, the police officer in the street signaled a SUV to pull over into jogger's lane.  I watched as the driver got really mad and hit his steering wheel.  I just started laughing.  I mean why get mad, if you won the GPD Lotto?  You deserve the win.  I think it's the part of getting caught that they're mad about. 

This afternoon, I stopped by the Barrigada Post Office Facility to check the mail.  I had to pick up slips for packages.  I walked into the customer service area and met up with Sis. Priscilla. Looking at the line and the time.  I mentioned to her that I would wait at the parcel pickup window.  It was only 20 minutes before they opened the window.  A couple of people with yellow parcel slips overheard our conversation and gave me that attan baba look.  I guess they thought I was going to wait long. 

At the parcel pick-up window, I sorted through my mail, sorting out, what was mine and rest of the family.  I looked back at the customer service area and this guy in uniform was shaking his head at me.  I just smiled.  Next thing, I know the roll-up gate opened.  Fred, one of the postal CS clerks helped me out.  When I turned around, almost everyone with yellow slips who were in the customer service area was standing behind me, even the guy in uniform.   I was laughing when I walked away with my package. 


Battlefield L.A.

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Battlefield L.A. seemed to be a hybrid film between War of the Worlds and Saving Private Ryan.

Wait for it on DVD.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blessed Week, Last Week.

EM 385-1-1 done, One more to go.

Last week, Monday started off with me attending the US Army Corps of Engineers EM 385-1-1, 40-hour Safety Course at the Fiesta Resort.  It was a fun, information filled, safety course.  Many of the trainers, I've met before.  Also met lots of new safety trainers, who are working to get their trainer certification during the course. 

We had lots of fresh bread and fruits for our snacks.  I even skipped eating breakfast at home to eat a fruit breakfast at the course.  The hotel served different types of teas.  The tea on Tuesday was the best.  It had a nice lemony flavor to it...not to strong, just right.  The lunch during the safety course was awesome.  Everyday, we had different types of main dishes.  I never ate rice there during lunch.  Mostly veggies and whatever main course meats they were serving.  I usually went for the fish.  Thursday's fish was great.  For some reason hot coffee in the morning does not keep me awake.  I get really sleepy at the aroma or even drinking hot coffee.  BUT if I buy Iced Coffee, I'm wired until the next day. 

The topics were pretty much similar to what is taught during the OSHA numbered courses.  USACE EM 385-1-1 is stringent in some places.  Still there was a lot of new topics that I didn't attend before and new information on topics that I do know.  All in all the training was fun, productive, and I learned. 

The test though was open book.  Samoan Joe, one of the trainers, during his own trainings outside of the EM 385, tells us that, Open book is not a test.  That's homework.  Yes, He is correct.  So I practiced taking the test online.  They have a sample test at the NAVFAC website under Construction.  In fact there are two tests on the site.  Those of us who knew of the online sample test had an advantage.  We knew the questions.  The hard part even though it was open book, was finding the citations.  We had to prove our answers to the letter of the citation.  I'm glad that I took the time to challenge the sample tests online and using my laptop to find the citations.  That took some getting used to at night.  During the test, that extra time to do some time-alone research paid off. 

In the end, I missed 4 questions.  I missed one question totally by not answering it.  I really thought I did answer all the questions.  On two questions, I forgot to cite the whole citation leaving out a sub-paragraph letter.  On another question, I cited to far, adding the sub-paragraph.  It's okay...I PASSED! 

Rhoda's Oath Taking Ceremony and Birthday.

More great news for the family, Rhoda took her Oath taking for her licensing as a Registered Nurse, on the 22nd.  This event was a long time coming for us.  I am so proud of Rhoda for finishing and accomplishing her goal.  This is another bridge we have crossed.  Only one more, the NCLEX, then she'll be coming over here with the kids.

Rhoda also celebrated her birthday with the kids and family there in Cagayan De Oro (CDO).  Again, I was not there to celebrate with her.  But, I will make it up in the future.  I wonder if the celebration was more for our kids, Rhoda, or both.  The kids enjoyed the spaghetti and ice cream for their mommy's birthday. 

Frenz's Healing.

Frenz had some bad sores from Impetigo, a really bad skin disease in that region.  It's especially bad for children.  He is healed from that nasty bug.  I'm thankful for those who helped us out and for their prayers. 

Larraine's Honors.

Larraine is on the Honor Roll for her class.  Another great achievement for my neni girl.  I'm so proud of her.  She has great study habits.  This she earned on her own.  She doesn't realize it, but I'll be getting the cellphone she wants.  But, I"m not telling her when I'll give it to her yet.  It's a surprise. 

All these classes, teaching, and ranch work is taking its toll on me physically and mentally. Getting Sunday morning fevers. By noon, I'm okay. Promised myself, I'm gonna take a much needed R&R after my last class.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My First Day Teaching Basic Safety

Well, I did it.  I survived my first day in the classroom.  It went pretty well.  A lot better than I expected it too.  I admit, I was nervous this morning after I had woken up.  I left the house a lot earlier than I should have.  It was a hour and a half before class started as I was approaching the GCA Trades Academy's Barrigada Campus.  I drove past the building and went into Happy Mart down the road.  Bought some breakfast, returned to the building, and started setting up the classroom. 

Let me tell you.  When I opened up the front doors to the building, and turned on the light.  Four figures on the 2nd floor scared the daylights out of me, after I had turned away from the light switch and looked up to the 2nd floor landing.  My survival training kicked into high gear.  I was quick enough to stage my knife and move to the ready.   I realized those figures were nothing more than the life sized poster mannequins wearing PPE and carry tools, that used to be at GCA's conference room, at the main office.  After, my assessment, I calmly returned my knife to it's sheath.  I am so glad that I didn't bring my gun with me.  There would have been four dead poster mannequins...still smiling, but full of .40 caliber holes.  I had to sit down and calm myself for a couple of minutes.  I thought I had walked into an ongoing burglary. 

I really need to congratulate Bert, our Education Director, on his brilliant plan on relocating the mannequins from the conference room to the Trade's building.  Yeah, they do look nice up there. 

Anyway, back to the classroom.  After moving my gear to the classroom.  I then tried to set up the room to make it comfortable.  The AC was nice and strong.  But really cold.  Should have worn my long sleeves.  The classroom that I was using is on the 2nd floor, next to those life size posters.  I rearranged some of the tables, set up my laptop and books, and ate my breakfast. 

After I had set up my classroom, I went downstairs to warm up outside.  The building got cold really fast.  In the parking lot, I met Samoan Joe, one of my Safety Instructors.  He was glad to see me.  He asked me if I was teaching and what was my topic.  I mentioned that I was teaching Basic Safety.  His advice that morning to me is to walk them through the subject and everything will be fine.  Samoan Joe is one of the top safeties on island.  He's currently the Safety Compliance and Training Director at Black Construction.  Joe was on the schedule to teach Field Safety today.  I'll be seeing him at the NAVFAC 40 training next week. 

While waiting for my students to arrive in the classroom.  Frank was one of my first students to walk in.  We were classmates in two Core Classes, when I was taking core curricula.  He was surprised to see me and to know that I was his instructor.  That was funny.  As students from other classes arrived, word spread that I was in Classroom 3 teaching.  A lot of my former classmates came up to wish me luck.  Even another Safety Instructor Cris, came up and gave me a wave.  Cris was my instructor for Field Safety, just weeks ago. 

Frank asked me if he can test out.  Of course, I agreed.  At the Trades Academy, we give pre-tests for each course.  This allows the students who know the subject to test out.  For those who don't pass it, the instructors use the pretest to assess the needs of the students and it helps guide us in the direction the class needs to move forward.  Frank was the only student out of 7 that passed the Pre-test and performance test.  The other students will be with me for the duration of the course.  But, the Learning Still Continues. 

Once, I started the class.  The seasoned trainer in me took over.  The students asked questions which I answered.  The discussion was lively.  It was fun.  Two students: Candy and Aaron, know the subject really well.  But didn't pass the pre-test because they changed their answer to a couple of their questions. If they had left those answers alone.  They would have tested out. 

During the introductions, I surveyed my students.  Not one of them is going into the Safety Field, even though there are a lot more job openings.  That's okay.  Two of them are going into HR.  One student who just started the Core this year, and this is his third module, has not decided what field is going into.  Yet another student is leaning towards electrical. 

Class went fast.  A lot faster than I had expected.  I was still wired from being in the classroom.  I didn't even drink iced coffee this morning when I arrived at the building.  I had lunch with some of my former classmates in the warehouse.  We had a good talk about being safeties in our new career fields.  3 of them are taking my suggestions to finish up fast. 

Before leaving, I met up with another instructor of mine. Tony teaches Basic Rigging and HVAC at the Trades Academy.   He was the first instructor of mine to suggest that I change careers and move into the Safety Field.  He was laughing hard when I told him that I was teaching that morning.  He called his current students over and introduced me to them..and suggested the same thing to them.  What he had suggested to me 4 months ago-go to safety. 

After getting home this afternoon, I went straight to bed and crashed out.  I was exhausted. 


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Returned from ISOM class. Scored really well. I passed the mid-term. :)

Just once, I would like things to go smoothly with no hiccups or bumps along the way. Is that asking for to much?

I'm Sorry. I Have my own Charities of Choice to Give.

Yesterday, while doing some errands.  An acquaintance and I started talking about the Tsunami that hit Japan last Friday.  The conversation turned to giving.  He asked if I gave or was giving to help those in need over there in Japan.  I bluntly answered, "No".  He was surprised.  He's a Christian attending another church on the island.  He knows I'm a Christian.  We had talked about our Faith during our trainings, a couple of times.  But, yet he was surprised. 

He started to ask deeper probing questions on why I didn't want to help the victims in Japan.  So I told him, "I'm sorry.  I have my own charities of choice to give".  I guess that didn't satisfy his curiosity. 

This is what I've told him:

"I'm happy for those who decided to help.  I am glad that they have stepped up to the plate.  However, I've been doing this for years.  Before I became a Christian.  I was giving to charity.  I donated blood up until the Gulf War.  After that I was not allowed to because of certain things that prohibit me from donating blood.  This event in Japan is not my calling.  If you or anyone wants to help, then do so.  

I am not one of those people who wait for a disaster to happen, then decides to help.  I've been helping, donating, training, and coordinating non-profit groups before any disaster happens."

I hope that clarified my position.  I shouldn't have to explain myself to anyone.  But I needed to defend those charities that I already help out.   


Monday, March 14, 2011

Daddy & Son Chat...

It's fun chatting with my children.  They are so special to me.  Recently, I've been chatting with Frenz.  Tonight was a long one.  I'm making up conversation with him.  No, I don't know babyish.  I tried Google Translator.  It didn't work.

Frenz eyes open wide and he smiles a lot when he sees my replies on the monitor.  He likes showing me his stomach.  I am the only one he does that to, according to Rhoda.  He likes to see me on cam.  He gets really excited when he knows his mommy will be chatting with me.  He tries to get inside the room so he can chat too. 

Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:48:46 PM): HI FRENFREN
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:49:33 PM): v b jvjb nn
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:49:38 PM): HI MY BOY1
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:49:45 PM): nbbnbn b nbbbbbbbbbbbbnbnnnnnnnnnnnnbnbnb
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:49:52 PM): nnnnbnnbnbnbbbbbbbn
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:49:55 PM): WOW
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:49:58 PM): bbbbbbbnnnnnnbbbbnnbbnbn
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:50:01 PM): YOU ATE ICE KEKI
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:50:06 PM): nf nb bvb rr
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:50:12 PM): bbbbbb 7676h.i
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:50:13 PM): DID YOU SHARE?
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:50:17 PM): 7,hi76ytiy6iyii
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:50:20 PM): YES.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:50:22 PM): dftkkkkk
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:50:23 PM): OKAY.
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:50:25 PM): THAT'S GOOD.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:50:26 PM): 8u
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:50:33 PM): ru rtjtjtruj5
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:50:41 PM): DID YOU EAT DINNER?
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:50:41 PM): err4r55ttggtg
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:50:46 PM): LOL

Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:50:53 PM): mmmmmmmmmmhk fubj n xds
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:50:57 PM): fnunds
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:51:03 PM): FRIENDS.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:51:06 PM): b gbhnbghngb
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:51:11 PM): gbhjghjgujh
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:51:16 PM): YOU LIKE TO CHAT WITH DADDY, HUH.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:51:18 PM): funds 8kggg7

Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:51:22 PM): t7t 8 t87t77v
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:51:25 PM): ttttttttttttttttttttt
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:51:30 PM): ttttttttttttiiu7iiuigvi
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:51:32 PM): WOWOWEE.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:51:36 PM): ti
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:51:37 PM): i
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:51:42 PM): isavs
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:51:44 PM): DID YOU HUG YOUR SISTER?
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:51:45 PM): sag
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:51:48 PM): te
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:51:54 PM): YEAH.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:51:56 PM): ate tb a k
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:51:56 PM): OKAY
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:52:03 PM): jku5rttggg
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:52:04 PM): l

Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:52:15 PM):
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:52:22 PM): ,b
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:52:26 PM): bb,g,g,g
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:52:29 PM): WHAT DID YOU EAT?
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:52:33 PM): GULAY?
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:52:45 PM): HI MY NENI GIRL!
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:52:58 PM): g,larraine will show her burns
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:53:01 PM): OK
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:53:11 PM): AIII. PANGIT...THAT ONE.
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:53:21 PM): i SPANK THAT TO HEAL IT.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:53:27 PM): jf m,ui mtgmim,u,
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:53:29 PM): guy,uygmg ,
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:53:33 PM): LOL...HAFA BOY.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:53:35 PM): uguggu,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ty er.7 bv7g
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:53:40 PM): v.76u,uggguv7u7777
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:53:46 PM): u77
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:53:50 PM): ABLA ENGLISH?
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:53:55 PM): REALLY.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:54:07 PM): .g h/go/jok
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:54:14 PM): YOU LIKE TYPIING HUH.
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:54:28 PM): WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:54:53 PM): HE KEEPS SAYING DADDY WHILE TYPING
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:54:58 PM): LOL...

Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:55:30 PM): nbnkjbhx


Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:56:20 PM): yeah lol
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:56:23 PM): crazy boy
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:56:31 PM): kaduka that boy.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:56:31 PM): he was able to type jok
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:56:36 PM): yeah.
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:56:47 PM): He gets excite when he knows it's me.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:56:54 PM): crazy your kids are
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:56:54 PM): especially with the webcam.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:56:56 PM): yeah
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:56:57 PM): yeah
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:57:04 PM): even when he was outside knocking the door
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:57:06 PM): he is shouting
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:57:07 PM): daddy!
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:57:09 PM): aiii.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:57:15 PM): when he gets in he hurries

Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:57:18 PM): like when he came in
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:57:27 PM): he almost fell out of bed coz of hurrying
Lorenzo (3/13/2011 9:57:30 PM): he knows you're talking with me.
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:57:34 PM): crazy
Rhoda Taitano (3/13/2011 9:57:37 PM): yeah


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Marianas Grazing and Livestock Academy: Workshop 3.

Been occupied with lots of classes, this week.  Today and Yesterday was the 3rd workshop for the Marianas Grazing and Livestock Academy.  We covered topics on Ranch Management Planning, Meat Goats, and Pastured Poultry.  Really good topics for the ranchers on island. 

Learned  a lot again for this field of interest, even though...I know a lot about Meat Goats and Pastured Poultry.   I've been doing the Ranch Management Planning.  That was taught during the Organic Workshops. 

I was able to talk with Bob in regards to the Organic Inspector Grades/Certificates.  Seems there is a procurement issue with the university.  That issue is holding back our grads from the IOIA.  I'll just have to wait a little longer on that.

I've been working on the articles and bylaws for the Guahan Livestock Association.  That's another post in itself. 


Watching my boy sleep via cam. :)

WHAT IF, the Tusnami Actually Hit and Destroyed our Port on Guam?

What if?  Have any of you actually thought of that?  Yesterday, our island was placed on Tsunami Warning after Japan was hit by a big one, following an 8.9 earthquake.  The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center via the media predicted that Guam will be hit by a Tsunami at 7:09 pm. 

Like many on the island, I waited.  Many of us cracked jokes on facebook, as a way to relieve tension.  Yet, we waited.  Many people in the lower areas, actually waited until the last couple of minutes to evacuate.  Cars on Chalan San Vitores in Lower Tumon was a parking lot.  I would have just parked my car and started walking up to Upper Tumon.  Just Saying...  Some people were actually on the beach along Tumon Bay taking pictures or waiting to see the Tsunami.  My sister, Marissa, sent a message on her page on facebook, telling us that their now leaving Hagatna at 7 pm.   I think that was cutting it close.

Let's imagine what if, for a moment. 

What if, the Tsunami actually hit our island last night and devastated the low lying areas.  I'm not talking about a ripple that hit Hawaii this morning.  But a full fledged Tsunami towering in at 7 meters.  Everything from Pati Point to Malesso would have been wiped out.  Hotels would be seriously damaged.  All those people taking pictures along the shorelines would be missing.  As well as the drivers stuck in traffic on Chalan San Vitores.  Our only port would probably have extensive damages.  We would be without power and sewage utilities.  Since they are located along western shorelines. 

What about our phone lines.  AT&T under sea lines are at Tanguisson beach.  Their just up the road from the beach.  Would they be safe and survive the impact?  Our fuel tanks would have been extensively damaged. 

With all those damages.  What happens to us on this island.  We'd have no power.  No water, since our water pumps run on electricity and fuel.  We will have a major issue with raw sewage.  Meaning we would be without fuel for our vehicles in a matter of days.  Food at all the grocery stores will be wiped out.  Shelves will be bare in days. 

Will you be able to survive? 

A lot of people say that Guamanians are resilient.  We've been through so many natural disasters and come back fighting.  But with this scenario of What If...Will you and your family make it? 

I know a group of people that will.  I know I'm part of that group.  We'd move forward even with limitations.  We, like the rest, of the island, will be inconvenienced for awhile.  Having no gas to get around, or, limiting our travel to high priority events.   This special group of people have something in common.  They're a special group of people that enjoy living this lifestyle. 

They are agrarians; Our local farmers. ranchers, hunters, and fishermen.  

Something for y'all to think about. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Passed the OSHA 510 Construction Standards Course. Perfect Score!

The last couple of days participating in the OSHA 510 Construction Standards class was fun.  I learned a lot again from Terry, our instructor.  Terry is a retired OSHA compliance officer.  He currently owns business and enjoys teaching new safety officers in the Safety Industry. 

The class is a recurring training reunion for many of us.  John, Sbal, Cathy, Donald, Peter, and myself represented Guam Transportation Training Program.  Ralf is also from GTTP, joined us this week for the training.  This was his first OSHA numbered class.  And, Ray from G4S Security.  Who is also a returnee.  There were others who I've met for the first time like, Leonard from Watts Construction.  Ricky from Department of Public Works, but also owns his own lawn service company.  Steve from Guam Rebar.  A diverse group of Safety Officers taking the OSHA 510 Construction Standards Course. 

This week's training course was really fun.  Peter and Donald always livened up the group.  I think that's why most of the presentations take long.  But it's okay.  It made the time go faster.  The jokes and stories were a great ice breaker and/or spontaneous distraction.  Terry, always had control of the class and handled the two jokesters with ease. 

But, it wasn't always jokes and stories.  We had serious discussions regarding safety issues with our companies or former companies for some of us.  I learned again, that what I thought was safe, was not safe at all.  One example is the PVC cement that we use to bind PVC pipes together.  Those things are toxic.  Yet, we take it for granted that it's safe.  I learned during the course, that PVC Cement and copper don't mix.  The reaction was toxic foaming and fumes.  But at my former company, I was told that the reaction was normal and safe.  And here we are leaning over that stuff, watching it foam, and smelling the toxic fumes. 

All in all it was a fun filled class with lots of student participation and learning.  The GTTP group will be taking PPE Workshop next Friday and EM 385-1-1 Training on the 21st of the month.  We're also locked in for the OSHA 500 Trainer Course for 510, next month.

This evening I'll be teaching the first module for Abundant Life's Church's Reaching Out TV ministry.  I'll be using a power point presentation.  It'll be fun tonight. 

Tomorrow, I'll be in class again.  This time at the University of Guam, College of Applied and Natural Sciences going through the Grazing and Livestock Seminar. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sheri's Fudge Brownies (Gluten Free or Gluten Full)

A Gluten Free recipe from Sheri at Polyface Farms that she posted on their blog. I read it and decided to try it out. I'll let you know how it tastes.

From "The Hen House" Blog, by Sheri:

These brownies have become my signature dessert. My family calls them "Sheri's fudge brownies" even though the original recipe is not mine.
When my son and I got off of all gluten about a year ago, I began converting my favorite recipes to gluten free.
I'm still a novice at converting, but this one turned out quite nicely. All of my gluten free notes are in parenthesis.

If you make them, I would love to hear how they turned out for you.

Yes, I know that they aren't exactly good for you, but hey, it's chocolate! They are dessert, not the main meal. (wink, wink)

1/2 cup butter -real butter, not margarine
2 cup chocolate chips -set aside 1 cup for top
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/3 cups flour (Bob's Red Mill All Purpose Gluten-free Flour)
1/2 tsp baking powder (+ 1/2 tsp xantham gum, I use both for gluten free)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp. vanilla
4 eggs - Polyface eggs, of course! (Note:For those of us who don't have access to Polyface eggs...try farm fresh organic eggs).


Turn oven to 350

Melt in saucepan:
1/2 cup butter -real butter, not margarine
2 cup chocolate chips -set aside 1 cup for top

Add to the above and mix well:
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/3 cups flour (Bob's Red Mill All Purpose Gluten-free Flour)
1/2 tsp baking powder (+ 1/2 tsp xantham gum, I use both for gluten free)
1 tsp salt

Then add:
1 tsp. vanilla
4 eggs - Polyface eggs, of course!
Beat the eggs in one at a time, mixing just until blended after each addition. I like to use a wooden spoon.

Pour into greased 9x13 pan --glass is my favorite-- and sprinkle the 1 cup of set aside chocolate chips on the top.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Took a power nap this afternoon after class. I wanted to be fresh and ready for bible study. Shoot, I woke up fresh and recharged. Looking at the clock, it said, 8:30pm. Leche! slept 4 hours instead of 30 minutes.

Monday, March 7, 2011

OSHA 510 Class, Day 1.

Here in GCA's conference room during lunch.  I already had a bite to eat.  Not really hungry.  Been drinking lots of coffee to stave off the "Z" monster.  Most of what I've learned today is similar to what was taught during OSHA 511 General Industry.  But more specific to the Construction Industry. 

Received a new book on the Construction Standards.  This the 2010 2nd Edition.  We didn't get the Supervisor's Guide.  Thought we would get that too.  Since we were able to get one copy for the General Industry side during the 511 training.  I'll have to invest $50 to get one. 

I've already chosen my topic to teach for the OSHA 500 course next month.  I'll be doing Power tools.  I did "Electrical Safety" last time during the 501 course.  I want to change it up.  My instructor is a Master Electrician.  So it was sort of intimidating to teach that topic last time.  I know I'll do good when the 500 comes around.  I'm ready for it.

First things first though.  I have to get through this 510 course. 

Okay, gotta go.  One of the guys, Sbal, brought some lumpia in.  gonna get a bite. 


Friday, March 4, 2011

Electrical Assessment

I almost forgot that I'm on the list to take the Electrical Assessment at the GCA Trades Academy.  It's one way of getting my credentials as a Journeyman instead of going back to the beginning and starting all over. 

The assessment program tests our performance and written knowledge.  We get a certificate for both areas, should we pass.  But if we complete and pass both the performance and written test.  The candidate get a certificate plus to acknowledge that he passed both areas of the assessment program. 

I'm looking forward to it.  The Electrical Field will always be my background, even though I am switching career fields to Safety Officer.  Being an electrician is my fall back, a plan B.  I just want to finish something that I've started since 1984 and have not the opportunity to complete for one reason or another.  It really sucks trying to apply for a job as an electrician and getting the pay of a labor/helper because I don't have the credentials to back me up.  Yet, I know more than some credentialed electricians that I've worked for. 

Another grant will be paying for this assessment.  Certainly a blessing. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's Legit! "MATUA Consultants" is back in Business.

What's in a Name?

Yesterday, I went down to the Department of Revenue and Taxation to register my companies names:  Matua International, Matua Safety, and Matua Ranch.  Only to find out that I will not be able to because someone already incorporated a company called, Matua Corporation INC, back in 2004.  I asked the clerk how is that possible since my very first company is called Matua Consultants, and it's still recorded since 1996.  That should have held my preferred name in reserve for a long time.  Another company should not have been able to register any name using Matua, without my consent.  But I'm dealing with the Government of Guam. 

I didn't want to argue with the clerk.  So we brainstormed for a couple of minutes on how I can get around that issue.  One solution is to put another word in front of "Matua" to show a substantial difference between the two corporations.  Another option is to find new names for the companies I want to get started. 

Anyway, I spent the afternoon brainstorming on new names.  I did some slight modifications and total changes to the three names above.  I won't list them here until after I get them registered,   Proprietary reasons.  It's not easy coming up with good positive names for companies. 

I'll register the names tomorrow.  I need to turn in my business license to the Trades Academy this week, to start teaching this month.