Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ranch Log: Kids goes to study, clearing up more land area.

The guinea's got me up at around 0430.  I got up and glanced outside my window to see if there was anything to see.  The fresh cool morning air smelled really good.  I didn't see a thing and the dogs weren't barking.  It must be the wild pig drove somewhere in the ranch on a rooting raid.  I crawled back into my bunk and knocked out again.

At 0900, I went to do my ranch morning checks.  The rabbits were fine.  The 2 day old kits are moving around quite a bit in their nest.  There is 4 black skinned kits and 1 pink skinned.  Their hair is starting to come out.  Duchess was going around rounding up the free range chickens.  Ranger, Scout, and Goldie were busy barking, acknowledging my presence.  I went to check on the goat herd.  They're all fine.  I found the two kids browsing, so I gathered them by their leads and walked them back to the nursery pen.  After I secured them in the pen, I checked to make sure they had fresh water. 

I went inside to eat breakfast.  I had a cup of hot chocolate with scrambled eggs, which I made into an egg salad with Jufran (banana sauce) and mustard, and put in a slice of wheat bread.   That was breakfast. 

At 1030, Dr. Manny came in, while I was picking the ripe cherry tomatoes from my bushes.  Lito came out of the passenger side of the truck and was surprised to see me.  Lito is a good friend.  He is the manager for the UOG/Department of Agriculture Breeding Station.  I showed them around the ranch.  Lito and I enjoy  talking to each other about farming techniques.  At the goat herd, Dr. Manny noticed that one of my does was pregnant.  I didn't even know that.  Surprise...surprise.  I paid more focus on the lactating does with kids than this doe and the buck.  I'm glad she is pregnant, means more additions to the ranch later.  On the way back to the nursery pen, I got Hercules and Alinnah out and placed them in Lito's kennel.  They'll be staying at the breeding station for the duration of this processed local feed study.  I'll be stopping by there weekly to check up on them and to see their progress. 

During lunch, I was able to talk to my beautiful but very pissed off wife.  No, I didn't piss her off.  I know better.  The examination instructor who graded her on a practical exam pissed her off.  He gave Rhoda a low score on her practical exam even though she did the procedure correctly and answered his questions correctly.  I know Rhoda to well...She does things correctly.  She's also an aide to her class Instructors.  So I know she knows her nursing procedures inside and out.  I don't know if this "instructor" had it in for Rhoda.  But, I was able to calm her down...I think...and talked her into moving on and to focus on the other exams.  That went well I hope.  

This afternoon at 1400, since the weather was really nice, and strong cool breeze sweeping over the ranch.  I decided to go cut more trees.  I finished off the area where I was expanding to plant more banana trees.  The same area the wild pigs decimated the earlier banana saplings that I planted there a couple of months ago.  This time, I'm closing off the access between the hedgerow and the berm.  I'll pile up more felled trunks and limbs into the gap to close it off. 

During my break, I fed my free range chickens and guinea fowl.  Mom harvested the fresh eggs from two nests that she found on the ranch.  I guess it was over a dozen for ranch fresh eggs for the table.  A lot better than the store bought eggs.  I brought a bucket of water over to the goats and went and drank some water myself.  No, not from the same bucket, from the hose.  It was nice and hot outside.  Then I sat underneath the shade of my ranch shed cooling off in the breeze.  It was great to be watching the animals. 

At 1600, I continued cutting down more trees until close to sunset.  The herd will be eating well for the next couple of days.  I was able to get most of the trees in the center.  Tomorrow I only have a handful to cut towards the berm.  Once the felled trunks and limbs dry out in a week or two.  I'll trim them down and then stack them on the hedgerows. 

I fed the ranch pack before I got my tools ready for storage.  It was a great day, a lot accomplished and completed.

God Bless Y'all
Keep Smiling

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