Saturday, March 6, 2010

Rainy Day Workday.

It's evening here.  Nice cool breeze going through the house.  It was a nice day even with the numerous rain showers.  This El Nino weather is weird. But rain is good for the ranch.

This morning, I had a hot mug of lemon Vita Plus Lite.  One of many herbal drinks I take during the course of the day.  There was a pot of Arizcaldo on the stove.  That was a good change for breakfast. I added some fresh lemon from my tree to give it that nice tangy kick.  It was really good.  Had two bowls of it. 

Duchess was waiting for me on the back porch.  I gave her the chicken bones from the arizcaldo.  After she was done, we went to the ranch and did our morning rounds. 

I took the does with kids out of the nursery pen and pastured them on the rise by the front of the house.  I want to get the area cleared of brush and put up a garden there.  After I was done moving the first group of goats to the rise.  I readjusted the other 3 goats on the border with the Cruz house.  Iris was moved to the rise with the first group.  Lighting doesn't look to well.  I checked his droppings.  He doesn't have scours, yet.  And he's not anemic...So I'll just keep an eye on him.  His hide is getting darker.  It looks like he's shedding his coat.  I may have to give him a dewormer shot tomorrow.  I'll see how he's doing first thing tomorrow at first light.  Princess is doing okay next to him.  I want her to finish cleaning the underbrush.  That way I can clean up that area of the border.  I'll rotate them out tomorrow. 

Noon today, I started finishing up my cleaning project at the front yard.  I raked up some trimmings and hauled it to the compost.  The other stuff I took the the fire pit.  I put my mom's bonsai mango towards the rocks to give it more sun.  I'm going to get that bonsai to bear fruits next year.  The mango tree at the front yard is flowering.  I'm glad.  I'll have more mangoes to eat this season.  The rest I'll sell. 

My plan is to terrace the front yard.  It's on a downward slope from the road.  So terracing should help control the erosion and flooding during the rainy season.  I am considering using the palm tree logs that we had cut two years ago.  Another day or two, I'll be done with the front yard. 

The right side of the house, the bedroom side, I plan to put my new garden there.  I'll use the planters along the wall for my lettuce.  I going to put some raised garden beds for the eggplants and other types of tomatoes.  I already have potential buyers for cucumbers.  I haven't even planted them yet.  I figured that if I plant closer to the house, the wild pigs will stay on the ranch side.  Also, I will put up a fence to separate the house/plant nursery area from the ranch.  I'm tired of planting crops, just to feed the wild pigs.  I'm taking some of the taro that the pigs rooted up and transplanting them to the berm on the Eastern side of the ranch.  The berm will become a feeding lot for the pigs later this year. 

My Cherry Tomatoes are doing great along the driveway.  Their nice and bushy, and the fruits are sweet and juicy.  I'll be planting some Cherry Tomatoes in hanging pots later in the next couple of weeks.  I'll place them on the poles, along the canopy frame. My plants are doing great, look healthy.  The only fertilizer that I am using is rabbit and goat manure.  My pineapple is growing well in the pot.  The other pineapple crown just started rooting.  I'll transplant that into a pot on Monday. 

The mango tree in the backyard is flowering really nice.  We'll have lots of mangoes from that tree.  It's similar to what we call the local mango.  You can eat it green or ripe.  I took an old chicken round pen and used it to compost the leaves by the mango tree.  Before we just piled it at the base of the trunk.  Now, it looks a lot better and organized.  I'm slowly reorganizing the backyard.  Once I cut down that typhoon damaged star apple tree.  I'll get that place cleaned up once and for all.  I do plan to get rid of that container that I'm using for storage.  That will go to the clan property at the end of the road as a pig or goat shelter.  When I move some of the livestock over there. 

Work is never done on a ranch.

Keep Smiling

Pics coming soon. 

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